You do realize that the trends encouraged by the SJW movement are exactly what caused franchises like Mass Effect to go down the shitter, right?

People inside EA have already been exposed as being apart of the network on the GameJourno mailing list. If developers/producers/publishers can count on good reviews in exchange for exhibiting the pet social issues of SJWs in the games they make, then developers have no incentive for fleshing out their product beyond being a typical third-person/first-person shooter with functional mechanics--at least as far as Mass Effect was concerned.

I don't play many games anymore. While it's largely because I've been busier lately, it's also because the majority of them don't interest me at this point. I can't help but think that this wouldn't be the case were the industry not struck with this crony/nepotist disease where game contents were filtered through SJW ideologues.

The larger implications here are especially horrifying considering that the progressive agents within the gaming industry have just revealed the chink in the armor of the overall movement to shift and mold Western culture into whatever these SJW motherfuckers want it to be. Quite frankly, they should have foreseen this since the gaming medium is the least developed, and therefore less predictable/controllable, form of media. Thankfully, the contemporary American Marxist machine's hipster-agency turned out to be too arrogant to realize that social conduction of such a fickle and insular demographic isn't that simple, and so here we are.

And are you really okay with the gaming journalist industry receiving public money via DiGRA--for the purpose of funding SJW causes no less? If not, then I hardly think that apathy is an appropriate response this issue.

Last edited by Pariah; 2014-09-29 6:10 PM.