No. You're not. It's just pure emotion, vindictiveness and slander on your part.
Was it good judgement to get his son to try to lie about the meeting with the Russians?
That's (yet another) unsourced hit piece by the Washington Post with nothing to back it up. Trump's White House counsel (an actual source!) says that story is complete fabrication. And he met ONE TIME with a Russian lobbyist lawyer where no information was exchanged. He ended the meeting when he saw it was a bait-and-switch meeting set up under false pretenses. And as has been widely reported in sources actually interested in the facts and not just trying to smear President Trump, that lawyer is >>>>>FAR<<<<<< more heavily tied to Democrat lobby interests. Trump Jr had one meeting with the Russian lobbyist attorney, and once she visibly deceived him, Trump Jr walked out and would have nothing to do with her. As opposed to the Democrats' extensive ties. As opposed to Hillary Clinton's signing away 20% of U.S. uranium to Russia, in exchange for millions in donations to the3 Clinton Foundation, and immediately after a sudden $500,000 speaking fee in Russia for Bill Clinton. THAT is where the smoke and the fire is, not Trump Jr.
Originally Posted By: M E M
Is that a value for you? Is that loving America?
Trump is rebuilding our military. Even without an actual fence yet, Trump has reduced illegal immigration by 70%. The stock market was at 18,000 when Trump was elected, it is expected to pass 22,000 today. A 20% increase in just his first 6 months.
In myriad ways, Trump is strengthening our sovereignty and pushing back globalism's attempts to undermine U.S. sovereignty, and preserve our national identity from external domination and submission.
As opposed to Obama, Hillary Clinton and the Democrats, who are cultural Marxists who ideologically despise capitalism and have deceitfully used Saul Alinsky tactics to undermine the U.S. their entire adult lives. Hillary Clinton, the chosen tool of George Soros to crush U.S. supremacy and reign us into the globalist order. Hillary Clinton, the tool of the Council on Foreign Relations, the instrument of anti-American globalism. Hillary Clinton, who regards police and military as "pigs", and despises their uniforms so much that she made them wear plain business suits when their duties brought them to the White House.
Trump has the overwhelming support of our military. I certainly think they are in a position to know which of the two campaign sides honors our country, and which side hates America.
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.