This was an animated feature film by the Canadian company Nelvana. They got people like Iggy Pop, Debbie Harry, Cheap Trick, and Lou Reed to write songs and be character singing voices. The animation and optical tricks they do are quite good, especially for the late 70's/early 80's. It's stuff that would just simply be done on a computer these days.
Story wise, it's not great shakes. I recently got the DVD through Netflix as it was something that I vaguely remembered as a kid. In the commentary, the director mentioned how they were always rewriting the story; and it shows. There isn't a whole lot of sense to some things that they do while others aren't really fleshed out that well.
Still, as a fan of cinema and animation, it's worth a watch. Turns out that folks have the whole damn thing up on YouTube.
whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules. It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness. This is true both in politics and on the internet."