Yeah. Twenty years ago this nutjob was against Asian immigration. Now she's targeting Muslims.

(By "Asian", Australians use the term in the American sense, meaning "South-east Asian and East Asian", rather than the English sense which focusses on the subcontinent.)

When she was hammering Asians, she made a eulogy video in which she was draped in the Australian flag, to be played in the event of her assassination. Laughing stock.

Hansen and her cronies will be ostracised by parliament. No deals will be done with them by either party.

Here is a news story with footage of her being verbally abused by an Aboriginal Australian elder:

On a moral point, if anyone has an opinion to be valued on who should stay and who should go, then it is Aborigines. They're recognised by law as the traditional owners of the land.

As for the Greens (who are genuinely socialist head-in-the-clouds idealists) they should not have walked out. All it did was draw attention to her speech. Plus, it polarises people. The Greens played to their audience, and nothing more.

Pimping my site, again.