Reporting on FBI/DOJ's release of the first of the 4 FISA warrants on Lou Dobbs' Tuesday July 23rd broadcast, although in ridiculously redacted form, every page almost completely blacked out:
Chris Farrell of Judicial Watch gives some great commentary at the beginning of the program. On the abuse of the FISA court, the deliberate falsification of FISA evidence, the criminality of submitting false evidence to FISA judges for which the investigators can be prosecuted. That the level of criminality in the FBI is so excessive that not just the leadership but the entire FBI hierarchy is influenced, corrupted and cannot be trusted to police and investigate itself, and needs to be purged of its criminal elements. Farrell suggests using external U.S. Marshalls to investigate.
To date, the only clear "Russia collusion" and criminality is from the Hillary Clinton campaign that financed Fusion GPS/ Christopher Steele/the Russia Dossier, and the criminality of hierarchy of the DOJ and FBI who used it as false evidence to quasi-legally (but actually illegally) spy on the Trump campaign.
CHRIS FARRELL: "The fish rots from the head down, but at some point even the rank-and-file either become negligent or complicit."
Absolutely true. If your bosses are Comey and McCabe and Ohr and Strzok and Page, and you know they want Hillary to go free and a case to be manufactured against Trump, and it's going to destroy your career to follow the evidence where it leads, what do you do?
It scares me that's the system that exists in DOJ, FBI, the State Department (one Trump official called it "occupied territory" because it is so entrenched with deep-state Democrats), and the IRS. And as we learned from the Lois Lerner corruption, that same corruption exists in other federal agencies such as ATF, EPA, and OSHA, that also targeted Tea Party leaders in collaboration with the IRS.
One can only imagine the evil these FBI/DOJ officials would be emboldened to if Hillary Clinton were president and they could sweep all this under the rug, and they had free reign to unleash federal power on anyone who even ventured to inquire about the truth.
Even with Trump as president FBI/DOJ not only falsified evidence for FISA warrants and manufactured cases against Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, George Pappadapoulos, Carter Page, Rick Gates, Michael Cohen, Roger Stone, Sam Clovis and Michael Caputo, but are squeezing and extorting plea bargains out of them by bankrupting them in legal fees against manufactured charges until they take a guilty plea bargain. All just so they can smear and cripple Donald Trump as president, on clearly manufactured evidence.
It's a shakedown.
And a political coup against the president himself.