Your insults are not fact. It is a fact that the national debt has increased from 3 trillion in the Bush Sr years, to 5.5 trillion during the Clinton years, to 10.5 by the end of the W. Bush years, to 20 trillion in the Obama years.
Far from "lizardmen from the moon", dipshit, I have cited a number of books that have formed my opinions, based on considerable fact. The lobby influence on our elected leaders is the clear determinant of policy, i.e. rising debt and erosion of sovereignty into a global system. As cited and sourced in multiple books by Pat Buchanan beginning with DEATH OF THE WEST, and OBAMANOMICS by Timothy Carney that details the lobbyist influence on both parties, and lists specific amounts from the largest lobbyist sectors to elected leaders of both parties. The most recent I've been reading has been THE SHADOW PARTY by David Horowitz. The Council on Foreign Relations, the 40 or so who drafted the founding documents of the U.N., the folks at the U.N. in Brussels, Strobe Talbott who served in the Clinton administration, Cass Sunstein of the Obama administration, Brezinski and Rockefeller in their forming of the Trilateral Comission, and Soros and his vast web of acolytes and funded front groups (MediaMatters, CodePink, Center For American Progress and the Obama and Hillary Clinton Campaigns among them), have all been quite clear about their desire to create a global government. And many of those have been clear about their plans to topple United States government sovereignty, that they openly define as an annoying obstruction to their plans.
It is beyond question and beyond conspiracy theory that these plans exist. Chapter and verse, clearly stated by their proponents.
Cass Sunstein, Rockefeller, CFR, and TriLat Commission? Oh, god, you really have gone full retard. The CFR is nearing its century mark. By all realistic metrics, they are the epitome of shitty conspirators who look to overthrow the Republic and usher in an oppressive, fascist, world government if they were really trying to take over the world. You need psychiatric help, dude.
Does that mean they are without blemish? No. I think groups like that can develop insular thinking that does unintentional damage to those not of "elite" status. But, the bullshit you are expounding? Nah, that's just some dense bullshit...