You're being ridiculous, M E M. I just listed all the things Trump did that Russia doesn't like. It's like saying Trump was a cop who arrested a guy for murder, armed robbery and violent assault, and his opponents making a big deal that he didn't add tresspassing to the list of charges.
I've given a laundry list of treasonous offenses Hillary Clinton is guilty of that are >>>>FAR<<<< more serious than the Trump allegations, with far more evidence to back them up, but because the investigators and key people at DOJ and FBI are rabidly anti-Trump, and are "Deep State" Hillary loyalists, they are giving Hillary, Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin and others a total free pass. The FBI and DOJ have given them immunity for their clear crimes, in exchange for nothing. The FBI and DOJ have authorized the destruction of computer files and other evidence against them. They are not even required to testify under oath!
Rosenstein is one of the Deep State criminals trying to dislodge Trump with a twisting of the law that amounts to a political coup. And Rosenstein, Meuller, McCabe (and wife), Comey, along with Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr (and wife) and several others, should all be up on charges themselves, not manufacturing a case against Trump. For anyone who is not a partisan Democrat looking for any twisting of the law to leverage out Trump, it is OBVIOUS the unprecedented conflict-of-interest of all the DOJ/FBI players manufacturing the case against Trump.
The Stalinist/KGB style of this case, where the evidence is prepared to cater to the foregone conclusions, and the ignoring of where the real evidence ACTUALLY leads, to Hillary Clinton/FusionGPS/UraniumOne/The Clinton Foundation, should terrify you, but for no reason other than Democrat partisanship, you are cheering on the weaponization of federal agencies against the Republican party, and against their presidential candidate who WON A LANDSLIDE VICTORY AGAINST HILLARY CLINTON IN A FREE AND FAIR ELECTION.
I shudder to think what this four years would be like if Hillary Clinton had won in Nov 2016. Even corrupt power abusers like Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were afraid of not looking loyal enough to Hillary. Even after they'd illegally moved heaven and earth already to corrupt the system in Frau Hitlery's favor!
There is no defending what these people in key positions in the FBI and DOJ have done.
And that it fits the same pattern used through the IRS in 2012 to attack Tea Party leaders and large Republican donors is no coincidence. You defend and lyingly ignore the most dangerous abuses of the Democrats, in the DNC's suppression of all political opposition.
And this follows the same deceitful pattern back over 10 years:
2004: Dan Rather's attempted October Surprise on George W. Bush that got Rather fired. But the truth was exposed, NOT because of the liberal media, but because Drudge and other internet journalists exposed the real evidence and put pressure on the liberal media to tell the truth. 2006: The Rep Mark Foley story was known of and held back by liberal journalists for a year until right before the 2006 election, and in a perfectly orchestrated propaganda event, the liberal media and DNC leadership successfully tarred the entire GOP as a "culture of corruption", that allowed the DNC to win majorities in both the House and Senate. 2008: The year the liberal media abandoned all pretense of objective coverage, and began its love-fest for Barack Obama, unquestionably helping Obama win, suppressing any coverage of Obama's well-known radicalism, flying cover for Obama, while simultaneously giving overwhelmingly negative coverage to John McCain, with the media blaming the entire financial crisis solely on Republicans. Again, a successful propaganda war in favor of the Democrats. 2012: What I just detailed above, about Obama using the IRS to suppress Republican grassroots political organization and donors, that allowed Obama to narrowly win a 51%-48% victory. With many key voting districts suspiciously voting 100% OR MORE for Obama, with many people rising from the dead to vote Democrat, or voting twice. 2016: What we're seeing now, where the DOJ and FBI leadership, in clear communication with Obama (see Strzok and Page texts) got illegal FISA warrants to do surveillance on Trump campaign officials, unmasked some illegally right before the election to hurt Trump politically, and continued to do surveillance on Trump staffers EVEN AFTER the election. And are still trying to depose Trump, despite the level of DOJ/FBI corruption exposed at this point.
That is a clear pattern of deceit and subversive coordination between Democrats and FBI, DOJ, IRS and the liberal media, using every deceit and abuse of federal power available to them. With the press acting, not as an external watchdog and guardian against abuse of power, but as a participant and PR wing of the DNC Politburo.