The fact is the woman who met with Trump Jr. should never have been in the country, and she was allowed in the country on some bizarre one-of-a-kind exemption to legal immigration BY LORETTA LYNCH. Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya arranged a meeting with Trump Jr. on false pretenses, nothing further, no information was exchanged, Trump Jr. did absolutely nothing wrong.
While uninvestigated, the Hillary campaign traded secrets with the Ukranian government and other foreign lobbyists, and ACTUALLY DID do what they accuse Trump Jr of doing, colluding with a foreign government to affect a U.S. presidential election. And Hillary's illegal private e-mail server that compromised national security to the Russians and Chinese EVERY DAY that Hillary was Secretary of State. And "pay to play" selling of State Department access to Clinton Foundation donors.
Incredible irony, to obsess over nothing about Trump Jr., while ignoring the massive evidence against Hillary.