Apparently you missed the part where Judge T.S.Ellis said Meuller's investigation were trying to leverage Manafort to "sing" (to testify against Trump, under pressure of manufactured charges). And he followed up saying under pressure to make Manafort "more than sing, to compose" (i.e., under pressure of going to prison, to push Manafort to lie,to say anything, to make up any story to get Trump, just so Manafort could use it to plea himself into being given immunity and avoid jail).
Further, both Robert Meuller and Andrew Weissman have a history of such tactics, suborning perjury, and withholding exculpatory evidence, that sent many people to jail, in cases that later were reversed on appeal and released. Regarding Arthur Anderson accounting firm case, it bankrupted a company and destroyed tens of thousands of jobs, and two falsely imprisoned died in jail before the others were released on appeal. These are the people trying to entrap the president.