No. I'm saying the trouble with nominees was far worse under Barack Obama in early 2009. I don't see that Trump vetters were negligent (and the full story is not disclosed) it seems to be a case of, if there was an error, Michael Flynn was not fully open about his conversations and meeting with the Russians, and at this point there is still no evidence of anything Flynn did wrong. And in the Democrat slander machine, what can be IMPLIED to have been done.

But just yesterday, the Russian spokesperson said the Russians had pretty much the exact same meetings with Hillary Clinton staffers during the same period just prior to the election. The Russians attempted to establish diplomatic relations with both sides that could have potentially won the election. WOW, SHOCKING!

Give it up, M E M. Your side has nothing but slander and innuendo. Trump has stories even the liberal media reported (see Mark Levin again, above) showing the Obama administration getting multiple FISA requests to spy on Trump Tower and monitor calls of his staff. That would be... the same crimes as were exposed in the Watergate investigation and convictions: abusing federal power (the Obama administration) to run illegal surveillance on the president's political opposition (the Trump campaign).
And that's as serious as it gets. Your team may be going to jail.