Yes, and if you've looked at the Black Lives Matter website, their ideology is rabidly anti-white and openly advocates killing whites, even white babies, that is certainly comparable to the KKK's ideology, if not even more violent.
A term that has gained visibility in only the last week or so is
"Deep state"The idea of a deep state, as applied to the United States, is a conspiracy theory[1][2][3] whose adherents assert that there exists a state within a state, which they suspect exerts influence and control over public and foreign policy, regardless of which political party controls the country's democratic institutions.[4][5][6][7][8] The term has also been used in political science.[9][10]
The term gained attention in 2017 as the Trump administration has struggled to control the federal bureaucracy in the face of leaks.[11]
Which Wikipedia, clearly entrenched by the liberal media and liberal academics, poses in its linked description as a "conspiracy theory", "which they suspect asserts influence and control over public and foreign policy..." "that its adherents assert..." rather than acknowledging the reality that over 90% of bureaucrats in government branches like the State Department, the FBI, CIA, NSA, U.S. Justice Department, and IRS are Democrats who are strong advocates and campaign donors to the Obama and Hillary Clinton campaigns, many belonging to public unions who donate overwhelmingly to Democrats, and are obviously the ones obstructing (and in the Obama administration
weaponizing) their branches against Republican/conservative groups and political donors.
There is way too much evidence of this to dismiss the attacks on political opposition by Democrats in these federal agencies, abusing the power and national secrets of their position, secret FISA court warrants for surveilance, and releases of information calculated to embarass and undermine President Trump, compromising national security to do so, to dismiss it as merely "asserted" or just "a conspiracy theory".