It's been several months now since this story broke:


Mar. 23, 2013
by Madeleine Morgenstern

The mother of a 13-month-old boy shot dead in his stroller said she thought the gun being pointed at her was fake.

Sherry West of Brunswick, Ga. recounted the horrifying chain of events that took place Thursday morning when she was pushing Antonio Santiago in his stroller after running an errand. That’s when she said a teenager and a younger boy approached her and demanded money.

“I thought the gun was fake. I didn’t think the gun was real,” West told CNN in an interview punctuated by sobs. “A boy approached me and told me he wanted my money and I told him I didn’t have any money and he said ‘give me your money or I’m gonna kill you and I’m going to shoot your baby.’”

West was shot in the ear, the bullet just grazing her skin, and in the leg above her knee.

“I thought it was a BB gun. It was a small gun, and then all of a sudden he walked over and he shot my baby right in the face,” West said. “He must have died instantly because I screamed for help and a neighbor to call the police, and he ran off — he got scared that I screamed.”

West said she quickly wheeled the stroller away and took the baby out of his harness.

“I tried to perform CPR, I saw his lungs inflating but he was not breathing and there was no pulse,” she said. “By the time the EMTs got there the police, they tried to do CPR also, and we — we lost him.”

De’Marquise Elkins, 17, was arrested and charged as an adult with first-degree murder. Police also arrested a 14-year-old, who has not been identified because he is a minor.

Elkins’ older sister said her brother was not in the area on Thursday and could not have been involved in the shooting.

“My brother wasn’t anywhere near that area as far as we know – not the scene or the shooting,” she told the Associated Press Saturday.

“He couldn’t have done that to a little baby,” she added. “My brother has a good heart.”

  • This Friday, March 22, 2013 photo provided by the Glynn County Detention Center shows De’Marquise Elkins, 17, one of two teenagers arrested Friday and accused of fatally shooting a 13-month-old baby in the face and wounding his mother during their morning stroll in Brunswick, Ga.. (AP)

West was shown Elkins’ jail mug shot and said she’s sure he’s the one who pulled the trigger.

“That’s definitely him,” she said. “He killed my baby, and he shot me, too.”

Oh yes, such a nice kid!
Other reports show his family knew exactly what he did, and helped him conceal the gun and create a fake alibi.

Five months later, still waiting for the media to comment on the obvious racial angle and rage that made this sack of human excrement shoot a 13-month-old white baby in the face.
Still waiting for the outrage from Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, the NAACP, and Congressional black Caucus.

Still waiting for President Obama to comment on how brutal and senseless this crime is, that black men while about 3% of the nation's population, commit 42% of the nation's crime. That 90% of black murders are black-on-black, and that racially motivated black-on-white crimes occur at a ratio of 50-to-1 of the reverse, and that this murder is a case example of a huge problem in America.

That'll happen, oh... never.

But it sure as hell should.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.