by Noel Sheppard
November 1, 2013

Just when you thought you've seen everything, along comes what's called a "Healthy Ho's Party."

As reported by CNN Money, this is what a "sex worker" in San Francisco called her effort to register others in her "profession" in ObamaCare.

[ 3-minute CNN video of the party ]

Organized by "Siouxsie Q," a Bay Area sex worker, the event was meant to encourage other sex workers to enroll in the new insurance exchanges. It was a rousing success: Nearly 40 men and women attended and almost all of them filed enrollment paperwork.

In the all-cash, off-the-books sex industry, workers can be particularly high risk and insurance is often out of reach. Many sex workers -- a broad term that can refer to a number of services, including sexual massage, prostitution, and escort and dominatrix work -- consider themselves self-employed entrepreneurs who can't afford to purchase healthcare. But that could all change with the Affordable Care Act.

Volunteers from Siouxsie's weekly podcast, The WhoreCast, staffed the event. "Jolene," another sex worker who had already enrolled through the California exchange, was also on hand to talk users through the process. A key detail for the crowd: Enrollment doesn't require users to report their employment.

Before you just chuckle at the absurdity, consider that these folks are going to be getting subsidies for their policies because of their income:

Individuals making less than $46,000 are eligible for a tax credit to offset their monthly costs. Many of the sex workers at the event file W-2s for their legal work, whether it be a part-time job or sex work that falls within the law. Sex workers interviewed by CNNMoney estimated this income to be less than $45,000 a year.

One of the sex workers interviewed said she'd be receiving a credit of $211 a month.

So healthy young people beyond subsidizing unhealthy older people will also be helping to get prostitutes cheap health insurance.

Is that what Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) meant when she said we'd have to enact ObamaCare to find out what's in it?


Noel Sheppard is the Associate Editor of NewsBusters.

This just again manifests what Obamacare --and more broadly,liberalism as a whole!-- has done for the last 50 years. It subsidizes and encourages bad behavior (in this case, prostitution and high-risk sexual behavior), guaranteeing there will be more of it, by encouraging and not deterring the behavior.

Likewise single mothers, and children born out of wedlock.
Likewise food stamp, Medicaid and other welfare abuse.
Likewise FEMA and other federal programs, that subsidize rebuilding of beachfront properties when disasters occur, and actually punishes people who prepare and are self-reliant in these storms, giving all kinds of free stuff to those who DIDN'T prepare.
This type of liberal policy with Fannie/Freddie and other housing and financial institutions is what set us up for the 2008 collapse, and is currently setting us up for an even greater collapse.

I fully believe this is Obama's intent, basic Cloward and Piven strategy: To overwhelm the system with debt and deliberately bring about a financial collapse (that he'll later blame on others, like every previous disaster he has supervised). And amidst the orchestrated crisis, he'll roll in the tanks and establish a redistribution of power amidst the chaos that preoccupies the news. The system is already in danger WITHOUT Obamacare. I believe Obamacare is the final weight that can prematurely collapse what has already been building for many years.