You completely bypassed the serious Constitutional democracy-threatening actions of the Obama-Hillary "deep state" I raised, M E M.
And by the way, Bill Clinton WAS impeached. Bill Clinton WAS disbarred as an attorney and fined $90,000. Bill Clinton WAS forced to pay a $700,000 settlement to Paula Jones. Not to mention Bill Clinton's many other female accusers, who either couldn't legally prove their assaults as well, or were intimidated into silence.
The only reason Hillary Clinton (and Obama) are not convicted of gross negligence and other charges over Frau Hitlery's private e-mail server compromising national security is because of the obstruction of Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, FBI agent Peter Strvok, Robert Meuller and DNC-bundler special investigation team of DNC donors, Andrew Weissman (who laughably is presented as a "neutral" investigator and ATTENDED HILLARY CLINTON'S ELECTION NIGHT PARTY, in addition to praising temporary Obama-holdover DOJ head Sally Yates for her defiance of Trump. Or Meuller's "right hand man" attorney Aaron Zebley, also part of the special investigation, who represented the I.T. guy who on orders used a hammer to destroy Hillary's self-incriminating cel phones!
On and on! Only a liberal MediaMatters zealot could not be sick to his stomach over the incredible incestuous relationships between the FBI and Meuller investigators, and their long and deep ties to Obama and Hillary.
You defend the vilest and most blatant of Democrat corruption, I have to wonder if you really want a better country, one run by rule of law, or one run by a DNC Kremlin with an iron fist. Because that is exactly what is occurring in the obstructive incestuous relationships I just cited. Many truly neutral watchdogs (Deven Nunez, Charles McCullough) went on record and stated the Democrats have made clear their threats if Dems had the power to fire them and sweep their evidence under the rug.