Flynn lied in deposition about things that he was legally allowed to do, but did not want to make public. It was a perjury trap. Again, Chris Farrell of Judicial Watch said: "Give me two hours of deposition and I can make anyone perjure themself."

I don't like or understand why Flynn did other things, like working with foreign governments without clearing it (as a former general and intelligence official) with the Defense Department as he was required to. Or the plot to kidnap Erdewan's political opponent and extradite him back to Turkey. Or his conflict of interest in his contract work with Turkey. But those are things that should have gotten him fired by Trump, they are not things where Trump was intertwined with Flynn's bad acts. The perjury trap was to leverage Flynn to testify against Trump, possibly falsely just so Flynn could save himself. The kind of dishonest prosecution Weissman is known for.