Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
So Reagan still raped her according to Selene's own account.

I was fighting him. I didn't want him to make love to me. He's a very big man, and he just had his way.
Date rape? No, God, no, that's [Kelley's] phrase. I didn't have a chance
to have a date with him.

Plus Reagan never denied it happened.

1) An aspiring movie star in the early 1950's, Selene Walters gave her phone number to the then-president of the Screen Actors Guild, for the stated intent of pursuing a relationship with Ronald Reagan to advance her career.

2) By her own account, Reagan did not force his way into her apartment, but was invited in, at 3 AM. She invited him in at 3 AM, and could not possibly have been naïve about his intentions being there so late. She consented to advance her career.

3) She said that she would have preferred not to have sex, but ultimately did not say he raped her. And again, ultimately consented, to advance her career.

4) In the years afterward, she said she harbored no hard feelings, and even voted for Reagan! That does not sound the slightest bit like a traumatized rape victim. It sounds from her own account like a bit of quid (or quim!) pro quo.

5) Reagan didn't want to discuss it for obvious reasons. While not rape, it was promiscuous and sleazy in a Hollywood casting-couch sort of way. Over 40 years later, as a man who had switched from being a then Democrat to a now iconic Republican conservative, the facts are what they are, and beyond that Reagan for obvious reasons did not want to publicize them or prolong their public exposure by adding to what was known.

I'd still call that a rape. He could have offered to sleep on the couch.

Well, there you go. I didn't know about that. Different day and age, perhaps.

Pimping my site, again.
