1) House Republicans have threatened the FBI with obstruction of justice charges if they don't release documents to House investigators that FBI/DOJ have been stonewalling (CLEARLY those responsible in FBI/DOJ are Clinton/Democrat loyalists who are slow-walking release, attempting to run out the clock till at least November, when they hope Democrats will win a majority in the House, and the Democrats will corruptly end the House investigation, despite any evidence released and made public after that point). So far the FBI and DOJ have released 9,000 documents, out of over 1 million to House investigators.
2) House Republicans have petitioned, AFTER OVER A YEAR OF NO EVIDENCE AND NO CHARGES AGAINST TRUMP, to order the Meuller investigators within 30 days to produce the slightest evidence, or to end the investigation.
3) And today it was revealed that the Meuller investigation does not have the evidence to subpoena Trump to testify, and will not call him to testify, because again, there is NO EVIDENCE, NONE, against Trump. And as Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch said to Lou Dobbs today: "If that's the case, then why is there still a Meuller investigation?"
And once again, over here on the other side are mountains of evidence of crimes by Hillary Clinton and her staff at both the State Department and the Clinton Foundation, that for odd unexplainable reasons FBI and DOJ have not and will not investigate. And have even given amnesty to many key players (in exchange for nothing) and have allowed them to destroy tons of evidence (whereas simultaneously in the cases of Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen, the FBI did midnight raids to prevent the possibility of destroying evidence, even as they sat on their hands and let Hillary Clinton staffers ACTUALLY DESTROY EVIDENCE, deleting 33,000 e-mails, destroying the files on hard-drives of multiple computers, and smashing 4 Hillary cel phones to bits with a sledge hammer to prevent electronic texts and documents on them from being read. All >>>AFTER<<< the FBI, DOJ and House investigators had already subpoenaed all these records.