Veselnitskaya also met with Fusion GPS before meeting with Trump Jr., and after meeting with Trump Jr.
What's wrong with this picture. Clearly all the puppet strings for this meeting led back to the Hillary Clinton campaign/FusionGPS/Loretta Lynch and the other Deep State operatives in DOJ and FBI.
Veselnitskaya was one of, in FBI/DOJ's words, the Oconus "lures" (outside contiguous United States, foreign contract spies, used to bait a trap for Trump officials).
With similar traps set for Rick Gates, Paul Manafort, Carter Page, George Pappadapoulos, Roger Stone, Michael Caputo, and Sam Clovis. Al lured with bait by foreign agents contracted by the FBI.
And where that didn't work, they set perjury traps, and bankrupted wealthy men with legal fees, men who had done nothing wrong, just to frame Trump.