That implies a lot without actually saying anything. What point are you trying to make.

What they describe as the Christian end-time prediction is something I don't think is accurate of mainstream Christianity, and that makes me question the accuracy of what they say about this secretive Christian "The Family" group. The time leading up to the Antichrist is supposed to be preceded by the Rapture, where all believing Christians are swept away to Heaven before the Tribulation begins. The Antichrist rules for 7 years, 3 and a half are prosperous, and then Hell on earth in the latter half. The Rapture is generally believed to occur before the Antichrist (or the Beast) seizes power, or before the Tribulation. Some believe the Rapture occurs later, during or after the Tribulation.

All I get out of that link is a benign prayer breakfast and diplomatic meetings are vaguelky portrayed as sinister, when it really seems benign. Persuading leaders makes them open to further evangelism in their countries. Without further detail, I fail to see that as malevolent.

The wolves and sheep thing is again vague. As a Christian, I think their vision could be seen as consistent with the parable of the prodigal son. That God is most pleased when the worst and truly lost come back to him. Like, say, an Adolf Hitler or a Saddam Hussein. Or a Vladimir Putin. Souls have to be won one at a time, it's not like just because you win the faith and support of a powerful leader all his subjects become Christian. Again, it's all pretty vague, and implying malicious intent without plainly stating it.