Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I guess it would bother me if a democratic president railed against our free and independent press like Spanky does while he lies. And equating fake with negative news you don't like isn't a principled stance. Sad to see bad behavior like our president's constant dishonesty get cheered on by some.

I guess you forgot how Obama attempted to ban Fox News from the White House press conferences early in his term (until other news agencies objected and surprisingly sided with Fox News).

And how the Obama administration pushed for the arrest of Fox News reporter James Rosen and another reporter.

And how even reporters from the New York Times and Washington Post (definitely not Republicans) who had dealt with multiple administrations of both parties for 30 to 40 years, described the Obama administration as the most "control freak" administration they had ever dealt with, in their authoritarian lockdown and tracking of leakers like no previous administration.

So authoritarian, they used illegal FISA warrants gotten on falsified evidence to spy on the Trump campaign and administration.