Ha! You really are the loon that masturbates to paedo-porn everyone that's left here has accused you of being, aren't you?
You're such a petty schmuck. Personal insults, that's what you're all about.
All three branches of the government lean right and--yet--Hillary is untouchable from facing justice? Surely, they can do something...right? No, I forgot that only the guys you really like are the true patriots in Washington and they are just outnumbered. That's why it seems a grand jury has been empaneled in the Mueller investigation, right?
Because Republicans, like attorney general Sessions, recused himself to avoid the slightest appearance of conflict of interest. While Meueller and his special investigative committee of Clinton and Obama donors are unashamedly corrupt about their clear conflict of interest. As are Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Susan Rice, Donna Brazile, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills, Jennifer Palmieri, Anthony Weiner, and others among their zealous Marxist radical staff who would gladly fall on their swords for them.
Nothing may come of this. But, you becoming this seething paedo-beast of raging impotence as the wheels of justice continue to work against your guy is...pretty fucking hilarious.
No justice. And you have some rather odd fantasies. Wheels of Democrat corruption, that demonstrate their contempt for the rule of law, in whatever advances their leftist agenda.
But, please, do continue to keep me entertained...however, lay off the kiddos.
Bill Clinton and pedophile island are the child molesters. Whatever lies you are trying to front.