The board ate my (long) post. Kinda pissed off now.

Suffice it to say (in bullet points this time):

  • Happy the cat's out of the bag.
  • It was inevitable that Marxism would reach the gaming aspect of the culture since, by design, it's meant to turn all aspects of societies into a homogenous, conductive monster.
  • Didn't give gamers enough credit; expected them to be cool with being lulled to sleep by messages of social justice.
  • Since gamers are essentially addicts obsessed with getting their fix, they will attack anything that threatens their pet media (for better or worse) with relentless enthusiasm. It's a 4chan-esque "sleeping giant" subculture if you will.
  • Wish I had more free time to contribute to the foray. Will fuck with SJW when I can.

In the mean time, reading this shit as it happens will tide me over.

This thread at GS alone has been pretty damn awesome. There are some die hard Sarkeesian, Quinn, and SJW defenders in this convo and their routine of attempting to deconstruct the GamerGate has been very instructive. They're using as many pejoratives as they possiblly can to derail GamerGate proponents(see also: referring to them as "Gaters" (see also: Truthers, Birthers,)). I honestly believe that they're being coordinated.

The thread's OP also has a lot of good links and clarification of the issue in it.