Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: iggy
Do you mind if I ask why you even bother, MEM? Honestly, WB isn't going to budge in his love of Trump until he gets slapped on the forehead by some prime Russian collusion cock.

Eat shit.
And see above.

Jesus loves you, WB, and totally watches as you masturbate to the porn you share in the women forum because you are both fucking perverts.

Trump and company are no better than the other side. They may play the crooked game from the business side, but they still play the crooked game that tilts the table in their favor. You just can't accept he is no less a piece of shit than Hillary because your pride won't let you concede that he is just a turd of a different color and fragrance.

There is nothing wrong with saying that--while still glad you didn't elect Hillary--you still look at this clown and wish you could call mulligan.

All I see is insults in your above response, nothing that even slightly resembles a lucid case against Trump, or why he's allegedly as corrupt or more corrupt than Frau Hitlery. I've detailed the case against Hillary, as have many others. I see a lot alleged about Trump, and yet nothing proven. The worst thing he's said is "You just grab them by the pussy." Which still is just Trump saying that when you're famous, women want to be around you, and he takes what they're willingly giving him.

I see results from Trump:
Even without a wall, illegal immigration is down by at least 50%.
The stock market has risen by 20% since he took office less than 6 months ago.
He has already passed considerable legislation, and at least has the potential to pass repeal/replace of Obamacare, and more achievable, tax reform.
Trump is re-building our military, and has made the threat of U.S. military action actually mean something again, and given the world's worst players reason to hesitate, when they were on the march during Obama's feckless reign.
Unemployment is down, and people who had given up looking for work under Obama are now back in the labor market looking for work.
ISIS in Iraq/Syria is days away from defeat.

And you say Trump is a liar on a par with Hillary, full of empty promises!?! What are you smoking? Trump for whatever flaws has achieved more, and more quickly, than any president in my lifetime, in *LESS* than 6 months so far. Obama took 14 months to pass Obamacare during his presidency, and Trump is being called a failure in less than 6 months? Please.

For 5 years, Iggy, you've come across as a vindictive liar with an axe to grind. You support no Republican who has a chance of winning, you vindictively attack any Republican who does win. At best, your views are confused. And at worst, you're a treacherous liar, who misrepresents his true views, and is in all likelihood a closeted liberal pretending to be something he's not.

And more generally about Trump's beltway and grassroots opposition, I just don't get the unbridled hatred unleashed on him, particularly the ones who call Trump "right-wing", "racist" and so forth. Trump spent a good deal of his life as a Democrat. UNTIL JUST BEFORE TRUMP ANNOUNCED HIS PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDACY, Trump was a registered Democrat, who was a large Democrat donor. He has demonstrated himself for at least 35 years to be a patriot who would rather not run for office, but didn't rule it out if no one else stepped up to do the job, and when no one else stepped up, he finally ran, and won. I see Trump as a pragmatist who is not ideologically tethered to either party's ideology, and liberals should pray to God nothing happens to Trump, because Vice President Pence >>>>IS<<<< their worst nightmare of a conservative ideologue with a hard stance against abortion, gay marriage, and all the other hardline conservative hot issues. TRUMP IS NOT! Trump was among the first large employers to hire women and minorities in large numbers and hire them to high-paying executive positions. Trump is also very friendly and supportive of gays.
Not since Reagan in 1980, or the Gingrich Revolution in 1994 have I seen elected leaders work so hard to keep their promises to the American people. And like tens of millions of other Americans who support Trump, I see his attackers as partisan liars tearing down a guy whose trying like hell to keep his promises and re-build America. Partisan liars who haven't a shred of evidence against him, beyond innuendo and wild speculation. Even as there >>>>IS<<< a strong case against Loretta Lynch, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, Barack Obama, Jennifer Palmieri, Cheryl Mills, Debbie Wasserman Bitch-Cunt Schultz, Donna Brazille, John Podesta, Robbie Mook, James Comey, and even against Robert Meuller (in his clearly DNC-tilted "independent investigation" lawyers, who far from independent, are all huge Democrat donors, and one a former lawyer for the Clinton foundation who filed suppression orders to hide the very evidence they are supposed to now be investigating. ) I've yet to hear >>>>>>>>>>ONE<<<<<<<<< valid accusation against Trump that has ever come to anything beyond wild speculation and a complete lack of evidence.

In the current case against Donald Trump Jr., the Russian lawyer he agreed to meet with (who misrepresented herself to secure the meeting) would never have been able to have legal status to be in the U.S. to meet with Trump Jr., if not for the approval of her passport by Loretta Lynch to give her legal status to be here. Hannity and several legal scholars have deconstructed the hypocrisies, of how Democrats SET UP the circumstances for this Russian lawyer to meet Trump Jr and her clear ties to Democrats who sponsored her. And how Clinton campaign officials in dealings with the Ukrainian government were not held to the same standard as Trump Jr.

So again, in short: NO EVIDENCE AGAINST TRUMP OR HIS ADMINISTRATION, just more wild speculation proven to have no basis.

Is that clear enough for you?

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.