Originally Posted By: Bleeding Cool article above

Jack Kirby’s Fantastic Four World’s Greatest Artist’s Edition is 168 pages and 15” x 22” – the same size as Kirby’s original art.

This book will feature reproduction of the original art for four complete “twice-up” stories from Fantastic Four #33 (Side-by-Side With the Sub-Mariner), #45 (Among Us Hide… the Inhumans!), #47 (Beware the Hidden Land!), and #60 (The Peril and the Power!)

In addition to the four issues, the book will contain reproduction of the original art for 22 Kirby Fantastic Four covers, many pin-ups, splashes, and interior pages from classic issues dating back all the way to Fantastic Four #3.

Yeah... while these oversized "Artist Edition" reproductions of original art are interesting, somehow I just can't bring myself to shell out the cash for them. I mean, it's almost all stuff I have in its comic book form, some of it I also have in multiple forms, like Marvel Masterworks or DC Archive hardcover editions, or trades, in addition to the original issues.

One I saw that was really nice was an "artist edition" of Barry Smith's CONAN work.

Another recent original art reproduction book of Kirby work reproduced some of his best 70's DC work, such as his KAMANDI and DEMON first issues. Titled JACK KIRBY: PENCILS AND INKS.

The one you list is from IDW, and reprints original art of FANTASTIC FOUR 33, 45, 47, 60, and scattered other FF pages. Arguably Kirby's most definitive and most popular work. Although I've always been most attached to his 70's DC work from 1970-1975.