New Holland. Bloody silly Dutch. They kept crashing their ships here.
Submitting a story to:
a. Smith Journal. Some time ago I wrote an article for about "Six Smells You'd Never Belief Are Trademarked" but the editors (MXY!) never published it. So I've re-vamped it and its going off to to this quirky publication - [wherever], a new magazine about travel literature. I wrote a story years ago about Australia's south-west and how it should have been a French terriroty, and now with all the wine could easily be mistake for western France. So that's getting polished up too and off it goes.
Will report back on my success or failure.
Well, neither of these went anywhere, which probably demonstrates that the first thing you should do, is something.
My wife likes Game of Thrones so mostly for her entertainment I'm writing a sword and sorcery epic at night before I go to sleep. She likes it, but then,. she likes Twilight so who knows how good it is.
I am a member of the committee of the peak writers association here in Western Australia. There is a local writer who kept complaining to his wife that he had a novel bottled up in him. She finally turned to him and said, "Have a year off to write it, and it better be good". So, he wrote some chapters, and sent them to short story contests. He wons some prizes. He used those as leverage to get a publishing deal for the novel. Smart strategy.