Yes. It is.
There are two obstacles, however.
1) We're all somewhat busy--at least that's my perception. Supposing for a moment that there was more activity here in general, busyness probably wouldn't be much of an issue since there'd be more reason to invest time here. I, for instance, still find snippets of time to post somewhat lengthy messages on 4/8chan despite my plate being pretty full.
That being said, I look in here almost everyday. But I've been unable to post at length due to constant movement and few starting points for conversation. Typically, I've only been able to spare some glances and make some "heh" posts. I keep hoping my schedule changes and I can make some more social investments here so as to jump start discussions again, but it just hasn't happened yet.
There is a chance--a genuine one--that we could rebuild the community here as well as restore the old one. I say this because people are not as happy with the contemporary social media "comment" format as TPTB would have us believe. Even though messageboards have been marginalized, they're still a competitive format with potentially large growth.
IMDB didn't shut down the messageboards because they were less than helpful, but rather because the community thought and operated contrary to their agenda. All the movies are crappy and brimming with PC bullshit, and the people know it. The fact that they were pointing it out was a hindrance to IMDB's (and friends') desire to culture a dumbed down and easily conducted community that does nothing but consume media with little thought to what they're actually grabbing from the Hollywood trough. I have a feeling that this was the same reason that the DCMBs were shut down. Messageboards are not as easily controlled as comment threads, Facebook pages, and ImageBBS-styled outlets like Reddit and the chans.
The issue here is not the RKMBs format. Mighty Geek was simply not compelling all on its own. You want to get people here, then you have to intermix games/books/movies with politics. Whether you like it or not, it's compelling--and it's on everyone's mind.
2) No one new is allowed to sign up. It is understandable why Rob has cut off new accounts, but new posters are kept at a distance just as much as useless alts.