At the court hearing Tuesday, D’Souza admitted he knew what he did was against the law.

“I knew that causing a campaign contribution to be made in the name of another was wrong and something the law forbids,” D’Souza said, according to Newsday. “I deeply regret my conduct.”

Brafman added in his press statement: “Mr. D’Souza agreed to accept responsibility for having urged two close associates to make contributions of $10,000 each to the unsuccessful 2012 senate campaign of Wendy Long and then reimbursing them for their contributions. Given the technical nature of the charge, there was no viable defense.”

Berman set D’Souza’s sentencing for Sept. 23.

In addition to capping the amount of jail time D’Souza could face, the plea deal could help minimize attention to embarrassing aspects of the case that go beyond the illegality the author admitted to Tuesday.

Evidence disclosed in pre-trial motions indicated that two of the illegal donations were routed through D’Souza’s mistress, Denise Joseph, and her husband, Louis Joseph.

In 2012, D’ Souza resigned from his post as president of evangelical King’s College in New York following reports that he attended a South Carolina conference on Christian values accompanied by Denise Joseph and introduced her as his fiancee despite the fact that he was still married at the time to another woman.

He later said in a statement he’d been separated from his wife for two years and “had no idea that it is considered wrong in Christian circles to be engaged prior to being divorced, even though in a state of separation and in divorce proceedings.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2014/05/di...l#ixzz32dYk0XRZ

Not sure how this is censorship WB. He intentionally did it and admits it. This like many of your other posts here just don't measure up to what you allege. Furthermore in cases like this you obviously victimize the crook because he's a republican.

Fair play!