It makes me laugh that the "Surrender America" party of the Democrats can accuse Trump or anyone else of "collusion" or treason.

Since at least the Pentagon Papers, since the V V A W era of John Kerry throwing his medals over the fence and accusing U.S. soldiers of atrocities and war crimes, since Michael Moore and others calling the beheaders of the Iraqi resistance (led by imported Al Qaida leadership) "freedom fighters", since Senator Dick Durbin (D-MI) comparing U.S. soldiers in Iraq to Nazi storm troopers, since House Democrats in the years of George W. Bush trying to de-fund U.S. troops in Iraq, to force them to withdraw from Iraq.... THESE are the Democrats accusing Donald Trump and his administration of "collusion" or treason?!? Really?

"Collusion"? "Back channel negotiations" ?

That's not even getting into Obama telling Medvedev on a live mike that he "can be much more flexible after the election" (i.e., after he has deceived the American voters regarding his true anti-American goals and treasonous policy).
MEDVEDEV: "I will transmit this information to Vladimir." Well done, Comrade Obama.

And without getting into Obama's utterly flaccid response to Russia's aggression in Crimea, Russia's ongoing invasion of eastern Ukraine, or Russia's aggression and support of genocide in Syria, including their firing on U.S. allies in there like the Kurds.

Or Obama's treasonous back-channel negotiations with Iran, that will enable Iran to get nuclear weapons within 10 years, and ICBM missiles to carry them as well.
That never should have been negotiated, and when the infuriating Iran deal was announced, and THE EXACT SAME DAY was met by chants by a large crowd of "Death to America" with the Ayatollah at the podium, responding "Yes, death to America. Of course." Obama should have shredded that agreement the same day. Instead Obama gave them a generous reward for terrorism, while providing the weapons of destruction to kill us to a government with a ravenous bloodlust to use those weapons on us.

All in addition to the aforementioned 4 different DOCUMENTED and prosecutable kinds of treason that Hillary Clinton and her staff have engaged in, much of it involving Russia.

It is infuriating that the Democrats (with full assistance of the liberal media) can bombard Trump's administration day after day with wild speculation based on absolutely no evidence, and yet simultaneously ignore the Himalayan mountains of treason on the Democrat side, without the slightest shame or integrity.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.