I had meant to post this at the time it was said, but...


On August 9, 2010, Gutfeld stated that he planned on constructing New York City's first Islamic-friendly gay bar next to the Park51 Islamic community center, known at the time as Cordoba House and often referred to as the "Ground Zero mosque" in the media.[13][14][15][16][17] As stated in his Greg-alogue, which was featured on Red Eye: "As an American, I believe they have every right to build the mosque—after all, if they buy the land and they follow the law—who can stop them? Which is why, in the spirit of outreach, I've decided to do the same thing. I'm announcing tonight that I am planning to build and open the first gay bar that caters not only to the west, but also to Islamic gay men. I hope the mosque owners will be as open to the bar, as I am to the new mosque. After all, the belief driving them to open their Islamic center near Ground Zero is no different than mine...tolerance and understanding." Gutfeld later messaged the Park51 developers of the mosque, seeking a response to his idea. The Park51 group "tweeted" back, "You’re free to open whatever you like. If you won’t consider the sensibilities of Muslims, you’re not going to build dialog."[18] After that Park51 tweet, Gutfeld announced he wanted to build his establishment and name it Dialogue. Other names for the proposed gay bar were sent into the Red Eye host (via Twitter and the Internet) by fans, such as: al Gayda, Grind Zero, The Holey Land, You Mecca Me Hot, and Jihard. Gutfeld has stated he supports the constitutional right of anyone to build a mosque on that site; however, some feel the question of sensitivity toward New Yorkers and Americans who were the targets and victims on 9-11 should be addressed first.


Maybe THIS is how you prevent a Ground Zero mosque from being built.