Biden Is Fined $219,000 for Campaign Violations: The Biden for President campaign committee owes the Treasury more than $219,000 because it accepted excessive campaign contributions and understated the value of a trip taken on a private plane in the 2008 campaign, the Federal Election Commission said in a new report.
Biden Is Fined $219,000 for Campaign Violations: The Biden for President campaign committee owes the Treasury more than $219,000 because it accepted excessive campaign contributions and understated the value of a trip taken on a private plane in the 2008 campaign, the Federal Election Commission said in a new report.
Y'know, I actually never heard about this. No doubt because it was reported minimally.
Whereas if it were a Republican it would have been front-page news for 2 weeks. I always marvel how things that are no big deal for a Democrat are always given maximum treatment when a Republican does the same thing.
Gerry Studds, vs. Mark Foley Bush's 8 years of golfing, vs. Obama's golfing that exceeded Bush's total golfing in barely a year. Bush's "out-of-touch" 40 million dollar 2005 inauguration ceremony, vs. Obama's 160 million dollar 2009 ceremony, that was somehow not out of touch at all. Bush's vacation time that was a big issue, vs. Obama's even more extensive vacationing that somehow never warrants media attention.
I was thinking of Marco Rubio in my state (FL), where they're calling him a crook because of alleged use of campaign funds. Where to my knowledge, he made a few personal expenses out of campaign funds. VS. Biden's $200,000 gaff, that is barely on the media radar.
Biden: Middle Class 'Buried' Since '08. Republicans pounce on Vice President Biden's latest gaffe — where he says the middle class has been 'buried the last four years'
I wonder if Biden served fried chicken and watermelon to further bond with black America.
Those remarks are reminiscent of when Biden previously made his comment about having to be from India to work at 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts.
Seriously, Dan Quayle was branded an idiot for making 3 or 4 non-racist remarks during his entire eight-year V.P. term. And Biden with the frequency and enormity of his gaffs gets a free pass?
Because, M E M, in the case of a Democrat they might mention it on the news.
Whereas with a Republican who makes a similar comment, maybe not even as bad a gaffe, the (liberal) media will report it every 30 minutes for days or weeks, and expand on it that the Republican is too stupid or dangerous to hold public office.
And again, I've shown endless quantifiable examples over the years to back that up.
Where Quayle made like 4 gaffes in 4 years as V.P., the media endlessly drilled into the public that it was scary Quayle was a "heartbeat away from the presidency". I've never heard that uttered once about Biden, despite that his gaffes even in any single year far exceed Quayle's entire term.
Mark Foley vs. Gerry Studds. Obama's golf time (virtually unreported) vs. W. Bush's golf time (though far less, endlessly derided by the media).
Ann Romney's expensive clothes (evil! Out of touch!) vs. Michelle Obama's clothes that were twice as expensive (Ooooh! Doesn't she look fashionable!).
Unproven sexual allegations against Herman Cain, vs. absolutely proven allegations against Anthony Weiner. And yet the Cain allegations got literally twice as many news stories, despite that they were unproven.
Republicans vilified as discriminatory and racist for not embracing gay marriage or illegal immigration, despite that Democrats as recently as mid-2012 had the exact same stated views as the Republicans who are demagogued for holding the exact same stance.
I'm pretty sure Weiner scandal recieved more coverage than Cain's WB. He wasn't running for president either. Now I don't think the media was being biased because Weiner got more coverage than Cain's because you had pictures and his name for starters.
Also decades ago when Studds had sex with a sixteen year old there was a republican fellow member of congress that also had sex with a a sixteen year old. They both were punished the same way and at the time it was not viewed as bad enough where republicans ran him for re-election. The problem for Foley was the bar was raised over the decades.
It's just not the media's job to push GOP talking points.
But just being kind isn't enough to get the good will of agents, Kessler says he learned.
Vice President Joe Biden is "very nice to agents," Kessler said, but he exhausts his security detail making last-minute trips homes to Delaware, and has a "habit of swimming in his pool nude."
"He likes to skinny-dip both at the pool at his vice president residence in Washington and his home in Wilmington, and female agents are very offended by that," Kessler said. "And, in fact, you could make a case that it's almost sexual harassment."
There's an odd Bunker-esqueness to Biden's behavior. If he were a Republican and not a Democrat, he would have been condemned as a buffoon and a bigot a thousand times over. But he's a Democrat, so the media plays it as charmingly funny Uncle Joe.
I'm pretty sure Weiner scandal recieved more coverage than Cain's WB. He wasn't running for president either. Now I don't think the media was being biased because Weiner got more coverage than Cain's because you had pictures and his name for starters.
(from Not everyone enjoys riding the "Cain train" topic: )
MRC counted stories, and even unproven, the McCain allegations got literally twice as much coverage as the proven Anthony Weiner allegations. Fact.
And Weiner was going to run for New York mayor, possibly had presidential ambitions, and was very connected to the Clintons, that without the scandal would have given him a position in a future White House. And unlike the Herman Cain allegations, the Anthony Weiner allegations were proven way beyond any doubt. Penis-photos all over the internet, printed-out sexting conversations, etc.
Also, Weiner's wife Houma Abedin was Hillary Clinton's deputy chief of staff in the State Department, and is positioned to be a high official in the Hillary campaign and (if successful) in a Hillary administration. Not to mention being widely rumored to carpet munch on Hillary regularly.
All of which the media would be eager to exploit, if it were a Republican.