FBI Inspector General's Report Directly Criticized Barack Obama

How Obama repeatedly interfered with the investigation in his public statements, as reflected in e-mails and texts of DOJ and FBI officials.

As would any Trump official, or average American.

Way beyond that, it details that Obama is guilty of lying if not perjury in alleging he didn't know about Hillary's private e-mail server until he learned about it "on the news, just like everyone else."
In point of fact, Obama was one of only 13 people who communicated with Hillary Clinton on her private server (Obama doing so under a fake user-name), on some occasions when Hillary was communicating from the nation "of a sophisticated hostile adversary" (who could intercept and de-code their e-mails) with Obama. Which obviously endangered national security.

So Obama
1) lied about his knowledge of Hillary's illegal private server,
2) communicated with Hillary on her illegal server,
3) ENDANGERED NATIONAL SECURITY by communicating with her on her private e-mail server. One or all of which he could be indicted for.

Certainly, any sailor aboard a U.S. submarine who unwittingly took a photo out of patriotic pride in his job would be indicted and jailed for far, FAR less.

As would any Trump official, or average American.