That is an impressive book to have:

I used to have a nice Fine/VF copy of FF 48, which I sold in 1994, and I now regret. I have a steady run of Lee/Kirby FF from 28-102, and scattered issues before that, back to issue 13, a part of my collection that approaches grail status.
I bought my run in the early/mid 1980's, and purposely bought the early issues mostly in good condition, so I could read and fully enjoy them without having to worry about creasing perfect copies while reading them, a choice I've long been happy with. ( A mistake I made with my Lee/Kirby JOURNEY/THOR run, that are in high grade and I rarely look at. As I'm sure you know, the early 1960's Marvel issues are for some reason more fragile than the DC titles of the same period, and much more prone to chipping, even in nicer copies.)
These may be Kirby's most acclaimed works, but I still most treasure Kirby's 1970-1976 DC work.
There's an upcoming omnibus hardcover due to come out in a few months that collects all of Kirby's JIMMY OLSEN, FOREVER PEOPLE, NEW GODS and MISTER MIRACLE work in a single hardcover, that has the potential to become a holy grail item in my collection. But I enjoy them so much in the original form, and DC so often disappoints in how they package their books in collected form.