Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said new details about James Comey's leaking of memos is "further evidence of FBI corruption" during Comey's tenure as FBI director.

Comey sent the memos detailing his private conversations with President Trump to a friend, who then leaked the contents of one memo to the New York Times.

It's now been discovered that the friend, Columbia law professor Daniel Richman, worked as an FBI "special government employee" for at least 19 months – during which time he reported directly to Comey and repeatedly defended the FBI director in media interviews amid the Hillary Clinton email probe.

On "Outnumbered Overtime," Fitton said this goes to show that the FBI is as political an organization as any other government bureaucracy.

"They have press operations and they try to defend themselves in the media," Fitton said, arguing that Richman had an obligation to disclose his relationship with the bureau, instead of only being identified as a law professor or policy adviser to Comey in interviews.

Fitton also noted that during Comey's Senate Intelligence Committee testimony in June 2017, after his firing, he did not volunteer that Richman was an FBI employee.

Fitton said that Richman's status as an FBI employee was an important material fact that people would have wanted to know when evaluating Comey's decision to use him as an intermediary to leak sensitive information.

"You can bet that given Richman's role at the FBI and [he and Comey's] close relationship that this wasn't the first time that leaks like this occurred," Fitton said, calling for a "credible investigation" into Comey's leaking.

In an interview with Fox News last week, Comey said the contents of the memos were not classified and that his actions did not constitute a "leak."

And in answer to that last Comey deceptive remark:

Daniel Richman is the Columbia University professor that Comey leaked FBI documents to, which Richman in turn leaked to the press. That Comey leaked (as he testified and was videotaped before Congress in hearings) with the stated clandestine intent to trigger a special investigation, that Meuller was appointed to head. And it did.

Another interesting detail is that Meuller submitted himself for an appointment and was rejected by the Trump administration, in a meeting that Rosenstein sat right beside Meuller. And right after the rejection, Rosenstein appointed Meuller (who had an axe to grind, for being rejected by Trump) to lead the special investigation of Trump!

Rosenstein likewise has multiple conflicts of interest, and should have recused himself a long time ago.
1) Rosenstein submitted the written report that recommended Comey's firing, that prompted Trump to fire Comey.
2) In the investigation of Comey's firing, Rosenstein simultaneously oversees the special investigation (Meuller's boss), and at the same time is a witness to the events leading to Comey's firing.
3) Rosenstein's wife was a political candidate who received over $500,000 from Terry McAuliffe, a Hillary Clinton aide, and has a clear influence and conflict of interest in an investigation related to the Clintons.

And that's just a small slice of the conflict of interest all the way up and down the Deep State investigative chain.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.