I'm hard-pressed to summarize the disclosures in just the last week.
For openers, details have indicated a SECOND FBI mole pushing members of the Trump administration to walk into a trap since May 2016, in particular Sam Clovis and Michael Caputo, who received calls out of the blue offering them Hillary Clinton e-mails repeatedly, bait they didn't take. Both also being bankrupted by contrived charges from the Meuller investigation. Amazingly, Michael Caputo said he reported these attempts to the House investigation, the Senate investigation, and the Meuller investigation, and none of them showed the slightest interest, or have inquired to confirm or deny it over the last 2 years. Caputo said the Meuller investigation acted as if they already knew all about it before he reported it.
A reminder: Peter Strzok and Lisa Page exchanged texts that "POTUS wants information on everything we know." Indicating Obama in 2016 was fully aware of their surveillance and tactics.
Newt Gingrich last night on Laura Ingraham's show (Tuesday, 5/22/2018 program) said that when you consider what even veteran Washington Post and New York Times reporters called the most "control freak" administration they had ever dealth with, more so than even the Nixon white house, Gingrich said that given that level of lockdown and surveillance on its staff, it's impossible that Obama wasn't fully aware of what the DOJ(Rosenstein, Lynch), FBI(Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Ohr), CIA(John Brennan) and DIA(James Clapper) bad players were doing.
Tonight on Hannity (Wednesday 5/23/2018 program), Sam Clovis' lawyer Toengsten said that both Clovis and Caputo reported offers made to them to the FBI, and there was no pursuit of it. Logically, precisely because it was the FBI's failed sting operation that they didn't bite on. The third Trump official they pulled the sting on, obscure and insignificant 27 year old Trump campaign employee George Pappadapoulos, finally took the bait and was snared into charges, in the most peripheral possible manufactured indictment.
Friday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I've been glued to the coverage of Lou Dobbs, Tucker Carlson, Hannity, and Ingraham. As infuriating as the scandals themselves is the reluctance to even investigate them, or even report them by the "lean forward"/Deep State liberal media.