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 Originally Posted By: iggy do know your guys are in power and could open a criminal investigation if they wanted to, right? The fact that they aren't, but are using all of that to shore up the base anytime they need a distraction from other events should tell you something.

How dense are you?
You asked this question before and I answered it.

Trump clearly wants Hillary investigated for multiple crimes, and the Obama administration for the surveillance and intelligence unmaskings. Trump appointed attorney general Sessions, and Sessions for reasons of avoiding any appearance of conflict of interest, recused himself. To Trump's exasperation. Why Sessions didn't appoint someone beyond question to investigate is a mystery to me, and to many, and Trump shares our exasperation.
Comey is a deep state bureaucrat, with ulterior motives.
Rod Rosenstein is a deep state bureaucrat with ulterior motives. Rosenstein instructed Trump IN WRITING to fire Comey to restore public trust in the FBI, and then appointed Meuller (a 30-year close friend of Comey) to do a special investigation of Trump for doing so! And Meuller hired 8 large donors to the Obama/Hillary/DNC campaigns, an obvious conflict of interest. But conflict of interest obviously isn't held to the same standard among Democrats.

Trump could fire Meuller, but that would create another scandal for Trump. I wish both Democrats and Republicans would publicly condemn the clear conflict of interest in Meuller's investigation, and call for its dissolution , and replacement with a truly objective and conflict-of-interest- free special commission to replace it.

But all this is an obstruction to the type of investigation most of us (including Trump) would like to see.

Tammy Bruce a few days ago said what I have thought since the 2016 campaign, that Trump, despite winning on the Republican ticket, is essentially an independent, fighting the establishment in both parties to create necessary reforms in the federal government. Reforms that are a threat to the lobbyist system that infests and enriches the elites in both parties.

I've been aware of this since the push toward globalism, export of jobs( i.e."offshoring"), the passing of NAFTA and GATT, the surge in national debt that began in the G H W Bush years, and further exploded under W Bush and Obama, the third-worlding of the U.S. since about 1990 through immigration (both legal and illegal), and the complete collapse of immigration enforcement under W. Bush and Obama. It seem obvious to me that the establishment in both parties are bought out by globalist interest and are behind the massive explosion in debt that globalists want, and as they have done with third-world nations, will eventually collapse the U.S. dollar and use that to reign us into the global order, probably first with a North American union and a North American dollar.
Trump is a nationalist who is working to reverse this. Despite the opposition within the establishment in his own party.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Why is the article a lie from the outset WB? Seems like every couple of days more of it gets confirmed by the WH. Your previous post for example cites a Trump lawyer saying Trump had nothing to do with JR's meeting. That clearly wasn't true. Now we know Trump was involved.

Because it isn't "confirmed". All it says is that President Trump talked to Trump Jr regarding the meeting. Which again, was set up by Veselnetskaya under false pretenses, and in which no actual information was exchanged. You guys cling to the slightest whiff of a POTENTIAL Trump scandal, while ignoring the ACTUAL Hillary Clinton corruption, collusion and bribes:

So unless Trump confirms something it's a lie? I think you know that is a very flawed standard that you only are employing politically. As for the Clinton stuff, your side is in power so again you are very political in your outrage. Tell you what though, if the Russia stuff reaches the level of your Benghazi witch hunt the GOP had (investigation after investigation) I'll actually agree with you on the veracity of this special counsel on Russia. All happening not because of the Dems btw.

There isn't much new to respond to here either.

The Benghazi investigation wasn't a "witch hunt", between limits on time that those involved could be questioned, and the Obama administration threatening the careers of CIA and State Dept officials who cooperated with investigators, the ability to make a case and prosecute was blunted and obstructed by Democrats.
And we >>>STILL<<< don't even know where Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were during the hours of the attack, no investigation could seriously be considered complete until that question is answered. Obama, Hillary Clinton, Jay Carney, and Susan Rice blatantly lied about the Benghazi attack, and there is absolutely no question about that.

Just as Democrats are creating a false narrative about Trump administration's alleged "Russian collusion" to obstruct Obama illegal surveillance and unmasking, and Hillary Clinton's BLATANT Russian collusion and other treasonous crimes.

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    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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At this point of conspiratorial bullshit that you have to manufacture to not see the obvious, you might as well have a missile hitting the Pentagon on 9/11 and Bill Clinton being controlled by lizardmen from the moon. When anyone that doesn't stand with Trump is against him and/or have ulterior motives, you might as well go full Infowars.

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Your insults are not fact. It is a fact that the national debt has increased from 3 trillion in the Bush Sr years, to 5.5 trillion during the Clinton years, to 10.5 by the end of the W. Bush years, to 20 trillion in the Obama years.

Far from "lizardmen from the moon", dipshit, I have cited a number of books that have formed my opinions, based on considerable fact. The lobby influence on our elected leaders is the clear determinant of policy, i.e. rising debt and erosion of sovereignty into a global system. As cited and sourced in multiple books by Pat Buchanan beginning with DEATH OF THE WEST, and OBAMANOMICS by Timothy Carney that details the lobbyist influence on both parties, and lists specific amounts from the largest lobbyist sectors to elected leaders of both parties.
The most recent I've been reading has been THE SHADOW PARTY by David Horowitz.
The Council on Foreign Relations, the 40 or so who drafted the founding documents of the U.N., the folks at the U.N. in Brussels, Strobe Talbott who served in the Clinton administration, Cass Sunstein of the Obama administration, Brezinski and Rockefeller in their forming of the Trilateral Comission, and Soros and his vast web of acolytes and funded front groups (MediaMatters, CodePink, Center For American Progress and the Obama and Hillary Clinton Campaigns among them), have all been quite clear about their desire to create a global government. And many of those have been clear about their plans to topple United States government sovereignty, that they openly define as an annoying obstruction to their plans.

It is beyond question and beyond conspiracy theory that these plans exist. Chapter and verse, clearly stated by their proponents.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Why is the article a lie from the outset WB? Seems like every couple of days more of it gets confirmed by the WH. Your previous post for example cites a Trump lawyer saying Trump had nothing to do with JR's meeting. That clearly wasn't true. Now we know Trump was involved.

Because it isn't "confirmed". All it says is that President Trump talked to Trump Jr regarding the meeting. Which again, was set up by Veselnetskaya under false pretenses, and in which no actual information was exchanged. You guys cling to the slightest whiff of a POTENTIAL Trump scandal, while ignoring the ACTUAL Hillary Clinton corruption, collusion and bribes:

So unless Trump confirms something it's a lie? I think you know that is a very flawed standard that you only are employing politically. As for the Clinton stuff, your side is in power so again you are very political in your outrage. Tell you what though, if the Russia stuff reaches the level of your Benghazi witch hunt the GOP had (investigation after investigation) I'll actually agree with you on the veracity of this special counsel on Russia. All happening not because of the Dems btw.

There isn't much new to respond to here either.

The Benghazi investigation wasn't a "witch hunt", between limits on time that those involved could be questioned, and the Obama administration threatening the careers of CIA and State Dept officials who cooperated with investigators, the ability to make a case and prosecute was blunted and obstructed by Democrats.
And we >>>STILL<<< don't even know where Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were during the hours of the attack, no investigation could seriously be considered complete until that question is answered. Obama, Hillary Clinton, Jay Carney, and Susan Rice blatantly lied about the Benghazi attack, and there is absolutely no question about that.

Just as Democrats are creating a false narrative about Trump administration's alleged "Russian collusion" to obstruct Obama illegal surveillance and unmasking, and Hillary Clinton's BLATANT Russian collusion and other treasonous crimes.

You skipped over the whole "unless Trump confirms it you call it a lie". I think you're actually the one guilty of the witch hunts. The GOP is in charge now so it's something that loses its effectiveness at this point.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Your insults are not fact. It is a fact that the national debt has increased from 3 trillion in the Bush Sr years, to 5.5 trillion during the Clinton years, to 10.5 by the end of the W. Bush years, to 20 trillion in the Obama years.

Far from "lizardmen from the moon", dipshit, I have cited a number of books that have formed my opinions, based on considerable fact. The lobby influence on our elected leaders is the clear determinant of policy, i.e. rising debt and erosion of sovereignty into a global system. As cited and sourced in multiple books by Pat Buchanan beginning with DEATH OF THE WEST, and OBAMANOMICS by Timothy Carney that details the lobbyist influence on both parties, and lists specific amounts from the largest lobbyist sectors to elected leaders of both parties.
The most recent I've been reading has been THE SHADOW PARTY by David Horowitz.
The Council on Foreign Relations, the 40 or so who drafted the founding documents of the U.N., the folks at the U.N. in Brussels, Strobe Talbott who served in the Clinton administration, Cass Sunstein of the Obama administration, Brezinski and Rockefeller in their forming of the Trilateral Comission, and Soros and his vast web of acolytes and funded front groups (MediaMatters, CodePink, Center For American Progress and the Obama and Hillary Clinton Campaigns among them), have all been quite clear about their desire to create a global government. And many of those have been clear about their plans to topple United States government sovereignty, that they openly define as an annoying obstruction to their plans.

It is beyond question and beyond conspiracy theory that these plans exist. Chapter and verse, clearly stated by their proponents.

Cass Sunstein, Rockefeller, CFR, and TriLat Commission? Oh, god, you really have gone full retard. The CFR is nearing its century mark. By all realistic metrics, they are the epitome of shitty conspirators who look to overthrow the Republic and usher in an oppressive, fascist, world government if they were really trying to take over the world. You need psychiatric help, dude.

Does that mean they are without blemish? No. I think groups like that can develop insular thinking that does unintentional damage to those not of "elite" status. But, the bullshit you are expounding? Nah, that's just some dense bullshit...

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Trump legal team scrambles to prepare for new stage of Russia probe

Going to be hard to make this go away methinks

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At this point it's pure speculation. We'll find out Monday.

It would be beautiful if the indictment was of Hillary Clinton and aides in the Clinton Foundation, where the indictment truly belongs. But instead, it'll probably be a last desperate attempt for Meuller to smear Trump with perp-walk of Manafort or Gen Flynn, despite that the flashing neon trail increasingly points right to Frau Hitlery and the broader DNC.

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You have to know that if there was anything the GOP could legitimately charge Clinton with it would be done. Sad to see the other party turn into this.

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Only obstruction is preventing indictment of all these DNC players.

There are MOUNTAINS of evidence against Hillary Clinton, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, FusionGPS, Bill and Hillary's pay-to-play selling State Dept influence in exchange for Clinton Foundation donations, Hillary's illegal private server and e-mails that compromised national security every day of the 4 years she was secretary of state. Using FBI, CIA and NSA to spy on the Trump Campaign, and post-election on the Trump Administration. The clear ethical breaches and crimes of James Comey, Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder, Rod Rosenstein, and the thoroughly discredited Meuller investigation that was created only by lies and corruption, and is stacked with huge campaign donors to Obama, Hillary and the DNC, and therefore clearly not neutral and objective. Lois Lerner and the IRS targeting conservative Tea Party groups and large GOP donors. On and on.
All this evidence is RIGHT THERE waiting to be investigated and prosecuted. Federal agencies like the State Dept, DOJ, FBI, CIA and IRS are stonewalling those willing to investigate. All these are bureaucrats who clearly voted for Hillary, and are immorally abusing their positions to help the DNC and hurt Trump.

Those are the facts, for those willing to objectively look at them.

My only guess is that the establishment Republicans (1) don't want Trump to succeed and topple their power structure where they have more in common with the establishment Democrats than they do with their conservative Republican voters, and (2) they don't want to set the precedent of the GOP investigating the outgoing Obama administration, because eventually the Democrats will be back in power and then can do the same to them, and their GOP profitable earmarks, insider trading, and other sweetheart deal activities they don't want revealed. One hand washes the other, if we don't lower the hammer on you establishment Dems, you won't do it later to us establishment Republicans.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
You have to know that if there was anything the GOP could legitimately charge Clinton with it would be done. Sad to see the other party turn into this.

Mueller shifts to Tony Podesta, Democratic lobbying firm: Tony Podesta's brother is John Podesta, a veteran of the Clinton administration and the campaign chairman for Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential bid. The siblings co-founded Podesta Group in 1988.

Taking out Trump would be worth it if they end up frog marching Hillary out of Chappaqua.

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Another significant aspect of the Manafort indictment is that it's for Manafort's actions that preceded his brief tenure in the Trump administration.

It is a blatant attempt to intimidate Manafort into flipping and making a plea bargain for a lesser sentence by testifying against the Trump administration, possibly with false accusations against Trump just to keep himself out of jail.
AGAIN: there is absolutely no evidence at this point, roughly a year and a half into the investigation of Trump, of any "collusion" with the Russians, let alone any crimes by the Trump administration.

Meanwhile, there are increasing mountains of evidence against Hillary Clinton and the Democrats, of THEIR collusion with the Russians and crimes, that still goes uninvestigated and unprosecuted, as all attention is drawn by the media and the Meuller special commission to the baseless and manufactured charges against Trump.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Hannity gave a nice overview last night on his program:

Hannity, Oct 30, 2016:

The appearance of criminal activity by a Trump official (from a period before he worked for Trump) with no substance to back it up. With Meuller investigation's suppression of the evidence that leads to Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration, where the smoke and the fire truly is.

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Is Tony Podesta The Next Lobbyist To Be Indicted By Mueller?
  • The references in the Manafort indictment to “Company A” and “Company B” are believed to be euphemisms for the Podesta Group and above-mentioned Mercury LLC. Why the organizations are not referred to directly in the charging documents is unclear.

    What is clear is that Tony Podesta’s organization played a large role in the lobbying activities at the basis of Manafort’s indictment and that his firm is apparently guilty of at least one of the crimes Manafort was arrested for today.

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Know what would be even less bad than that? NOT FUCKING WITH ELECTIONS. Trying to say Party X's infraction is less egregious than that of Party Y further underscores the absolute lack of integrity in our political system and the unworthiness of most of this crop of civil servants.


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I think Trump passes into a whole new level to be honest. And Warren actually is and has taken on a lot of the bs you are decrying.

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So given the developments via Flynn cooperating I'm guessing Kushner is next.

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With Gen. Flynn's plea to lying in testimony, the likelihood is that he would have pleaded to more if this was going to move any further. It is likely this was the most Meuller's DNC-donor-heavy partisan hit squad has pushed this investigation as far as it will go. And to do so, Meuller took the Special Investigation (set up to investigate the Trump campaign's alleged illegal/treasonous "collusion" with Russia prior to the election) >>>FAR<<< outside the scope of what it was created to investigate.

With Flynn, it convicted him for doing things that were legal when he did them, but for which he lied in testimony about what he was legally allowed to do. It is normal for an incoming elected administration (between the Nov 5 2016 election, and the Jan 20 2017 inauguration) to reach out and establish relationships with foreign governments with their "transition team"), but for some reason Flynn did not want to disclose what he had legally done, and lied. Flynn's only real crime was not disclosing that he had prior to joining the Trump team, acted as an undisclosed representative in other matters for the Turkish government.

The lead investigator for Judicial Watch (on Lou Dobbs Tonight yesterday, Dec 1 2017) said "give me two hours of deposition with anyone, and I can make them lie in testimony."
There is no crime, just someone who didn't know how to legally answer the question.

Wonder Boy #1224585 2017-12-03 1:02 PM
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Actually the lesser plea sounds like Mueller is using him to get bigger fish. Considering what level Flynn was at you're looking at Trump and his inner circle.

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And now we have the Nixonian argument that Trump is above the law. Anybody agree with a President being above the law?

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
And now we have the Nixonian argument that Trump is above the law. Anybody agree with a President being above the law?

No president is above the law but the law does allow any president, in his/her role as chief federal law enforcement officer, prosecutorial discretion (that is, discretion in what cases to enforce and/or prosecute). That's how, for example, Obama could refuse to enforce immgration laws and not get impeached or arrested for official misconduct. Similarly, a president has more or less unfettered authority to hire and fire his staff, including an FBI director and/or Attorney General.

The question is at what point is the line crosses from prosecutorial discretion to obstruction. Real people can, of course, disagree since it's largely a fact-based analysis.

I suspect in your case, the law is crossed as soon as the discretion is exercised by someone who doesn't have "D" after his or her name.

the G-man #1224597 2017-12-06 1:49 AM
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Note I left out any partisan sniping. You however don't.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Note I left out any partisan sniping. You however don't.

I've been following your work for nearly 15 years now. Let's not pretend you don't have a pattern of situational ethics

the G-man #1224600 2017-12-06 2:08 AM
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You understand that you are in no position to be a credible judge. Again 13 years of your "work". You always go after the person more than doing the debate.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
You understand that you are in no position to be a credible judge. Again 13 years of your "work". You always go after the person more than doing the debate.

Why are you more credible than G-man?
I don't see that he goes for you personally any more than you go after him. I think G-man mostly quotes mainstream sources to cite information for the views he posts. I don't see that he cites any sources as partisan as MediaMatters or RAW, although a good amount of the time you cite mainstream sources too.

There are times where we all get a bit personal when the passions run high. At best, over many years here, I like that despite the more passionate and personal words, there remains a dialogue where both sides present a case for their POV.

Over the acrimony that sometimes occurs, I want to say again that I like you, M E M, and I daresay that you often express yourself with more restraint than I do. And that if we were ever to meet I think we'd like each other and have a pleasant conversation on this and other subjects. But I think it's difficult for both sides to fully understand why the other feels loyalty to what we ourselves oppose. I see the deceit of Obama and the Clintons, the anti-American cultural Marxism of them, where they will literally do ANYTHING to advance their agenda. Objectively, the current Democrats have demonstrably abandoned the Constitution and rule of law, and pick and choose who they prosecute and give a pass to, in service of their own power and political agenda (Manafort and Flynn who did nothing wrong are entrapped into perjury, while Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, clearly guilty of crimes are never similarly deposed to perjure themselves, are given plea deals and a complete free pass).
The IRS is weaponized by the Obama administration against Tea Party groups and large Republican donors.
FISA requests allow the Obama administration to use NSA and CIA to monitor Trump campaign and Trump administration communication, as opposition research to entrap and destroy the Trump administration.
FBI, CIA, State Department, IRS and other federal agencies are dominated by pro-Hillary "Deep-State" Democrats, who are weaponizing these agencies against Republicans, and against the Trump administration in particular, in a complete bypass of the rule of law, and abandonment of equal protection under the law. A free pass system exists for Democrats, a lynch-mob mentality exists for manufacturing a corrupt case against Republicans.

I've cited over and over the things Democrats have done that are undeniably corrupt and indefensible against criticism. Unquestionably, Hillary and Obama and their minions have broken the law, or at best unethically corrupted it. It frankly scares me that Democrats have this level of power, and so shamelessly abuse it. And even worse, that grassroots Democrats have no problem with that abuse! I can easily see at this point a day in the near future where if Democrats regain the Presidency and Senate/House majorities, they would IRS-audit Republicans, deny Republicans employment for their beliefs (in government jobs, or in the private sector), and get police to stand by while Republicans are attacked by liberal mobs. We have already seen that on a limited scale over the last four years or so.

And yet you defend the corrupt abuses of the Democrats. You somehow justify this in your mind. I find that both difficult to understand, and deeply disturbing. Democrats' views are with a level of hatred and ideological zeal that the Nazis went after the Jews in 1930's Germany. I'd say we're at about 1933 levels of lawlessness and hatred. We are moving toward a point where liberals regain control of all branches and unleash a 1939 level of intolerance, violence and suppression of conservative thought.

We already know what Hillary would have done if elected. She would have fired the government officials who exposed her national security -endangering e-mails. What incredible corruption we know, we know ONLY because Trump was elected president. If she were elected, despite the incredible levels of corruption, we would never know! And even so, the "deep state" liberal zealots are doing their best to suppress investigation of the obvious facts.
Eventually the pendulum will shift to the Democrats, and all this will be swept under the rug. And it will be open season again on conservatives, as we saw a glimpse of from 2012-2016.

And, unfathomable to me, you seem to endorse that, and welcome whatever gives your DNC buddies power.
Rigging debates.
Rigging primaries, favoring Hillary over Sanders.
Operatives paid $1,500 each to go into Trump rallies and create violence to paint Trump supporters as violent. And openly gloat (video recorded) they are Hillary operatives, deceitfully paid through a "double wall" of deniability, that would be unprovable if not for their self-incriminating gloating.
Manipulating FISA requests to use the CIA and NSA to do opposition research surveillance on Trump officials!
Weaaponizing the IRS to do audits of Republican individuals and Tea Party and Christian activist groups! Arguably narrowly winning the 2012 election due to this corrupt abuse that ever so slightly tipped the scales 3% or so in their favor.

And you endorse all that. For you to endorse that, for you to give that a free pass, I put you in the same category as Lenin, Trotsy, Stalin, Castro and Mao.

Seriously, how can you possibly look the other way when the Democrats are that corrupt and abusive of Federal power?

Flynn for example did nothing wrong regarding his representation of Trump. FISA surveillance allowed every word of his 5 conversations with the Russian ambassador to be recorded. Meuller's lawyers knew every detail of his interactions with the Russian ambassador, and his interactions were perfectly legal. His only crime was lying under oath to hide some subtle details of his conversations with the Russian ambassador, that were otherwise perfectly legal. Flynn was part of a "transition team" establishing relations with a foreign government the Trump administration would soon be dealing with! Nothing wrong. Knowing in advance EVERY WORD of Flynn's conversation (through corrupt FISA surveillance by the CIA) the only purpose of his deposition was NOT to acquire information, but to trap him in his own words on a technicality and use that manufactured perjury to leverage him.
Even as Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills, James Comey and Rod Rosenstein get a free pass.

It's obscene. And yet you excuse it.

Wonder Boy #1224644 2017-12-09 2:19 PM
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Just pointing out that my response to g wasn't out of nowhere WB. He inserted a partisan snipe. That's fine if he wants to do that but I think it's boring and silly coming from somebody that is hardly nonpartisan. I think the topic probably doesn't allow him to say much that benefits republicans. Flynn lied and he didn't do it by accident btw. He's not a victim. And I don't think he's going to be the big fish at the end of this.

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I would also add that despite your accusations republicans have investigated the Clinton's so many times and let's be honest, it's been political. I think if there was anything they could have legitimately hanged Hillary for they would have. Now with Trump in office a lot of political effort is going into trying to shut down the Mueller one. I hate that your politics go so far to really making huge accusations at the other side. I like you also because I think your still a good person btw. Over the years we've gotten into heated arguments and both have said some really horrible things. I regret the times when I've attacked you personally. I think we both want a better country but just have different politics to achieve it.

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You completely bypassed the serious Constitutional democracy-threatening actions of the Obama-Hillary "deep state" I raised, M E M.

And by the way, Bill Clinton WAS impeached.
Bill Clinton WAS disbarred as an attorney and fined $90,000.
Bill Clinton WAS forced to pay a $700,000 settlement to Paula Jones.
Not to mention Bill Clinton's many other female accusers, who either couldn't legally prove their assaults as well, or were intimidated into silence.

The only reason Hillary Clinton (and Obama) are not convicted of gross negligence and other charges over Frau Hitlery's private e-mail server compromising national security is because of the obstruction of Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, FBI agent Peter Strvok, Robert Meuller and DNC-bundler special investigation team of DNC donors, Andrew Weissman (who laughably is presented as a "neutral" investigator and ATTENDED HILLARY CLINTON'S ELECTION NIGHT PARTY, in addition to praising temporary Obama-holdover DOJ head Sally Yates for her defiance of Trump.
Or Meuller's "right hand man" attorney Aaron Zebley, also part of the special investigation, who represented the I.T. guy who on orders used a hammer to destroy Hillary's self-incriminating cel phones!

On and on!
Only a liberal MediaMatters zealot could not be sick to his stomach over the incredible incestuous relationships between the FBI and Meuller investigators, and their long and deep ties to Obama and Hillary.

You defend the vilest and most blatant of Democrat corruption, I have to wonder if you really want a better country, one run by rule of law, or one run by a DNC Kremlin with an iron fist. Because that is exactly what is occurring in the obstructive incestuous relationships I just cited.
Many truly neutral watchdogs (Deven Nunez, Charles McCullough) went on record and stated the Democrats have made clear their threats if Dems had the power to fire them and sweep their evidence under the rug.

Wonder Boy #1224648 2017-12-10 10:09 AM
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'Blowback': Clinton campaign planned to fire me over email probe, Obama intel watchdog says

A government watchdog who played a central role in the Hillary Clinton email investigation during the Obama administration told Fox News that he, his family and his staffers faced an intense backlash at the time from Clinton allies – and that the campaign even put out word that it planned to fire him if the Democratic presidential nominee won the 2016 election.

“There was personal blowback. Personal blowback to me, to my family, to my office,” former Intelligence Community Inspector General Charles McCullough III said.

The Obama appointee discussed his role in the Clinton email probe for the first time on television, during an exclusive interview with Fox News aired on "Tucker Carlson Tonight." McCullough – who came to the inspector general position with more than two decades of experience at the FBI, Treasury and intelligence community – shed light on how quickly the probe was politicized and his office was marginalized by Democrats.

In January 2016, after McCullough told the Republican leadership on the Senate intelligence and foreign affairs committees that emails beyond the “Top Secret” level passed through the former secretary of state's unsecured personal server, the backlash intensified.

All of a sudden I became a shill of the right,” McCullough recalled. “And I was told by members of Congress, ‘Be careful. You're losing your credibility. You need to be careful. There are people out to get you.’”

But the former inspector general, with responsibility for the 17 intelligence agencies, said the executive who recommended him to the Obama administration for the job – then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper – was also disturbed by the independent Clinton email findings.

“[Clapper] said, ‘This is extremely reckless.’ And he mentioned something about -- the campaign … will have heartburn about that,” McCullough said.

He said Clapper's Clinton email comments came during an in-person meeting about a year before the presidential election – in late December 2015 or early 2016. “[Clapper] was as off-put as the rest of us were.”

After the Clapper meeting, McCullough said his team was marginalized. “I was told by senior officials to keep [Clapper] out of it,” he said, while acknowledging he tried to keep his boss in the loop.

As one of the few people who viewed the 22 top secret Clinton emails deemed too classified to release under any circumstances, the former IG said, “There was a very good reason to withhold those emails ... there would have been harm to national security.” McCullough went further, telling Fox News that “sources and methods, lives and operations” could be put at risk.

Some of those email exchanges contained Special Access Program (SAP) information characterized by intel experts as “above top secret.”

WikiLeaks documents show the campaign was formulating talking points as the review of 30,000 Clinton emails was ongoing.

The campaign team wrote in August 2015 that “Clinton only used her account for unclassified email. When information is reviewed for public release, it is common for information previously unclassified to be upgraded to classified.”

McCullough was critical of the campaign’s response, as the classified review had barely begun. “There was an effort … certainly on the part of the campaign, to mislead people into thinking that there was nothing to see here,” McCullough said.

In March 2016, seven senior Democrats sent a letter to McCullough and his State Department counterpart, saying they had serious questions about the impartiality of the Clinton email review. However, McCullough was not making the decisions on what material in Clinton’s emails was classified -- he was passing along the findings of the individual agencies who got the intelligence and have final say on classification.

“I think there was certainly a coordinated strategy,” McCullough said.

McCullough described one confrontation with Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein's office just six weeks before the election, amid pressure to respond to the letter – which Feinstein had co-signed.

“I thought that any response to that letter would just hyper-politicize the situation,” McCullough said. “I recall even offering to resign, to the staff director. I said, ‘Tell [Feinstein] I'll resign tonight. I'd be happy to go. I'm not going to respond to that letter. It's just that simple.”

As Election Day approached, McCullough said the threats went further, singling out him and another senior government investigator on the email case.
“It was told in no uncertain terms, by a source directly from the campaign, that we would be the first two to be fired -- with [Clinton’s] administration. That that was definitely going to happen,” he said.

McCullough said he was just trying to do his job, which requires independence. "I was, in this context, a whistleblower. I was explaining to Congress -- I was doing exactly what they had expected me to do. Exactly what I promised them I would do during my confirmation hearing,” he said. “... This was a political matter, and all of a sudden I was the enemy."

He said pressures also increased early on from Clinton’s former team at the State Department, especially top official Patrick Kennedy.

"State Department management didn't want us there,” McCullough said. “We knew we had had a security problem at this point. We had a possible compromise."

Speaking about the case more than a year after the FBI probe concluded, McCullough in his interview also addressed the possibility that a more cooperative State Department and Clinton campaign might have precluded the FBI’s involvement from the start.

“Had they come in with the server willingly, without having us to refer this to the bureau … maybe we could have worked with the State Department,” he said.

More than 2,100 classified emails passed through Clinton's personal server, which was used exclusively for government business. No one has been charged.

Asked what would have happened to him if he had done such a thing, McCullough said: “I'd be sitting in Leavenworth right now.”

Fox News asked a Clinton campaign spokesman, Feinstein’s office and Clapper for comment. There was no immediate response.


Catherine Herridge is an award-winning Chief Intelligence correspondent for FOX News Channel (FNC) based in Washington, D.C. She covers intelligence, the Justice Department and the Department of Homeland Security. Herridge joined FNC in 1996 as a London-based correspondent.

Pamela K. Browne is Senior Executive Producer at the FOX News Channel (FNC) and is Director of Long-Form Series and Specials. Her journalism has been recognized with several awards. Browne first joined FOX in 1997 to launch the news magazine “Fox Files” and later, “War Stories.”

Wonder Boy #1224649 2017-12-10 10:18 AM
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Ethics panel clears Rep. Devin Nunes of claims he mishandled classified information

The House Ethics Committee announced Thursday that it had cleared House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., of claims that he improperly disclosed classified information while leading the committee's investigation of Russian actions during the 2016 election.

In a statement, the committee said that classification experts in the intelligence community had concluded that "the information that Rep. Nunes disclosed was not classified."

In March, Nunes held a news conference in which he discussed viewing intelligence reports in which the names of Trump associates were "unmasked" by then-National Security Adviser Susan Rice in the final weeks of the Obama administration. Nunes then controversially went to brief President Trump on the information before meeting with the Intelligence Committee.

Nunes stepped away from his role at the head of the probe April 6, the day the Ethics Committee announced it was investigating him. At the time, Nunes described the accusations against him as "entirely false and politically motivated" by "several leftwing [sic] activist groups."

In a statement Thursday, Nunes thanked the ethics committee for clearing him and reiterated his claim that "the allegations against me were obviously frivolous and were rooted in politically motivated complaints filed against me by left-wing activist groups."

"I respect the ethics process, but I remain dismayed that it took an unbelievable eight months for the Committee to dismiss this matter," added Nunes, who called on the committee to release "all its transcripts related to my case."

In Nunes' absence Rep. Mike Conaway, R-Texas, had led the Russia probe "with assistance" from Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., and Rep. Tom Rooney, R-Fla. When Nunes was asked if he was formally re-taking the helm of the Russia probe, he answered "I'm in charge, I was always in charge."

Despite stepping away from the Russia investigation, Nunes has remained involved in the intelligence committee's other work. The panel has launched a separate investigation into Hillary Clinton and the so-called "Uranium One" deal, which was consummated while Clinton was secretary of state under President Barack Obama.

The accusation's purpose was to slow down and obstruct his investigation for 8 months.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
Wonder Boy #1224654 2017-12-10 3:45 PM
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It's apparent that Nunes is running defense for Trump. I think the GOP do need Mueller's investigation to continue because your sides credability is just zero on investigating. What's coming out of the Mueller investigation isn't looking good for Trump. If your party forces that to shut down you will only add fuel to the wave that is building for 2018.

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What does Flynn's indictment mean for Vice President Pence?

He might not actually know anything but at some point is it being kept out of the loop on purpose?

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
It's apparent that Nunes is running defense for Trump. I think the GOP do need Mueller's investigation to continue because your sides credability is just zero on investigating. What's coming out of the Mueller investigation isn't looking good for Trump. If your party forces that to shut down you will only add fuel to the wave that is building for 2018.

What's apparent is that Rep. Nunes was accused of wrongdoing, endured 9 months of investigation, and was completely exonerated.

And that the bias is completely on the side of Comey, Meuller, Rosenstein, Lynch and their illicit personal relationships with THE VERY HILLARY CLINTON CAMPAIGN THEY ARE INVESTIGATING.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
What does Flynn's indictment mean for Vice President Pence?

He might not actually know anything but at some point is it being kept out of the loop on purpose?

This article is just a diversionary tactic where you attempt to change the subject from the ACTUAL issue: That Meuller's investigative committee is stacked with liberal partisans who are huge donors to the Hillary/Obama/DNC campaigns, and are deeply invested in exonerating her by any unethical/illegal means. As I detailed above.

From your own "destroy Trump" liberal media USA Today article:

But Andy Wright, who was a lawyer for Vice President Al Gore and for President Barack Obama, said it’s too soon to tell what Flynn’s indictment, and other developments in the special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, may mean for Pence.

“I think they have raised questions that Pence will have to answer,” Wright said. “But, right now, I haven’t seen anything that suggests his legal liability, absent more information.”

They wildly speculate that V P Pence might at some distant point possibly be guilty of something, but have not even the slightest shred of evidence pointing in that direction. Which allows the USA Today hit piece to avoid talking about the blatant conflict-of-interest of virtually every DNC-donor staffer of the Meuller investigation, who are deeply invested in exonerating Hillary, the very person they are supposed to be investigating!

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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