The slightest whiff of a potential Trump scandal/conspiracy, with no actual evidence.
Clapper, the director of the combined NSA, CIA and FBI, said he has seen no evidence of a Trump collusion with the Russians.
Just today, former CIA Director John Brennan comes out as another high-level intelligence official to say there's no "there" there, regarding Trump collusion with the Russians.
Meanwhile, there's a stack of evidence a mile wide that the Hillary Clinton campaign was in collusion with the Russians, that neither House or Senate Democrats, or the complicit liberal media want to discuss!
1) Hillary Clinton, while secretary of state, signed off on a deal that gives the Russuans at least 20% of U.S. uranium. 2) Hillary Clinton's illegal private e-mail server, that while she was Secretary of State, allowed the Russians and the Chinese to access her e-mails and know in real time what the U.S.'s strategic planning was (both Hillary and the other high-level officials she communicated with, including President Obama, on her server) and to further compromise the internet security of every official she communicated with, for further hacking. One example: following a large Russian donation to the Clinton Foundation, Bill Clinton was given a $500,000 speaking fee by the same Russian company. 3) Hillary Clinton taking donations from Russia (and many other bad-player nations) at the Clinton Foundation, and using those donations to sell access to officials at the U.S. State Department. 4) Hillary Clinton's treason over Benghazi. We still have no answers, over 4 years later, where Obama and Frau Hitlery were, while Americans were dying at the embassy. And further indications that Benghazi was used to funnel guns and funding to questionably reliable Islamic militant groups in Syria. 5) Hillary and Obama's treason over allowing Russia to invade Crimea and Eastern Ukraine, with absolutely no action.
Would that Democrats or the Destroy-Trump media would give the slightest fair and balanced attention to these PROVEABLE treasonous acts by Hillary and those around her.
Clapper and Brennan, who defended Trump a year ago, are now among his attackers. Perhaps because the evidence they thought would never lead to them (Fusion GPS, Russia Dossier, FISA warrants to spy on Trump), now does?