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http://www.heritage.org/index/book/executive-highlights Since its inception in 1995, the Index of Economic Freedom has provided an economic policy road map for countries that aspire to greater economic dynamism and prosperity. The rules are not complicated. As the Index has documented over the past 22 years, lasting prosperity is a result of a persistent commitment to limited government, strong private property rights, openness to global trade and financial flows, and sensible regulation. Together, these interrelated factors have been proven to empower the individual and induce dynamic entrepreneurial activity.
Key Findings of the 2016 Index
The 2016 Index of Economic Freedom analyzes economic policy developments related to economic freedom in 186 economies. •Economies rated “free” or “mostly free” enjoy incomes that are over twice the average levels in all other countries and more than four times higher than the incomes of “repressed” economies. Nations with higher degrees of economic freedom prosper because they capitalize more fully on the ability of the free-market system to generate and reinforce dynamic growth through efficient resource allocation, value creation, and innovation. •In addition to enjoying higher levels of prosperity, people in economically free societies live longer. They have better health. They are able to be better stewards of the environment, and they push forward the frontiers of human achievement in science and technology through innovation. •It is notable that nations that have focused on improving their competitiveness and opening their societies to new ideas, products, and innovations have done a much better job of achieving the high levels of social progress that their citizens demand. It is not massive redistributions of wealth or government dictates on income levels that produce the most positive social outcomes. Instead, mobility and progress require lower barriers to entry, freedom to engage with the world, and less government control. •As measured in the 2016 Index, global economic freedom has advanced for the fourth year in a row. The world average economic freedom score for 178 economies across six regions that were numerically rated by the Index recorded an overall average improvement of 0.3 point from the previous year. •The global average economic freedom score of 60.7 is the highest recorded in the 22-year history of the Index. It is noteworthy that despite recent policy missteps by many countries in responding to the global economic slowdown, the free-market system continues to flourish, accepted by governments around the world as the system most likely to improve the well-being of their populations and eliminate poverty. •Over the period covered by the 2016 Index (mid-2014 to mid-2015), scores improved in half of the measured economic freedoms. Investment freedom improved by one point on average, while ratings for the control of public spending and freedom from corruption were higher by an average of 0.8 point and 0.7 point, respectively. Both monetary freedom and trade freedom also recorded improvements. •The erosion of economic freedom was most pronounced in labor freedom. The average global labor freedom score fell by 1.6 point, reflecting still-stagnant employment conditions around the world as well as the pressing necessity of enhancing the flexibility of labor markets. The average property rights score also declined slightly, while no score changes were recorded in fiscal freedom, business freedom, or financial freedom. •Of the 178 economies ranked in the 2016 Index, five (Hong Kong, Singapore, New Zealand, Switzerland, and Australia) earned the designation of “free” with scores above 80. The next 33 countries, with scores between 70 and 80, are considered “mostly free.” Countries in these groups, joined this year by Botswana, the Bahamas, and Latvia, have created and sustained institutional environments in which individuals and private enterprises enjoy a substantial degree of economic freedom in the pursuit of greater opportunity and prosperity. •The largest portion of the countries graded—116 economies—have economic freedom scores between 50 and 70. Of those, 54 economies are considered “moderately free” (scores of 60–70), and 62 are considered “mostly unfree” (scores of 50–60). Twenty-four countries have “repressed” economies with scores below 50. •Ninety-seven countries, the majority of which are less developed, gained greater economic freedom over the past year; 32 countries, among them Burma, Germany, India, Israel, Lithuania, the Philippines, Poland, and Vietnam, achieved their highest economic freedom scores ever in the 2016 Index. Twelve of these 32 countries are located in Sub-Saharan Africa. •Score improvements in eight countries were significant enough to merit upgrades in the countries’ economic freedom status in the Index. Notably, Latvia became a “mostly free” economy for the first time, while Botswana and the Bahamas regained “mostly free” status. Two Sub-Saharan African countries, Côte d’Ivoire and Seychelles, have advanced into the ranks of the “moderately free,” and three countries (Algeria, Lesotho, and Micronesia) have moved out of the status of economically “repressed.” •Declining economic freedom was reported in 74 countries, including 19 advanced economies such as the United States, Japan, and Sweden. Five countries recorded no score change.
Notable developments in the 2016 Index rankings include the following:
•Within the top five freest economies, Switzerland is the only economy whose overall score did not decline in the 2016 Index. Outperforming Australia, the competitive Swiss economy has moved into fourth place, less than a point behind New Zealand. •With the United Kingdom replacing Mauritius as the 10th freest economy, the world’s top 10 freest economies in the 2016 Index consist of four Asia–Pacific economies (Hong Kong, Singapore, New Zealand and Australia); four European economies (Switzerland, Ireland, Estonia, and the United Kingdom); and one country each from North America (Canada) and the South and Central America/Caribbean region (Chile). •The United States continues to be mired in the ranks of the “mostly free,” the second-tier economic freedom category into which the U.S. dropped in 2010. Worse, with scores in labor freedom, business freedom, and fiscal freedom notably declining, the economic freedom of the United States plunged 0.8 point to 75.4, matching its lowest score ever. •The three Baltic states—Estonia (9th), Lithuania (13th), and Latvia (36th)—continue to gain economic freedom. Overcoming recessions following the global financial turmoil, these countries have maintained and reinforced their openness to global markets, further reformed their economies, and shrunk the size of their governments. Each has advanced its economic freedom every year since 2012. •Progress among the so-called BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) has stalled, except in India, which improved by 1.6 points. Russia plunged 10 places in the rankings to 153rd, with its score deteriorating by 1.5 points. The rankings of the other BRICS countries—South Africa, Brazil, and China—declined to 80th, 122nd, and 144th, respectively.
The U.S. was ranked 6th in the world when Obama took office in 2009. Now it is 11th.
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Looks like a lot of those countries have a more socialized government than us.
Fair play!
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brother from another mother 15000+ posts
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Lets bomb all those other countries so we can be number one!
"My friends have always been the best of me." -Doctor Who
"Well,whenever I'm confused,I just check my underwear. It holds most answers to life's questions." Abe Simpson
I can tell by the position of the sun in the sky, that is time for us to go. Until next time, I am Lothar of the Hill People!
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The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
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Looks like a lot of those countries have a more socialized government than us. You're really going to argue greater economic freedom on the premise of socialism? Heh. Okay.
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I do think we have to many like yourself on the government payroll if that helps you feel better 
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A socialist state tends to result in corrupt authoritarian types seizing power, who then imprison or kill everyone who doesn't like the new socialist order. When the regime eventually falls under its own self-destructive weight, it's left to those who pick up the pieces and rebuild, and unearth and identify the bodies of the executed dissenters of the New Socialist Order.
Ironic that those on the Left who preach tolerance and lack of discrimination are the ones who are most intolerant and most discriminatory toward anyone who opposes their beliefs, or so much as even questions the New Socialist order. Just ask Stacy Dash or Richard Dreyfus, two recent examples who have been part of the liberal elite, and then were attacked by the Left for even looking at conservative perspective, and not just swallowing undigested the Soros-funded mental baby food of the Democrat Left.
- from Do Racists have lower IQ's...
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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It's the republican party trying to keep me from getting married so it's idiotic to even try that line outside the republican bubble. As for socialism, you will see demand grow for it as long as capitalism keeps transferring wealth to the very wealthiest. More tax breaks for the wealthy is going to be a hard sell in a general election IMHO
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Officially "too old for this shit" 15000+ posts
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It's the republican party trying to keep me from getting married ...and the Democrat party trying to let in more Muslims to behead you and your boyfriend.
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Yes because you would have to be a real stupid pussy to worry about something like that happening to be perfectly blunt. Given how large the Muslim population is and what's going on it is truly incredible to see you and others try the "it's all of them" theatrics.
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brutally Kamphausened 15000+ posts
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It's the republican party trying to keep me from getting married ...and the Democrat party trying to let in more Muslims to behead you and your boyfriend.  Yes because you would have to be a real stupid pussy to worry about something like that happening to be perfectly blunt. Given how large the Muslim population is and what's going on it is truly incredible to see you and others try the "it's all of them" theatrics. Apparently you don't live on the same planet as the rest of us. ISIS and other Islamic fanatics have slaughtered between 200,000 and 300,000 innocent people in Iraq and Syria, just because they weren't muslim. MILLIONS of refugees are fleeing the region and seeking refuge in Europe, Canada and the U.S. (we should finance refuge for them somewhere in the Islamic world, not relocate them to the U.S. or other western countries.) And surrounding those refugees, there are outbreaks of mass rapes of western women, and outbreaks of anti-Semitic violence. Not to mention the increasing ratio of immigrant or home-grown attacks on westerners, that seem to occur at least once a week now. Is it reality you live in M E M? Or a RAW/Media Matters Soros-funded Candyland?
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Yes because you would have to be a real stupid pussy to worry about something like that happening to be perfectly blunt. Given how large the Muslim population is and what's going on it is truly incredible to see you and others try the "it's all of them" theatrics. Uh... http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/pages/opinion-polls.htm MUSLIM OPINION POLLS: A "Tiny Minority of Extremists"?"Strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites and be unyielding to them; and their abode is hell, and evil is their destination." Quran 9:73
Have you heard that Islam is a peaceful religion because most Muslims live peacefully and that only a "tiny minority of extremists" practice violence? That's like saying that White supremacy must be perfectly fine since only a tiny minority of racists ever hurt anyone. Neither does it explain why religious violence is largely endemic to Islam, despite the tremendous persecution of religious minorities in Muslim countries.
In truth, even a tiny minority of "1%" of Muslims worldwide translates to 15 million believers - which is hardly an insignificant number. However, the "minority" of Muslims who approve of terrorists, their goals, or their means of achieving them is much greater than this. In fact, it isn't even a true minority in some cases, depending on how goals and targets are defined.
The following polls convey what Muslims say are their attitudes toward terrorism, al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, the 9/11 attacks, violence in defense of Islam, Sharia, honor killings, and matters concerning assimilation in Western society. The results are all the more astonishing because most of the polls were conducted by organizations with an obvious interest in "discovering" agreeable statistics that downplay any cause for concern.
(These have been compiled over the years, so not all links remain active. We will continue adding to this). TERRORISM And we let these people immigrate to our country... why? al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden and Islamic State (ISIS) Pew Research (2007): 5% of American Muslims have a favorable view of al-Qaeda (27% can’t make up their minds). Only 58% reject al-Qaeda outright. http://pewresearch.org/assets/pdf/muslim-americans.pdf#page=60Pew Research (2011): 5% of American Muslims have a favorable view of al-Qaeda (14% can’t make up their minds). http://www.people-press.org/2011/08/30/m...-for-extremism/Pew Research (2011): 1 in 10 native-born Muslim-Americans have a favorable view of al-Qaeda. http://people-press.org/2011/08/30/musli...-for-extremism/al-Jazeera (2006): 49.9% of Muslims polled support Osama bin Laden http://terrorism.about.com/b/2006/09/11/al-jazeeras-readers-on-911-499-support-bin-laden.htmPew Research: 59% of Indonesians support Osama bin Laden in 2003 41% of Indonesians support Osama bin Laden in 2007 56% of Jordanians support Osama bin Laden in 2003 http://www.forbes.com/2010/02/15/iran-terrorism-al-qaida-islam-opinions-columnists-ilan-berman.htmlPew Global: 51% of Palestinians support Osama bin Laden 54% of Muslim Nigerians Support Osama bin Laden http://frontpagemag.com/2010/02/10/blinded-by-hate/ http://pewglobal.org/files/pdf/268.pdfMacDonald Laurier Institute: 35% of Canadian Muslims would not repudiate al-Qaeda http://www.torontosun.com/2011/11/01/strong-support-for-shariah-in-canada http://www.macdonaldlaurier.ca/much-good...nion-in-canada/World Public Opinion: Muslim majorities agree with the al-Qaeda goal of Islamic law. Muslim majorities agree with al-Qaeda goal of keeping Western values out of Islamic countries; (Egypt: 88%; Indonesia 76%; Pakistan 60%; Morocco 64%) http://www.worldpublicopinion.org/pipa/pdf/feb09/STARTII_Feb09_rpt.pdfICM Poll: 13% of Muslim in Britain support al-Qaeda attacks on America. http://www.icmresearch.co.uk/reviews/2004/guardian-muslims-march-2004.asp http://www.danielpipes.org/blog/2005/07/more-survey-research-from-a-british-islamistWorld Public Opinion: Attitude toward Osama bin Laden: Egypt: 44% positive, 17% negative, and 25% mixed feelings Indonesia: 14% positive, 26% negative, 21% mixed feelings (39% did not answer) Pakistan: 25% positive, 15% negative, 26% mixed feelings (34% did not answer) Morocco: 27% positive, 21% negative, 26% mixed feelings Jordanians, Palestinians, Turks and Azerbaijanis. Jordanians combined for: 27% positive, 20 percent negative, and 27 percent mixed feelings. (Palestinians 56% positive, 20% negative, 22 percent mixed feelings). http://www.worldpublicopinion.org/pipa/pdf/feb09/STARTII_Feb09_rpt.pdf Pew Research (2010): 49% of Nigerian Muslims have favorable view of al-Qaeda (34% unfavorable) 23% of Indonesians have favorable view of al-Qaeda (56% unfavorable) 34% of Jordanians have favorable view of al-Qaeda 25% of Indonesians have "confidence" in Osama bin Laden (59% had confidence in 2003) 1 in 5 Egyptians have "confidence" in Osama bin Laden http://pewglobal.org/2010/12/02/muslims-around-the-world-divided-on-hamas-and-hezbollah/Pew Research (2011): 22% of Indonesians have a favorable view of al-Qaeda (21% unfavorable) http://www.people-press.org/2011/08/30/m...-for-extremism/Gallup: 51% of Pakistanis grieve Osama bin Laden (only 11% happy over death) 44% of Pakistanis viewed Osama bin Laden as a martyr (only 28% as an outlaw) http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2011/05/majority_of_our_pakistani_alli.htmlZogby International 2011: “Majorities in all six countries said they viewed the United States less favorably following the killing of the Al-Qaeda head [Osama bin Laden] in Pakistan” http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/art...3158a926c28.c11 http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/chec...zHVBI_blog.htmlPopulus Survey: 18% of British Muslims would be proud or indifferent if a family member joined al-Qaeda. http://www.populuslimited.com/poll_summaries/2006_07_04_Times_ITV.htm http://www.danielpipes.org/blog/2005/07/more-survey-research-from-a-british-islamistPolicy Exchange (2006): 7% Muslims in Britain admire al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups. http://www.policyexchange.org.uk/images/libimages/246.pdf http://www.danielpipes.org/blog/2005/07/more-survey-research-from-a-british-islamistHurriyet Daily News / Metropoll (2015): 20% of Turks support the slaughter of Charlie Hebdo staffers and cartoonists. http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/polls-f...7&NewsCatID=412 Yeah, just a "stupid pussy" idea, with no basis in reality... 
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Officially "too old for this shit" 15000+ posts
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Yes because you would have to be a real stupid pussy to worry about something like that happening to be perfectly blunt. German Christians, women and homosexuals forced to flee from Muslim men: gay men are being persecuted, and women, some who have been sexually abused by ISIS militants, have been moved to secret locations. It's okay, MEM. When your lover gets brutally murdered by some Muslim and you watch him die, you can take comfort in the fact that it wasn't a Christian who did it. Cause, you know, only Christian bigotry counts.
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Fair Play! 15000+ posts
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Homegrown Extremists Tied to Deadlier Toll Than Jihadists in U.S. Since 9/11 NYT Of course if it's a white person, republicans don't want people to worry about it or the government to study or track it. This would be the stupid part of "stupid pussy" btw.
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But the breakdown of extremist ideologies behind those attacks may come as a surprise. Since Sept. 11, 2001, nearly twice as many people have been killed by white supremacists, antigovernment fanatics and other non-Muslim extremists than by radical Muslims: 48 have been killed by extremists who are not Muslim, including the recent mass killing in Charleston, S.C., compared with 26 by self-proclaimed jihadists, according to a count by New America, a Washington research center.
The slaying of nine African-Americans in a Charleston church last week, with an avowed white supremacist charged with their murders, was a particularly savage case. First off, that doesn't include the many Islamic attacks that have been prevented by an army of federal investigators. It also doesn't account for the fact that these "right wing" attacks are by random nutjobs with no wider support (as compared to the global jihadists who are clearly inspired by organized ISIS/ Al Qaida internet recruiting and propaganda). This New York Times piece also selectively omits the Islamic attacks outside the U.S., that are clearly done by the same Islamic cause, that would take the total WAY above 50 victims in the U.S. alone. Its selective omission also ignores attacks by Left wing groups such as the gay man who attacked a defense-of-marriage office, and after killing everyone there, planned to shove Chick-Fil-A food in the mouths of all the Christians he would have killed in the office (due to Chick-Fil-A's owner supporting defense-of-marriage groups). That's some serious liberal fanaticism. And some carefully edited selective omission by the New York Times, to shave the story to conform to the "Right wing is the real threat" angle they want to project. Some 100,000 Christians killed per year over faith, Vatican says
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"Hey this is PCG342's bro..." 15000+ posts
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I do think we have to many like yourself on the government payroll if that helps you feel better Pariah was "threatening" to go to the private sector and push grocery carts again not too long ago. I wonder how that is coming along... 
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kung-fu treachery 5000+ posts
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"Hey this is PCG342's bro..." 15000+ posts
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