More Democrat voter fraud, exposed by Project Veritas:

NC Non-Citizens Voting, Dead Offered Ballots, UNC Officials Embrace Voter Fraud

And more from another source, testimony of North Carolina election observers:

Election Observers Expose Massive Voter Fraud During NC Hearing - 4/22/2013

That's probably one dead giveaway at every voting precinct in America, when someone is asked to verify their address, and they have to reach in their pocket and read their address, and can't just say it from memory.

I also loved the observer who saw a group of voters driven to the election precinct, and when asked register and verify their address, one of the group said "Do we have to register at every precinct we go tp?"
Also the first older election observer guy, who said that even when they observe election fraud, they have no power to stop it, and can just register a complaint after. By then the election is over, and
the fraudulent votes are already part of the total election result.