Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

You push your narrowly shaved false narrative like a trained propagandist, M E M.

But your narrow shaving of the truth doesn't come NEAR explaining all the corrupt loose ends that Hannity details in the above two editorials, among many other Democrat deceptions he lays out nightly in his program. All you can say is Trump Jr. had a meeting he attended, where he was led to the meeting under false pretenses, and ultimately did nothing wrong, certainly no crimes.

As opposed the HIMILAYAN MOUNTAIN CHAIN -sized stack of evidence against Hillary Clinton and Obama, that I, G-man and others have laid out in this topic.

If Hillary is not being prosecuted, it is because of corrupt leadership by the likes of James Comey, Loretta Lynch, and Robert Meuller (who has assembled a set of attorneys to investigate who are huge donors to Obama, Hillary, and the DNC.)

Note you didn't refute one thing in that article. You talk about facts but when confronted with them you pivot with more of the same flawed partisan accusations. Lynch again isn't in her position any longer but instead it's Trump's guy. They are the ones that are not going after Clinton. If they actually had a case they would but Hannity/Trump crap allegations don't actually work in court.

Fair play!