Expanding on "importing a foreign electorate", this article gives a detailed history of how Hispanics have voted from 1960 to 2000. (Apparently written just prior to the 2004 election.)
Beyond the percentage of Hispanic votes for Republican and Democrat candidates in each election, it also details the total Hispanic U.S. population at the time of each election, and what percentage were registered to vote, and actually voted. In detailing this, it shows the alarming explosion of Hispanic population in the U.S. from roughly 3% in 1960, to a current 17% (and will be over 25% by 2040). Alarming, because of the vast demographic change in the U.S., in such a short period of time. At the same time (2040) whites will drop to below 50% of U.S. population. It seems clear that the elites wish to demographically destroy the white majority in the U.S., where about 75% of U.S. immigration is now from Latin America, and over 80% of U.S. immigration is non-white.
Here's a more recent Hispanic poll from Pew Research, tracking Hispanic interests and voter participation.