Originally Posted By: iggy
So, hold Trump and Sessions accountable for seeing that justice against Hillary is finally served if her crimes are that numerous and clear! Otherwise, we're not talking about her or Obama's crimes here and you can leave that deflection at the door. Trump is either abrogating his duty to uphold the law or he knows there is no there there and all of it is just an elaborate game of politics that makes the likes of you become frothing-at-the-mouth partisans.

That is certainly what Trump and the Republican House and Senate majorities were elected to do. The evidence is overwhelming that Hillarry, Obama and the broader DNC leadership are guilty of multiple crimes. The reluctance to prosecute them makes no sense to me. Certainly Trump vowed to make Hillary accountable to the same justice as everyone else when he was campaigning. As early as election day, I expressed my frustration here that Trump pulled back and at the inauguration describe Bill and Hillary Clinton as "good people".

I can only speculate on Trump's motivations. But I would guess that he didn't press the issue of Hillary's crimes beginning at his inauguration because (1) She was out of power, and therefore no longer a threat despite her past crimes, (2) not pursuing Hillary would be healing to the nation, and perhaps not further humiliating her and the DNC would buy the cooperation of House and Senate Democrats in advancing his own agenda as president (which clearly hasn't happened), and (3) pursuing Democrats after they left office might set a precedent that Democrats, when eventually in power again, would similarly pursue Trump or other Republicans after they leave office.

Again, that's my best speculation, certainly not any inside knowledge.

 Originally Posted By: Iggy
Secondly, I never said anything about Trump doing anything illegal. You guys going that route is another attempt to derail the conversation.

There was no malicious attempt on my part to misrepresent what you said or "derail the conversation". You just said above:

Trump and company are no better than the other side. They may play the crooked game from the business side, but they still play the crooked game that tilts the table in their favor. You just can't accept he is no less a piece of shit than Hillary because your pride won't let you concede that he is just a turd of a different color and fragrance.

You condemned Trump in the harshest of terms and said he was just as bad as Hillary. Trump is alleged to have committed crimes by partisan Democrats. Don't blame me for your own harsh words and lack of clarity, where you appear to fully buy into the harshest rhetoric from the Democrat side of Trump's alleged crimes.

 Originally Posted By: Iggy
What this revelation did do is flush six months of Trump narrative down the fucking drain. The administration killed their own credibility by not being forward about these things and treating it as a witch-hunt.

No. They didn't. This Russian lawyer is already proven to be a Democrat operative, whose very legal status to even be in this country was granted by attorney General Loretta Lynch on a special VISA passport that appears to be one of a kind, that permitted her to do her devil's work at Obama/Hillary's bidding.

 Originally Posted By: Iggy

But, let's focus on Hillary. Please, tell me why Trump won't take the donessa down. It can't be for the good of the country as letting her and her cronies get away with it puts us in danger of them doing even more awful shit in the future to undermine America. Taking "Frau Hillary" down is--by your account of things--imperative for American survival because she is treacherously selling us out at every turn and Trump and co. are doing nothing to prevent such things from ever happening again. Why, wondy? Why does Trump care so little about our fucking country as to not save us from this horrible bitch of a woman?

That was a bit overly dramatic on your part. And I answered that in the first part of my post. I can only speculate on Trump's motive in not aggressively prosecuting overt and provable crimes by Obama and Hillary.

And regardless, Hillary is out of power and no longer a threat. The only threat left from both Obama and Hillary are their "deep state" loyalists in the State Dept, Defense Dept, Justice Dept, and intelligence fields of FBI/CIA/NSA that are leaking information every day and should all be fired.

The ability of Trump to do this is perhaps prevented by Democrat obstruction of his nominees, to an unprecedented level, where he can't pursue justice until he has a team in place. Which has now stalled 1/8th of his four-year term.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.