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Wonder Boy #1204845 2013-10-29 9:34 PM
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Painting by Fabian Perez.

Sexy Jungle Woman, by Don Monroe

Now that's art!

Wonder Boy #1204848 2013-10-29 10:47 PM
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Wonder Boy #1205217 2013-11-08 2:08 PM
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re-creation of a page from JIMMY OLSEN 143:

The original was by Kirby/Colletta.

Apparently it was one that Royer would have liked to ink, and in this version he got to. Royer inked 146-147
of Kirby's OLSEN run. The rest were inked by Vince Colletta (with heads inked for continuity's sake mostly
inked by Murphy Anderson).

Wonder Boy #1205476 2013-11-17 8:04 PM
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Wonder Boy #1205477 2013-11-17 8:06 PM
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The Governor Christie version of Nightwing.

Wonder Boy #1205478 2013-11-17 8:11 PM
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A Byrne poster page of all the Marvel characters, from the 1976-1978 period. Probably from a Marvel Calendar.

Wonder Boy #1205479 2013-11-17 8:14 PM
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Another Marvel calandar page.

Wonder Boy #1205480 2013-11-17 8:18 PM
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This is a captionless version of the SUPERMAN 252 cover by Adams.
The issue itself is a great collection of golden age reprints by Lou Fine, Sheldon Moldoff and others.

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An artist jam heroes poster with names spanning from the 40's to the 80's, that must be priceless in its original form.

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Who is that on top row far left? Looks like he doesn't like Plastic mans arm on him.

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With Superman's reflexes and super-speed, would that cone ever really hit the ground?
More likely it's a ploy to duel tongues with Wonder Woman.

From SUPERMAN ANNUAL 11 (1985) by Moore and Gibbons.

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 Originally Posted By: Joey From Friends
Who is that on top row far left? Looks like he doesn't like Plastic mans arm on him.

Honestly, I'm not 100% sure. I was thinking either Tommy Tomorrow, or Rip Hunter, Time Master.

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I was thinking it was Element Lad from the LSH. Hard to tell.

Is Darksied the only bad guy there? I'm not sure if Demon,Spectre and the Blackhawks are good guys ish.

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Well, the others might be hunted and misunderstood (like Spider-man) but are still heroes.

I was wracking my brain trying to figure out all the characters in that page, and who drew them.
Jim Mooney was the first regular artist on Tommy Tomorrow, back in the 1950's, so that makes me
think the character in question is Tommy Tomorrow.

What I like about this page is that the characters are mostly either drawn by their creators or by artists
of definitive runs, or quite a few by the artists who were doing a then-current new series with the
character (like Steve Rude
on Mister Miracle, or Matt Wagner on the Demon).
I'd guess this was drawn in 1987-1988.


UPDATE: I found this link, that gives the full breakdown of artists for this poster...

Although it was fun to guess who did what, it's nice to know for sure. Apparently this poster was printed as a 4-page fold-out 3 pages, and 1-page character key) in a HISTORY OF THE DC UNIVERSE hardcover that I've never seen or heard of (till now). And it began (as stated earlier) as a 3rd-floor wall mural in DC's New York City office in the elevator lobby (from 1988 until DC moved its offices to L.A. in 2014). -- Dec 19, 2014

Pictured characters, from left to right, with the artist(s) following the character:

Top Row:
Tommy Tomorrow by Jim Mooney; Phantom Stranger by Jim Aparo; Swamp Thing by Steve Bissette & John Totleben; The Question by Denys Cowan; White Witch by P. Craig Russell; Green Lantern (Alan Scott) by Mart Nodell; Green Lantern (Guy Gardner) by Joe Staton; Enemy Ace by Dave Stevens; Plastic Man by Bill Sienkiewicz; Darkseid by Jack Kirby & Mike Royer; Ragman by Keith Giffen; The Ray by Bret Blevins & Al Williamson; The Spectre by Michael Kaluta; Silverblade by Gene Colan; Robotman by Steve Lightle; Lady Blackhawk by Brian Bolland; Black Condor by Michael T. Gilbert; and OMAC by Jim Starlin
Middle Row:
Hawkman by Joe Kubert; Martian Manhunter by Art Adams; Manhunter by Walt Simonson; Aquaman by Paul Norris; The Warlord by Mike Grell; Power Girl by Mary Wilshire; Sergeant Rock by Andy Kubert; Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) by Gil Kane; Captain Marvel by Kurt Schaffenberger; Batman by Bob Kane; Superman by Curt Swan; Wonder Woman by George Pérez; Blackhawk by Howard Chaykin; Arion by Jan Duursema; The Flash (Barry Allen) by Carmine Infantino; Zatara by Jim Steranko; Zatanna by Gray Morrow; Deadman by Neal Adams; Adam Strange by Murphy Anderson; and Rorschach by Dave Gibbons
Bottom Row:
Hourman by Gilbert Hernandez; Vigilante by Dan Spiegle; Tomahawk by Frank Thorne; Metamorpho by Ramona Fradon; The Demon by Matt Wagner; Amethyst, Princess of Gem World by Ernie Colon; Robin by Bob Kane; Wildcat by Irwin Hasen; Cain by Joe Orlando; Chop-Chop by Dave Stevens; Captain Atom by Pat Broderick; The Flash (Jay Garrick) by Jaime Hernandez; Mister Miracle by Steve Rude; Judomaster by Frank McLaughlin; and Sarge Steel by Dick Giordano

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Some of these drive me nuts, and I left some signature names out of my list.

Kaluta's name is there, but nothing there looks like him to me. Maybe the White Queen, inked by Russell?

Or Bill Sienkeiwicz. Maybe Plastic Man? Or inking Cowan on The Question?

And several signatures I can't read. What's the point of signing something if no one can read it?

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Uh... yeah.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

An artist jam heroes poster with names spanning from the 40's to the 80's, that must be priceless in its original form.

it's not a poster. it's a wall in the old DC offices.

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I wish I'd seen it. You took a tour of the old DC offices?

It still looks like a printed version. It looks like a paper-fold going through the Demon, Captain Marvel and Guy Gardner.
With a lesser crease through Amethyst to the right of them.

And another paper-fold through Blackhawk and surrounding characters on the other side.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
I wish I'd seen it. You took a tour of the old DC offices?

It still looks like a printed version. It looks like a paper-fold going through the Demon, Captain Marvel and Guy Gardner.
With a lesser crease through Amethyst to the right of them.

And another paper-fold through Blackhawk and surrounding characters on the other side.

No, I've never been. But that image has been passed around quite a lot. Somewhere there's even a full listing of the artists.

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I just like the fact that even in that day and age someone went "I must draw a racist Japanese caricature."

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Maybe SOM modelled for it though.

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 Originally Posted By: Nöwheremän
I just like the fact that even in that day and age someone went "I must draw a racist Japanese caricature."

Hey hey hey, let's be fair... that's a racist Chinese caricature. That makes it okay

On another note, I wonder who Bob Kane got to ghost the Batman and Robin artwork for him. It must've been hard sneaking somebody in to draw on the wall in the middle of the night.

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Sheldon Moldoff was the main ghost artist for Bob Kane. It would be fun if Moldoff came in to draw it wearing
a Batman costume, entering through a 20th floor window in the dark of night!

Pardon my naïve optimism, but I like to believe that Bob Kane might have actually drawn it. Kane in that era was
doing painted reproductions of old covers that were selling for upwards of $10,000 each. At that price,
it might be worth it to actually do the work himself.

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I might be wrong but I seem to recall reading that Kane even had a ghost artist doing his painted reproductions

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his dark powers allow him to summon spirits from beyond the veil

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These days Kane is a ghost artist himself.

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He probably has ghost ghost artists.

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painting pictures of artists painting pictures!


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And on a segue from ghost work...

Neal Adams in his prime, from STRANGE ADVENTURES 214 (Oct 1968).
Adams' Deadman work is still arguably his best and most inventive work.

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More beautiful but obscure Neal Adams calendar pages.
Adams had another round as DC cover artist in 1977-1978.

And did calendars for 1976, 1977 and 1978.

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Intro page by Adams

A Neal Adams introductory splash page from VAMPIRELLA 44.

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Love the Spock flash drive!

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OLd comic artwork sucks.Good comic art didn't come along til sometime after Crisis and Dark Knight Returns.

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To each their own, but the stuff that resonates the most for me was published between about 1970-1985.

Particularly the work of Adams, Wrightson, Kaluta, Windsor-Smith, Suydam, Russell, Simonson, Chaykin, Golden,
Rogers, Starlin, Grell, Bolton, Macklin, Brunner, Byrne, Perez, Day, early Sienkiewicz, pre-1984 Giffen, Nino,
Redondo, Alcala, (the latter 3 especially in DC's mystery titles and Marvel's Conan books), Jodloman,
Corben, Williamson, Conrad, Kubert, Kirby, Ditko, Gil Kane, Infantino, Steranko, Gulacy, Hampton, early
Morrow, Glanzman, McCann, Raboy, Fine, EC-era Wood, Golden-Age Moldoff, and many other lesser-known talents.

Neal Adams in particular, as my last few posts demonstrate, has work that holds up decades later, even to modern
standards. I wish I'd had the good sense to buy 50 or 100 of their original pages 30 years ago. I could sell
them and buy several houses with them now.

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This is a photo of the same kind of coin a girlfriend gave me many years ago.

It's a chocolate coin, made to be a replica of a 100 Peso gold coin of Argentina.

But instead of 100 pesos, it says "100 Besos" or 100 kisses!

What a fun gift, from one of the most beautiful women I ever dated.

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