Originally Posted By: Pariah
So, apparently, you just chose to overlook my words of wisdom.

Simone's one of the most overrated writers ever conceived. The only reason she got any positive attention is because she's a younger female writer who simply chose not to rock the boat as much as Grayson did.

But the reality is that they weren't that different from each other. Grayson was just more open about the fact that she was using the character she was charged with to push a personal agenda. Simone did the same, but no one spoke up about it since rearranging Barbara's character wasn't as severe as turning Dick into a glitter boy.

Fuck you Dave. I'm fucking tired of your shit! You should go take a dirt nap just like the Aussie Labor Party!

Yeah I was thinking you'd chime in. On this one, I agree.

One other thing: some random people of Gotham are shown hauling up a crime lord suspended on a line from a bridge. This apparently is because it is in Gotham's spirit. WTF? When have Gothamites ever been anything other than suckers or punks?

Pimping my site, again.
