I'm influenced by the facts, and I haven't seen any yet to indicate Trump collusion. Just a lot of insinuation by partisan zealots like yourself, M E M, who will defend the DNC to your dying breath and slander Republicans likewise, no matter how incriminating the facts against pretty much the entire Democrat leadership.
The case against Trump is a joke, vs. the case against Hillary Clinton and Obama, that is RIGHT THERE for anyone willing to look at it. Which the liberal media and corrupt investigators like Comey and his hand-picked man Meuller are not. And are stacking their "independent investigation" team with huge donors to the Obama and Hillary campaign, and one Hillary Clinton employed lawyer!
Meanwhile here's Hillary Clinton's illegal private e-mail server, hacked every day she was secretary of state by the Russians and the Chinese compromising national security. No one is investigating. Meanwhile here's Hillary Clinton signing away at least 20% of U.S. uranium to the Russians while secretary of state, simultaneous with a large donation to the Clinton Foundation, and simultaneous with a huge speaking fee paid to Bill Clinton for an appearance before Russian groups. No one is investigating. Meanwhile, here's the Clinton Foundation, whose donors worldwide contributed millions in a pay-to-play scheme to gain access to state department officials in exchange for their donations. No one is investigating.
There is an obsession, in both the liberal media, as well as in the corrupt pro-Democrat "deep state" rigged investigations with shouting from the rooftops the first hint of the slightest grain of improper action by Trump officials, while simultaneously ignoring Himalayan mountains of evidence of corruption and treason on the Democrat side. And on the Democrat side, it is painfully obvious, and you realy don't have to dig very deep. It's RIGHT THERE! Just LOOK at it!