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#1226131 2018-06-25 8:17 AM
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The numbers will no doubt change in 2 weeks, but for now these are the numbers for the Democrats and Republicans in the Senate and Congress:

Democrats have been losing their lead in the last 2 weeks, because:

1) the Kavanaugh slanders and confirmation in spite of it,

2) Project Veritas exposing the lies within the campaigns of McCaskill, Hietkamp and Bredeson, where they say one thing to moderate voters, and then are exposed of lying in each case, saying they will govern moderately, but in truth will be "super liberal" if re-elected, doing the opposite in each case of what they campaigned on.





3) the "Caravan" of Central American refugees, that is lawlessly marauding toward our border, that has increased in size from 1,500 to 4,000 to 7,000 in just the last 2 or 3 days. The Democrat policies haave encouraged these Visigoths to try and break into our country. And have been completely silent about it. They are the party of lawlessness, sanctuary cities, and even welcoming MS-13. Not a word of compassion for the families of those killed and raped by illegals. Many of them illegals who have been repeatedly deported, who just defiantly break back into the U.S. again.

In each case, the Democrats are exposed as the corrupt liars they are. Except for Trump, the opposition to Democrats in the mid-terms has been pretty milquetoast. But rather than just campaign rhetoric, in each of these 3 cases, Democrats are simply exposed for the liars chaos-unleashing opportunists they are. The American people have seen this, and they are angered and repulsed.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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I'm hopeful that the Dems can take the House. The senate would be really be nice but because of the seats in play it was always a long shot and it doesn't look like it's getting any closer.

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I hope they lose, because at every stage they've demonstrated themselves to be malicious and ruthless, to fit the definition of evil.
1) Smearing Brett Kavanaugh and attempting to destroy his life just to block his nomination,
2) stoking violence and militant intolerance at every turn (and then incredibly blaming Trump for the toxic rhetoric),
3) Democrats' endorsement of illegal immigration and sanctuary cities for years, that has led to the mob of 14,000 illegals marching up to our border through Mexico, that if successful will be followed by wave after wave of similar mobs of illegals, in the tens of thousands.

4) Literally hundreds of incidents of Democrat violence against Republicans, mixed with plenty of other Democrat imtimidation and uncivility toward Republicans, that the Democrat leadership openly stokes and encourages.

5)Through George Soros and other elements of the radical Democrat/Left, literally trying to overthrow our constitutional democracy, to reign us into a North American Union and global government, where we cease to have contol of our own sovereignty and ability to militarily defend ourselves. As I've seen best laid out in THE SHADOW PARTY by David Horowitz and Richard Poe. Groups like Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, Antifa and the Open Borders movement perfectly mirror previous Soros-funded pseudo "grassroots" insurrections in countries like Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, former-soviet Georgia, Kyrzygstan, Poland, Belorussia, Croatia and other eastern bloc and former soviet nations. The insideous revolutionary techniques Soros refined and used to overthrow these nations, he is now unleashing on the United States. And the Democrats are his eager and willing partners, his instrument of choice.

6) as I cited above, Project Veritas' exposure of multiple Democrat candidates' openly lying to their voters, intending to do the opposite of what they campaign they will do. And the staffers for these Democrats are (as caught on video) not only very aware of it, but gleefully proud of the deception by their party.

The Democrats deserve to lose. Your party is run by destructive maniacs and leftist radicals. Your party needs to lose, and lose badly, so that the current leadership is humiliated and burned to the ground, and from the ashes hopefully replaced by saner heads. It has the militant radicalism of the Bolshevik party, and it absolutely has to be destroyed.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

I hope they lose, because at every stage they've demonstrated themselves to be malicious and ruthless, to fit the definition of evil.
1) Smearing Brett Kavanaugh and attempting to destroy his life just to block his nomination,
2) stoking violence and militant intolerance at every turn (and then incredibly blaming Trump for the toxic rhetoric),
3) Democrats' endorsement of illegal immigration and sanctuary cities for years, that has led to the mob of 14,000 illegals marching up to our border through Mexico, that if successful will be followed by wave after wave of similar mobs of illegals, in the tens of thousands.

4) Literally hundreds of incidents of Democrat violence against Republicans, mixed with plenty of other Democrat imtimidation and uncivility toward Republicans, that the Democrat leadership openly stokes and encourages.

5)Through George Soros and other elements of the radical Democrat/Left, literally trying to overthrow our constitutional democracy, to reign us into a North American Union and global government, where we cease to have contol of our own sovereignty and ability to militarily defend ourselves. As I've seen best laid out in THE SHADOW PARTY by David Horowitz and Richard Poe. Groups like Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, Antifa and the Open Borders movement perfectly mirror previous Soros-funded pseudo "grassroots" insurrections in countries like Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, former-soviet Georgia, Kyrzygstan, Poland, Belorussia, Croatia and other eastern bloc and former soviet nations. The insideous revolutionary techniques Soros refined and used to overthrow these nations, he is now unleashing on the United States. And the Democrats are his eager and willing partners, his instrument of choice.

6) as I cited above, Project Veritas' exposure of multiple Democrat candidates' openly lying to their voters, intending to do the opposite of what they campaign they will do. And the staffers for these Democrats are (as caught on video) not only very aware of it, but gleefully proud of the deception by their party.

The Democrats deserve to lose. Your party is run by destructive maniacs and leftist radicals. Your party needs to lose, and lose badly, so that the current leadership is humiliated and burned to the ground, and from the ashes hopefully replaced by saner heads. It has the militant radicalism of the Bolshevik party, and it absolutely has to be destroyed.

My side got those with medical preconditions protection they never had before. They also pushed and changed things so that I now have the legal right to marry the one I love. My side is not evil, that is your partisanship speaking. Bad eggs exist on both sides and Trump is unfortunately one of them. He is truly unfit for the office imho. And when you cast the other side as evil as Trump does he really can't be taken seriously when he calls for unity. Never mind that he attacked the media right after calling for unity.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

I hope they lose, because at every stage they've demonstrated themselves to be malicious and ruthless, to fit the definition of evil.
1) Smearing Brett Kavanaugh and attempting to destroy his life just to block his nomination,
2) stoking violence and militant intolerance at every turn (and then incredibly blaming Trump for the toxic rhetoric),
3) Democrats' endorsement of illegal immigration and sanctuary cities for years, that has led to the mob of 14,000 illegals marching up to our border through Mexico, that if successful will be followed by wave after wave of similar mobs of illegals, in the tens of thousands.

4) Literally hundreds of incidents of Democrat violence against Republicans, mixed with plenty of other Democrat imtimidation and uncivility toward Republicans, that the Democrat leadership openly stokes and encourages.

5)Through George Soros and other elements of the radical Democrat/Left, literally trying to overthrow our constitutional democracy, to reign us into a North American Union and global government, where we cease to have contol of our own sovereignty and ability to militarily defend ourselves. As I've seen best laid out in THE SHADOW PARTY by David Horowitz and Richard Poe. Groups like Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, Antifa and the Open Borders movement perfectly mirror previous Soros-funded pseudo "grassroots" insurrections in countries like Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, former-soviet Georgia, Kyrzygstan, Poland, Belorussia, Croatia and other eastern bloc and former soviet nations. The insideous revolutionary techniques Soros refined and used to overthrow these nations, he is now unleashing on the United States. And the Democrats are his eager and willing partners, his instrument of choice.

6) as I cited above, Project Veritas' exposure of multiple Democrat candidates' openly lying to their voters, intending to do the opposite of what they campaign they will do. And the staffers for these Democrats are (as caught on video) not only very aware of it, but gleefully proud of the deception by their party.

The Democrats deserve to lose. Your party is run by destructive maniacs and leftist radicals. Your party needs to lose, and lose badly, so that the current leadership is humiliated and burned to the ground, and from the ashes hopefully replaced by saner heads. It has the militant radicalism of the Bolshevik party, and it absolutely has to be destroyed.

My side got those with medical preconditions protection they never had before.

No. The Democrats snuck Obamacare through by changing all the rules and slipping it by, despite that 53% of voters polled said they didn't want it passed, but they rammed it through anyway. And that unpopularity rose to 56% a year after it was passed. Particularly the launch of Obamacare in 2013 was a disaster.

And beyond that, whatever people were helped, millions more who were promised they could keep their healthcare plan had their policies cancelled out from under them. I've watched countless stories of people who were receiving treatment for cancer and other diseases, and then suddenly lost their coverage. And the promise that they could keep their previous healthcare was a deliberate deception. As one of its chief architects Jonathan Gruber said, it "relied on the stupidity of the American voter" to get snuck past them.

Obamacare doesn't work, and it has doubled the cost, and raised the deductible to the point where most pay a high cost and yet never get any coverage or reimbursement. That kind of deceit is not the fruit of good people. It is just smoke and mirrors that allows the Democrats to say they passed a healthcare plan. But not one that actually helps people. It hurts more people than it helps.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
They also pushed and changed things so that I now have the legal right to marry the one I love.

Just pointing out...

GENESIS 18-19 (Sodom and Gommorah)
LEVITICUS 20:13 (Mosaic law: "If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; Their blood will be on their own heads." )
ROMANS 1:18-32 ( 21: "Therefore God gave them over in sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another...")
1 CORINTHIANS 6:9-11 ( "...the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God. Neither the sexually immoral nor idolators nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders...)

...the Bible holds a different perspective of gay relationships than you do. And when codifying gay marriage in state/federal law is bought by persecution of Christian bakers and photographers, driving them out of business for not catering gay weddings, forcing others to endorse what their Bible tells them is immoral, and with gays acting as a political force to drive Christianity out of every aspect of American life, that is again the definition of evil, aligning with secularist/globalist forces that are the side of the Antichrist. You buy your gay marriage at a high price.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
My side is not evil, that is your partisanship speaking.

See my previous post and what I said above. Your side aligns with Antichristian forces, globalism, insurrection against the United States, lawlessness, slander, intimidation and violence. What could be more evil thsan that?

 Originally Posted By: M E M
Bad eggs exist on both sides and Trump is unfortunately one of them.

All men are imperfect, and I'm less than thrilled with a lot of the establishment and never-Trumper Republicans who are also financed and loyal to lobbyist/globalist forces. But Trump for whatever flaws is pushing them every step of the way to do the right thing, for restoration of our sovereign government and Constitutional freedoms.

 Originally Posted By: M E M

He is truly unfit for the office imho.

Trump is the most accomplished president of my lifetime. He achieved 64% of his agenda in just his first year. (Next closest, Reagan at 53% in his first year.)
Lou Dobbs and several others routinely say Trump is the most accomplished president since FDR. He has rebuilt our economy, brought factories and jobs back to the United States, is rebuilding our military, securing better trade deals with all our major trading partners, and despite Democrat obstruction, is trying to secure our borders and keep out illegal immigrant invaders. Democrats would let the Vandals and Visigoths overwhelm us.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
And when you cast the other side as evil as Trump does he really can't be taken seriously when he calls for unity. Never mind that he attacked the media right after calling for unity.


Irony alert. Your side, and you personally, demonize Trump EVERY DAY!

The demagoguery begins on your side (and the liberal media) and Trump just responds to it.
Trump has repeatedly made offers to the Democrats on immigration and other issues, and your side slaps him away every time he tries to negotiate, because they don't want to give Trump any political victory. They choose partisanship over the American people.

It frankly pissed me off that Trump made a new call for civility just yesterday in the wake of the mail-bomber, and Schumer and Pelosi slapped him away, passing up yet another opportunity for both sides to turn down the rhetoric.

But if you're going to make the charge that Trump is a liar and a deceiver, the overwhelming evidence is that it is YOUR side that is deceitful and liars, and evil. See what I cited above.

Trump is a guy who has made promises and kept them.

Your side repeatedly tells the people one thing and then does the opposite, and then gloatingly laughs (caught on camera) about having deceived them to advance their hidden political goals.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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You shovel a lot of crap about Obamacare but your side made a choice repeatedly to oppose it in every way possible instead of trying to to work with Dems to improve it. Note after so many years of trying to increase the number of uninsured by getting rid of Obamacare your side hasn't come up with a better plan to replace it with. We're coming up on 2 years of control and now we get the lies from Trump and toadies they are the party to protect people with pre-existing conditions and the Dems want to take them out. The Dems put that protection into the very law your party has a considerable historical record of voting against. And how many years does it take to come up with something better to replace it with btw? It's been almost 2 years where your party has had the power to do it. After all the lies and cries about overturning Obamacare it doesn't seem to be something the GOP is running on for this election.
As for the Bible quotes, the book has a lot more of them about adultery, lying, masturbation and not judging others to name a few. If a serial adulter like Trump can use marriage like toilet paper I certainly should be able to marry someone I actually will love and cherish. That is priceless to me. For all those that supported gay rights and made that possible even though they were not gay, to me that is America at it's greatest.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
You shovel a lot of crap about Obamacare but your side made a choice repeatedly to oppose it in every way possible instead of trying to to work with Dems to improve it. Note after so many years of trying to increase the number of uninsured by getting rid of Obamacare your side hasn't come up with a better plan to replace it with. We're coming up on 2 years of control and now we get the lies from Trump and toadies they are the party to protect people with pre-existing conditions and the Dems want to take them out. The Dems put that protection into the very law your party has a considerable historical record of voting against. And how many years does it take to come up with something better to replace it with btw? It's been almost 2 years where your party has had the power to do it. After all the lies and cries about overturning Obamacare it doesn't seem to be something the GOP is running on for this election.
As for the Bible quotes, the book has a lot more of them about adultery, lying, masturbation and not judging others to name a few. If a serial adulter like Trump can use marriage like toilet paper I certainly should be able to marry someone I actually will love and cherish. That is priceless to me. For all those that supported gay rights and made that possible even though they were not gay, to me that is America at it's greatest.

You try to hide the truth under lying DNC/MediaMatters propaganda, M E M.

Obamacare was collapsing under its own weight from the day it launched, without any Republican opposition to it.

More than that, OBAMACARE WAS DESIGNED IN ITS PLANNING TO COLLAPSE. Obama supported single payer but knew the American public would never support single payer, so they designed a system that would slowly collapse, and then when Hillary Clinton became president in Jan 2017 (didnt' quite work out that way, did it?) Hillary would bail out Obamacare with a single payer system, what Obama and the lying Democrats had planned all along.

I'll remind you of Jonathan Gruber's words, relying on "the stupidity of the American voter", for him and Obamacare's other planners. And by the American voter, they don't mean me who always opposed it, they mean YOU, M E M.

Even liberal Politifact rated Obama's assurances about being able to keep your healthcare plan, the "Lie of the Year".

It is you who is lying and "shoveling a lot of crap", M E M, not me or my side. You are at best delusional.

Your side, not mine, consistently relies on deceiving the American public to advance their agenda. And now beyond that, resorts to slander, intimidation and violence. You, the Bolshevik party, there is no difference.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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AZ Sen Candidate Sinema "can't be talking about" Gun Bans; Says Arizonans Will "actually shoot you"

Yet another Democrat candidate and her campaign staffers caught on video saying one thing to voters, and then behind the scenes openly gloating about how they will pursue ultra-liberal policy, the polar opposite of what they promise.

Democrats once again exposed as the party of deceit.
The party of evil.
The Bolshevik party.

Along with multiple incidents nationwide violent attacks on grassroots campaigns, on Republican candidates, and vandalism to Republican offices.
Slander, intimidation, violence whatever serves the Democrat revolution.
In every way, no separation, the Bolshevik party.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

First off, I notice you didn't even TRY to dispute what I said about the foundation of lies and deception that Obamacare is built on. You ignore that the entire structure is built on lies, to find one tiny piece of that lie that Trump was perhaps innacurate on.

Millions more have lost their healthcare plan because of Obamacare and are uninsured, than there are insured and could even potentially lose insurance for a pre-existing condition.

And Trump's plan (he has had much else that he had to restore that Obama has destroyed) was always to develop a replacement for Obamacare, that DOES cover pre-existing conditions. There is only so much he can accomplish in less than 2 years. And Trump has achieved an incredible amount, 64% of his agenda in just his first year (next closest, Reagan at 53% his first year). No other president in my lifetime has fulfilled their campaign promises as thoroughly as Trump has.

And lastly, Politifact is part of the Tampa Tribune, a rabidly Left/Democrat paper. It is no surprise they would sling something like that, particularly right before an election. The surprise is not when they attack Trump, the surprise is the rare exception when truth compels them to hold Democrats accountable. Such as Obama saying "you can keep your healthcare plan" reported by Politifact as "Lie of the Year."

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Just pointing out...

GENESIS 18-19 (Sodom and Gommorah)
LEVITICUS 20:13 (Mosaic law: "If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; Their blood will be on their own heads." )
ROMANS 1:18-32 ( 21: "Therefore God gave them over in sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another...")
1 CORINTHIANS 6:9-11 ( "...the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God. Neither the sexually immoral nor idolators nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders...)

...the Bible holds a different perspective of gay relationships than you do.

I took you off ignore for this? The amusement value of seeing such an amateurish attempt at theology would be worth it if it didn't involve yet another embarrassment to my faith clumsily wielding decontextualized verses to spew hate. Seriously, fuck off.


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Those are the verses from the Bible. Despite your condescending theological snobbery, those are what the verses clearly say. Every Christian with a concordance in their Bible does the same thing I just did to understand the Biblical view on any issue, whether confession or faith or forgiveness. Or homosexuality.

GENESIS 18-19 (Sodom and Gommorah)

There may be additional contexts, but that is unmistakeably a condemnation of sodomy and the killing of homosexuals by God for their extreme depravity.


LEVITICUS 20:13 (Mosaic law: "If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; Their blood will be on their own heads." )

Again, an unmistakeable condemnation of homosexuality.


ROMANS 1:18-32 ( 21: "Therefore God gave them over in sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another...")

Again, no further explanation needed.


1 CORINTHIANS 6:9-11 ( "...the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God. Neither the sexually immoral nor idolators nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders...)

Again, while other transgressions are listed, the condemnation of homosexuality among them is unmistakeable.

Aside from taking shots and trollishly \:lol\:-ing me with no lucid point... what is your point?
MY point is that M E M is part of a political group of gay activist liberals who side against Christianity and the Christian foundations of our nation at every turn, and then has the audacity to talk about his Republican/conservative political opposition being "evil".
My point is that if the term "evil" is going to be slung around, it's pretty clear that his side, secularist Democrat/liberals, chooses to be in Satan's army and advance an anti-Christian culture. Which is the very definition of "evil".

I also think it's infantile that you felt a need to put me on Ignore.
The only three people I ever put on Ignore (in roughly 17 years here) were Rex, Pro and Iggy, and for clearly stated reasons, that they antagonized me on pretty much every post I made for months, and in Rex's case, years before I felt the need.
You come out of the woodwork once a year or so to hurl insults at me, and generally never make a lucid point beyond the insults. You vaguely express a dislike for my posts, but never seem able to articulate what it is I do you dislike. I quote statistical facts and cite sources, and you basically say I'm a racist, despite that I cite facts to support my views and you don't. I recall I sent you a private message to reasonably work things out 7 or 8 years ago when you first started lashing out at me, and you started topics and posted my PM to \:lol\: me for trying to be reasonable with you.

Ironically, YOU'RE the troll, and yet you put me on "Ignore".

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Life, Liberty & Levin, 10-28-2018 Sunday Levin inteviews Newt Gingrich for the hour. On the recent history of Republican conservatism, and the stakes in the current Nov 2018 election

I don't think there's anyone Levin could have interviewed whose opinion would interest me more.
Well, maybe Pat Buchanan.

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"The word 'racist' is being used by Democrats on every Republican candidate who is winning."
--Donald Trump, on the mid-term campaign

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Gillum Staffer Says Voters "not for them to know” [that Gillum's] promises won’t happen; [and] FL [is a] “f***ed" cracker state”

Among all these Project Veritas videos, the Democrats display:
1) a consistent pattern of lying and deceiving their voters, campaigning on one thing, while actually pursuing a secret agenda.
2) not just the candidates, but their entire staff are aware of and completely supportive of the deception, and are laughing at those constituents stupid enough to vote for them.

Beyond that, the media is largely not covering these project Veritas exposures of Democrat candidates, and are therefore part of their deception, and an active part of the DNC disguised as journalists. Or as a certain billionaire president terms it, "fake news".

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"I'm all for it...just win, baby" - Pelosi on Dem candidates who oppose her

I know Pelosi has said this several other times, that any deception by her fellow Dems of not supporting her is OK with her, whatever will get them elected to do whatever serves the party (even though they will support Pelosi and Schumer regardless, whatever it takes, "Just win, baby." )

Lying to voters and pursuing an agenda once elected that is polar opposite what they campaigned on, the Democrat way.
Score another "win" for the party of Evil.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Saturday, in Pittsburgh, a Sabbath celebration at the Tree of Life synagogue became the site of the largest mass murder of Jews in U.S. history. Eleven worshippers were killed by a racist gunman.

Friday, we learned the identity of the crazed criminal who mailed pipe bombs to a dozen leaders of the Democratic Party, including Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden.

From restaurants to Capitol corridors, this campaign season we have seen ugly face-offs between leftist radicals and Republican senators.

Are we more divided than we have ever been? Are our politics more poisoned? Are we living in what Charles Dickens called “the worst of times” in America? Is today worse than 1968?

Certainly, the hatred and hostility, the bile and bitterness of our discourse, seem greater now than 50 years ago. But are the times really worse?

1968 began with one of the greatest humiliations in the history of the American Navy. The U.S. spy ship Pueblo was hijacked in international waters and its crew interned by North Korea.

A week later came the Tet Offensive, where every provincial capital in South Vietnam was attacked. A thousand U.S. troops died in February, 10,000 more through 1968.

On March 14, anti-war Senator Gene McCarthy captured 42 percent of the vote in New Hampshire against President Johnson.

With LBJ wounded, Robert Kennedy leapt into the race, accusing the president who had enacted civil rights of “dividing the country” and removing himself from “the enduring and generous impulses that are the soul of this nation.” Lyndon Johnson, said Kennedy, is “calling upon the darker impulses of the American spirit.”

Today, RFK is remembered as a “uniter.”

With Gov. George Wallace tearing at Johnson from the right and Kennedy and McCarthy attacking from the left — and Nixon having cleared the Republican field with a landslide in New Hampshire — LBJ announced on March 31 he would not run again.

Four days later, Martin Luther King, leading a strike of garbage workers, was assassinated in Memphis. One hundred U.S. cities exploded in looting, arson and riots. The National Guard was called up everywhere and federal troops rushed to protect Washington, D.C., long corridors of which were gutted, not to be rebuilt for a generation.

Before April’s end, Columbia University had exploded in the worst student uprising of the decade. It was put down only after the NYPD was unleashed on the campus.

Nixon called the Columbia takeover by black and white radicals “the first major skirmish in a revolutionary struggle to seize the universities of this country and transform them into sanctuaries for radicals and vehicles for revolutionary political and social goals.” Which many have since become.

In June, Kennedy, after defeating McCarthy in the crucial primary of California, was mortally wounded in the kitchen of the hotel where he had declared victory. He was buried in Arlington beside JFK.

Nixon, who had swept every primary, was nominated on the first ballot in Miami Beach, and the Democratic Convention was set for late August.

Between the conventions, Soviet Premier Leonid Brezhnev sent his Warsaw Pact armies and hundreds of tanks into Czechoslovakia to crush the peaceful uprising known as “Prague Spring.”

With this bloodiest of military crackdowns since the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, Moscow sent a message to the West: There will be no going back in Europe. Once a Communist state, always a Communist state!

At the Democratic convention in Chicago, the thousands of radicals who had come to raise hell congregated nightly in Grant Park, across from the Hilton where the candidates and this writer were staying.

Baited day and night, the Chicago cops defending the hotel, by late in the week, had had enough. Early one evening, platoons of fresh police arrived and charged into the park clubbing and arresting scores of radicals as the TV cameras rolled. It would be called a “police riot.”

When Sen. Abe Ribicoff took the podium that night, he directed his glare at Mayor Richard J. Daley, accusing him of using “Gestapo tactics in the streets of Chicago.” Daley’s reply from the floor was unprintable.

Through September, Democratic candidate Hubert Humphrey could not speak at a rally without being cursed and shouted down.

Describing the radicals disrupting his every event, Humphrey said, these people “aren’t just hecklers,” but “highly disciplined, well-organized agitators. … Some are anarchists and some of these groups are dedicated to destroying the Democratic Party and destroying the country.”

After his slim victory, Nixon declared that his government would take as its theme the words on a girl’s placard that he had seen in the Ohio town of Deshler: “Bring us together.”

Nixon tried in his first months, but it was not to be.

According to Bryan Burrough, author of “Days of Rage, America’s Radical Underground, the FBI, and the Forgotten Age of Revolutionary Violence,” “During an eighteen month period in 1971 and 1972, the FBI reported more than 2,500 bombings on U.S. soil, nearly 5 a day.”

No, 2018 is not 1968, at least not yet.


Patrick J. Buchanan is the author of “Nixon’s White House Wars: The Battles That Made and Broke a President and Divided America Forever.” To find out more about Patrick Buchanan and read features by other Creators writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators website at

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intern Shelby Shoup, for governor candidate Andrew Gillum (D-FL), arrested for throwing milk at College Republicans

More uncivility of the left, in such a hissy-fit rage she was throwing stuff at grassroots Republicans campaigning for their candidate. Which is assault.

More violent intolerance, although she's so whiny I don't really consider her dangerous. As opposed to the over 600 incidents of actual violence by Democrats, including beating up Republicans just for wearing "make America great again" hats, and two weeks ago sucker-punching a Republican candidate so hard it gave him a concussion.
The whiny intern is unhinged with hatred of Republicans, calling them across the board Nazis. Despite that hers is the party of anti-semitism and not supporting Israel.

It perfectly sets the tone for the mid-term election tomorrow. Democrats, the party of uncivility, mob violence, socialism/marxism, open borders and chaos.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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The party in the White House typically loses seats in a midterm election.

I figure it's more likely than not the D's eke a win in the House but the GOP holds a narrow lead in the Senate.

I guess we'll know tomorrow.

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That is the popular prediction. Lots of big turn out in the early voting so there is a good chance for some big surprises breaking either way. I don't talk politics at work but already had one person inform me that she voted for America. I told her I did too. Than told her we were not going to change the other person's mind so let's just keep working.

Fair play!
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I was going to write a closing argument, but I said it well enough earlier:

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

I hope they lose, because at every stage they've demonstrated themselves to be malicious and ruthless, to fit the definition of evil.
1) Smearing Brett Kavanaugh and attempting to destroy his life just to block his nomination,
2) stoking violence and militant intolerance at every turn (and then incredibly blaming Trump for the toxic rhetoric),
3) Democrats' endorsement of illegal immigration and sanctuary cities for years, that has led to the mob of 14,000 illegals marching up to our border through Mexico, that if successful will be followed by wave after wave of similar mobs of illegals, in the tens of thousands.

4) Literally hundreds of incidents of Democrat violence against Republicans, mixed with plenty of other Democrat imtimidation and uncivility toward Republicans, that the Democrat leadership openly stokes and encourages.

5)Through George Soros and other elements of the radical Democrat/Left, literally trying to overthrow our constitutional democracy, to reign us into a North American Union and global government, where we cease to have contol of our own sovereignty and ability to militarily defend ourselves. As I've seen best laid out in THE SHADOW PARTY by David Horowitz and Richard Poe. Groups like Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, Antifa and the Open Borders movement perfectly mirror previous Soros-funded pseudo "grassroots" insurrections in countries like Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, former-soviet Georgia, Kyrzygstan, Poland, Belorussia, Croatia and other eastern bloc and former soviet nations. The insideous revolutionary techniques Soros refined and used to overthrow these nations, he is now unleashing on the United States. And the Democrats are his eager and willing partners, his instrument of choice.

6) as I cited above, Project Veritas' exposure of multiple Democrat candidates' openly lying to their voters, intending to do the opposite of what they campaign they will do. And the staffers for these Democrats are (as caught on video) not only very aware of it, but gleefully proud of the deception by their party.

The Democrats deserve to lose. Your party is run by destructive maniacs and leftist radicals. Your party needs to lose, and lose badly, so that the current leadership is humiliated and burned to the ground, and from the ashes hopefully replaced by saner heads. It has the militant radicalism of the Bolshevik party, and it absolutely has to be destroyed.

The Democrats might squeak out a narrow victory in the House and in other races, based on effective smear tactics and demagoguery. But they richly deserve to lose.

I know the polls favor the Democrats to win the House, but it's almost inconceivable to me they could win, their lies so much on display (the Brett Kavanaugh nomination, and Project Veritas exposures of multiple candidates reveaaled to be lying to voters and planning to do the opposite of what they promise campaigning, to name just two examples).
Especially with how miraculously Trump is handling the economy, the best in roughly 50 years now. Better now than under Obama, W. Bush, or Clinton. Better now even than Reagan! I'd find it quite odd for Republicans to lose based on that record.

I hope the Democrats don't just lose tomorrow, but are humiliated, destroyed.
They deserve to lose. The country needs them to lose.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Tucker Carlson, 11-5-2018

Carlson's entire show last night was outstanding, but especcially about what the real issues are. 1) Immigration is the most important issue because it determines what our nation will be in 5, 10, 20, or 40 years. Or if Democrats and their globalist masters will be successful in importing a foreign electorate to vote against our national interests. 2) The stock market for the weaalthiest have grown over the last 15 years, while the middle class and poor have declined economically. That in spite of establishment corporate/globalist maajorities in both parties, Trump is the first in at least 2 decades to advance the best interests, and incomes, of the middle class and poor. 3) Nationalism vs. globalism. Slandered as nativist and nazi, Trump's focus is simply defending U.S. national interests over globalist interests that Trump's four predecessors were selling us out to.

Ann Coulter's commentary after was both insightful and hilarious.

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Despite Democrats winning a narrow majority in the House, I'm immensely pleased overall with the mid-term outcome.

Rick Scott unseated Bill Nelson.

Ron Desantis beat Andrew Gillum as Florida governor.
Kemp beat Abrams as Georgia governor.
(The last two unsuccessful Democrats among the most corrupt and race-baiting since Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Barack Obama. Wonderfully, their political futures were just killed in the womb.)

Beto O'Rourke defeated by Ted Cruz, despite the Democrats pouring over $80 million into the effort to defeat Cruz, the most expensive Senate race in U.S. history.

McSally beat Sinema for the Arizona Senate.

All the most far-Left Democrat candidates, all the race-baiters, all the Democrat slanderers who went after Kavanaugh, all the most unprincipled Democrats who (and their staff) knowingly lied to their voters about intending to do the opposite of what they campaigned promising and gloating about it, laughing at their own voters (on video, thank you Project Veritas!) and were exposed, ALL of them lost yesterday.

Right now, the final count not quite done, it looks like the Dems have the narrowest of House majorities at 219, while the Republicans appear to have gained a 54-seat Senate majority (52 confirmed, plus 2 leading but "too close to call").

And all the governors and then some that I hoped would win.
With a modest victory in the House, the Democrats can pull off some harassing of Trump, but still have no real power. And if they go as crazy-Left with impeachment and other caampaign-vowed House investigations of Trump, they will just play right into Trump's hand for the 2020 election.

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In an election reflecting the country’s deep partisan divide, voters across America handed the keys to the House of Representatives to the Democrats, while Republicans took advantage of a favorable Senate map to expand on their majority in the Senate.

It was an unusual but not unprecedented outcome for a midterm election. The House and Senate have moved in opposite directions in a midterm just three times since World War II. The last time was 1982, when Democrats gained 27 seats in the House and Republicans picked up one in the Senate.

Democrats picked up more than 30 House seats, gaining control of the lower chamber for the first time since the party’s self-described “shellacking” in 2010. The vote – at least for the House – served as a rebuke to President Donald Trump, as more said their vote was intended to express opposition to Trump than support for him.

The battle for the Senate was largely fought in states Trump won in 2016 and where voters still have a favorable opinion of the president. Those tailwinds were critical for the GOP, which expanded on its majority in the upper chamber.

The gender gap – a prominent feature of the last several elections – was a notable factor in this year’s House races as well. Women preferred Democratic candidates by a 14-point margin, while men picked Republicans by six points.

College-educated women (+26 points) and suburban women (+17 points) both went strongly for Democrats, but white women backed Republicans by a four-point margin.

The urban-rural divide was even more notable, as city dwellers backed Democrats by 34 points, while rural voters went for Republicans (+16 points).

A strong showing from younger voters and nonwhites also helped tip the scales to the left. Voters under age 30 made up 12 percent of the electorate, and they backed Democrats by 25 points.

Democratic candidates also racked up large margins among black voters (+79 points) and Hispanics (+29 points).

White voters broke for Republicans, 53-42 percent. In particular, the GOP held double-digit advantages with white working-class voters (+21 points), white men (+19 points), and whites over age 45 (+17 points).

Republican candidates also chalked up wide wins among gun owner households (+22 points), white evangelicals (+61 points), and conservatives (+72 points). But strong base support was not enough for Republicans to hold the House, as moderates favored Democrats, 57-35 percent.

Nearly all Democrats (95 percent) voted blue, while Republicans went red at a slightly lower clip (91 percent). That difference in party loyalty, combined with a 9-point Democratic edge among independents, proved decisive.


The top issues in voters’ minds this election were health care (26 percent) and immigration (23 percent). The economy placed third at 19 percent.

Health care voters favored House Democratic candidates by a 50-point margin, and Democrats also had sizable advantages among those most concerned with gun policy (+61 points) and the environment (+72 points). Republicans won immigration voters by a wide margin (+58 points) and economy voters by a narrower 58-36 percent spread.

Just over half of voters (52 percent) would repeal all or part of the Affordable Care Act, and these voters broke for Republicans by 56 points. Nearly as many would either leave the law as is (13 percent) or expand it (34 percent). They backed Democrats by an even wider margin (+73 points).

Overall, more voters said it should be the government’s responsibility to provide health care for all Americans (58 percent) than said it should not (41 percent).

The president focused on immigration down the home stretch of the campaign, and immigration voters broke for Republicans. But overall, voters were more likely to think immigrants help the country (59 percent) than hurt it (39 percent), and more opposed Trump’s signature border wall proposal (47 percent favor vs. 52 percent oppose).

By a 39-point margin, voters believed immigrants living in the U.S. illegally should be offered a chance to apply for legal status, not deported.

The focus on immigration may have shifted attention away from the economy. Strong October jobs numbers brought unemployment to its lowest level in nearly 50 years, and voters were more likely to give positive ratings on the economy than negative ones.

Those who gave a positive grade to the economy opted for Republicans (+24 points), while voters with a negative view broke for Democrats (+56 points).

Despite the strong economy, a majority of voters – 63 percent – said they are holding steady financially, far more than the 20 percent who are getting ahead.

Seven-in-ten voters (70 percent) said the country’s economic system favors the wealthy too much. A similar number said the economy does not do enough to favor the middle class (69 percent) or the poor (63 percent).

Reactions to Trump’s economic accomplishments were mixed. The 2017 tax reform law were evenly split (48 percent approve and 48 percent disapprove), but more voters thought Trump’s policies on trade have hurt the national economy (48 percent) than helped it (40 percent).

The bitter battle over Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court was, without a doubt, a motivating factor for voters. Three-quarters (74 percent) said the debate was important to their decision to vote. Nationally, these voters backed Democrats by a 52-43 percent spread – but broke for the Republican in several hotly contested Senate races.

The dramatic nomination hearings amplified the national conversation about sexual misconduct. In the aftermath, voters expressed concern about women not being believed when making allegations of misconduct (43 percent very concerned) and about men not having the opportunity to defend themselves (38 percent).


Midterm elections are often seen as referendums on the sitting president, and fully 63 percent said Trump was a factor to their vote this year. By an eleven-point margin, more said they voted to express opposition to Trump than support for him.

That tracks with views of Trump nationally, as a 54-45 percent majority disapproved of the job he is doing as president.

The vast majority of Trump approvers voted for Republican House candidates (86 percent), and a similar number of disapprovers went for Democrats (83 percent).

Trump’s midterm report card on the issues might not be one to pin on the fridge. Voters gave net negative ratings on his handling of health care (-16 points), immigration (-8 points), international trade (-7 points), and Supreme Court nominations (-1 points). He was in positive territory on the economy (+8 points) and border security (+1 point).

On the list of positives for the Commander-in-Chief, an overwhelming majority said he stands up for what he believes in (72 percent). However, majorities also indicated he lacks the temperament for the job (64 percent), is not honest and trustworthy (62 percent), and does not care about people like them (58 percent).

What does all that mean for his reelection prospects? With two full years before the next presidential election, more voters said they would back a Democrat (41 percent) than would back Trump (34 percent). But a sizable bloc said it would depend (24 percent), and those voters broke for Republican House candidates 50-35 percent.


Democrats’ win in the House came as large numbers of voters expressed concern about the future. A majority (56 percent) said the country is headed in the wrong direction, and voters thought life for the next generation would be worse rather than better by 25 points.

Pre-election violence and disorder likely contributed to the feeling that things are off the rails. Voters said the way partisans on both sides talk about politics is leading to an increase in violence. However, 37 percent only blamed Republicans, compared to 30 percent who only blamed Democrats.

The depths of the partisan divide go even deeper. Just 13 percent of Republicans thought Democrats mostly try to do what’s right for the country instead of what’s best for their party. Democrats took a similar view of Republicans (11 percent). Independents gave Democrats slightly more credit than Republicans for trying to do the right thing (39-35 percent) – but did not have a particularly charitable view of either side.

One area of bipartisan agreement: only two-in-ten voters (19 percent) said they trust the government to do what’s right most of the time. That explains why more than seven-in-ten (71 percent) were either dissatisfied or angry about the way the federal government is working.


The election outcome depends on who turns out, as well as who stays home. So what about those who didn’t cast a ballot this year? Unlike a traditional exit poll, the Fox News Voter Analysis surveyed nonvoters as well, and provides a window into who decided not to vote, why not, and how they would have voted if they had turned out.

Demographically, nonvoters were more likely to be younger, nonwhite, without a college education, and politically independent.

Nonvoters were also more likely to have voted for Trump in 2016 (47 percent for the president and 33 percent for Clinton), suggesting that Trump voters were more likely to stay home this year than Clinton voters.

If they had made it to the ballot box, the overall group of nonvoters said they would have opted for the Democratic candidate in their district by a 36-32 percent margin.

As for why they didn’t vote, the top reasons were not knowing enough about the candidates (30 percent), not liking politics (30 percent), and the feeling that their vote did not matter (14 percent).

While voter identification laws became a flash point in several campaigns, most notably in the contest for governor in Georgia, just three percent of nonvoters said they did not vote because they lacked the proper identification.


The Sunshine State – also known as the home of close contests. Trump won in 2016 by a little over 1 percentage point. In 2012, Obama won by slightly less than 1 percentage point. And who could forget 2000, when George W. Bush won by a hanging chad?

Tonight, Republicans eked out two close wins. In the race for governor, former U.S. Representative Ron DeSantis edged out Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum. And in the Senate, former Governor Rick Scott unseated incumbent Bill Nelson.

President Trump was not on the ballot, but voters used their votes to send a message. Two-thirds (65 percent) said the president was a factor in the race for Senate, but he may not like the effect he had on it, as more voted in opposition to Trump than in support of him (36 percent to 29 percent). Nine-in-ten voters (91 percent) had the eventual control of the senate on their minds.

Florida voters differed on the top issue facing the country. Roughly a quarter said immigration (26 percent) was the top issue, and another quarter cited health care (24 percent). The economy came in third, at 17 percent. Health care voters broke three-to-one for Nelson; 80% of immigration voters went for Scott; economy voters went two-to-one for Scott.


Gun violence has rocked Florida repeatedly, including the Pulse nightclub shooting, Parkland, and most recently a shooting at a yoga studio. Fully 68 percent want stricter gun laws. These voters must feel Governor Scott did not do enough here, as 68 percent of them went for Nelson.

Both candidates had a record on healthcare: Nelson voted against repealing ObamaCare, while Scott declined to expand Medicaid as governor. Like the candidates, voters differed on repealing the Affordable Care Act: 54 percent favored repeal and 45 percent wanted to leave it as is or expand the law.

Most Florida voters (67 percent) felt immigrants living in the U.S. should be given a path to citizenship. Far fewer (31 percent) said illegal immigrants should be deported back to the country them came from. A majority also said immigrants do more to help the country; few felt they hurt.

Hispanic voters, a sizeable group whose support was sought by both parties, went narrowly for Nelson (51-44 percent). Seniors broke for Scott. Young people, a smaller percentage of the electorate than seniors, sided with Nelson.


In Indiana, Republican challenger Mike Braun flipped the Senate seat held by Democrat Joe Donnelly in a state President Trump carried by 19 points in 2016.

Women voters were expected to have an impact in these midterm elections, but for Braun it was men who made a difference. Men and women each made up half of the Indiana electorate, but men went for Braun 55 percent to 40 percent.

Women went narrowly for Braun as well, with 49 percent to Donnelly’s 46 percent.

Independents were also expected to play a key role in tight races like Indiana’s, but in this case they went for the losing candidate. Republicans, however, made up a larger share of the electorate – 54 percent, compared to 33 percent for Democrats and 13 percent for Independents. And those voters went for Braun.

The debate over the Kavanaugh nomination to the Supreme Court was important to 77 percent of Indiana voters, and among those voters 54 percent went for Braun over 44 percent for Donnelly.


Democrat Claire McCaskill lost her Senate seat to Republican challenger Josh Hawley. In a state President Trump carried by 18 points in 2016, McCaskill’s attempts to distance herself from far-left elements of the Democratic party in the final weeks of the campaign turned out not to be enough.

President Trump told voters to act as though he were on the ballot, and Missouri voters took that to heart. Fifty-four percent of them approve of the job he is doing – and they broke big for Hawley, 87 percent of them.

Among the top issues for Missouri voters was the economy, and more than two-thirds of them are feeling pretty good about it. Those voters broke for Hawley 65 percent to 31 percent for McCaskill.

The Kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination was also an important issue to 74 percent of Missouri voters. Those voters broke for Hawley by a five point margin.


Incumbent Republican senator Ted Cruz held his seat after a bruising battle with Democrat Beto O’Rourke. The two men represented opposite ends of the political spectrum. Fully half said O’Rourke’s positions on the issues were too liberal.

O’Rourke was for expanding ObamaCare; Cruz staged the infamous 2013 filibuster during the Senate debate on the Affordable Care Act, and voted to repeal it. Texas voters agreed with Cruz: a strong majority, 57 percent, favor repealing all or parts of that law and they gave Cruz 78 percent of their votes.

A narrow majority of Texans backed the president’s plan for a border wall, and these voters gave Cruz 90 percent of their votes. Ten percent of anti-wall voters backed Cruz as well. Fifty-five percent approve of the job Trump has done on border security.

Half the households in Texas reported owning guns. Cruz, a gun-rights supporter, garnered support from 58 percent of gun households. O’Rourke, who ran on universal background checks, was supported by 39 percent.

Party control of the senate was very important to three-quarters of Texans. These voters broke slightly for Cruz.

Hispanics were almost one-quarter of the electorate. They strongly favored O’Rourke, 67 percent to 29 percent. White men, about one-third of the voters, went for Cruz 70 percent to 28 percent. Voters in small towns and rural areas favored Cruz, too, 61 percent to 36 percent.


The FNVA is a survey of the American electorate conducted in all 50 states by NORC at the University of Chicago for Fox News and The Associated Press. The survey of 116,789 voters and 22,137 nonvoters was conducted Oct. 29 to Nov. 6, concluding at the end of voting on Election Day. It combines interviews in English and Spanish with a probability sample of registered voters drawn from state voter files, samples of self-identified registered voters from a probability-based national panel, and samples of self-identified registered voters from opt-in online panels. Participants selected from state voter files were contacted by phone and mail and had the opportunity to take the survey by phone or online.

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God, unbeleivable.

Since Tuesday when the results were clear and Republicans had beaten Democrats:

1) Stacey Abrams (after unsuccessfully trying every other dirty trick and race-baiting slander during the election) is challlenging governor-elect Brian Kemp's victory in Georgia alleging election fraud. When you can't win legitimately, burn public confidence in the election process to the ground.

2) In the two Florida races:
Incumbent Sen Bill Nelson, who was narrowly but soundly beaten by Rick Scott in the Senator race, and Andrew Gillum who was beaten by an even larger margin by Ron Desantis for governor, suddenly days after the election see their margins threatened or possibly overturned by fraudulent ballots appearing out of nowhere, with no legal chain of custody, all in Broward and Palm Beach counties, under a supervisor of elections with 18 years of known vote-tampering schemes. Rick Scott, who won with a margin of 60,000 votes on Tuesday, has seen his margin drop to a 15,000 vote margin. With more manufactured "newly discovered' ballots emerging to be counted.
How any Democrat could endorse this as legitimate is a beyond belief.

3) In Arizona, where Martha McSally had narrowly beaten leftist nutjob Kyrsten Sinema, suddenly a few days after the election, "uncounted" ballots have again come out of nowhere, and in this case the margin was narrow enough that Sinema is now has a 30,000 vote lead, with more newly-emerged uncounted votes left to be counted.

Mighty suspicious, that after-the-fact in ALL these close battleground states, ballots after the fact have surfaced to reverse the election result, and in each of these 3 the result is to overturn the election in the Democrat candidate's favor. And in each case, the votes have an unclear chain of legal custody that reeks of vote-tampering.

I also just saw an interview of Andrew Pollack, the father of one of the girls killed at Stoneman Douglas High school, who was protesting outside the Supervisor of Elections' office in Fort Lauderdale (OAN, One America News). Pollack said this just manifests another spectacle of the Democrat corruption that has a stranglehold over Broward county (schoolboard commission, sherrif's office, supervisor of elections, county commissioners). He said that he spoke to prison officials, and they told him that for the first time Democrat activists had come into the prisons to do voter drives, allowing incarcerated criminals to vote from prison, and signed their address as the penitentiary. And that one of the prisoners who just registered and voted was the guy who killed his daughter. Just obscene.

Democrats once again proving they are the party of corruption. Score another victory in sheer audacity for the Bolsheviks of the Democrat party.

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I was doing a bit of additional reading on Stacey Abrams. A long puff piece in the NY Times praising her brilliance in Georgia government before running for governor. In sharp contrast to black-centric radicalism I've seen throughout her campaign. Like Andrew Gillum in Florida, she seems to be a black politician who, far from rallying all sides together with moderate rhetoric, pulls the race card at every opportunity, and stokes division along racial lines to rally her base.

Tucker Carlson pointed this out in a two-minute clip:

Tucker Carlson, Oct 25, 2018

In the cases of both Gillum and Abrams, they are leaders who would further damage race relations, and they are burning down the house on their way out after losing. And attempting to damage public faith in our election system in the process.

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Fair Play!
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Do some reading and the lag is in mail in ballots and provisional ballots. I'm guessing it's not going to change the results in Florida but we'll see where the vote totals are after the counting is done in razor thin election. Love seeing Trump lose his shit vs the initial sad spin the fat piece of shit always spews.

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It was nice seeing some gay people win btw. Walker losing in Wisconsin felt good! And Trump is going to have to deal with actual oversight.

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brutally Kamphausened
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brutally Kamphausened
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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Do some reading and the lag is in mail in ballots and provisional ballots. I'm guessing it's not going to change the results in Florida but we'll see where the vote totals are after the counting is done in razor thin election. Love seeing Trump lose his shit vs the initial sad spin the fat piece of shit always spews.

If the votes were following a legitimate legal "path of custody" I'd believe that. But witnesses who attemtped to videotape it saw a truck appear in the dead of night with no legal escort from the Sheriff's office to assure the votes were not tampered with. and thugs told those videotaping they were violating security by videotaping it. It appeared to be a rental truck and not a legitimate state election vehicle (i.e., Democrat vote tampering, delivering fraudulent votes to be counted in the thousands).

Add to that the multiple rigged previous elections in the Broward and Palm Beach country supervisor of elections office. Or at best, highly questionable and muddied by incompetence. But I lean toward rigged, since the "incompetence" always favors the Democrat side.

Add to that the lawyer representing the Democrats is the same lawyer who helped Al Franken cheat to win in Minnesota. Where Coleman had beaten Franken by several hundred votes, and Dems just whipped votes out of thin air to hand the election to Franken.

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brutally Kamphausened
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brutally Kamphausened
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My favorite commentary on the election was Greg Gutfeld's show on Saturday.

Greg Gutfeld, 11-10-2018, Saturday

Especially the contrast in the opening 10 minutes of what happens when Democrats lose elections (rage, violence, riots, smashing windows), as compared to when Republicans (at least partially) lost the House in the midterm (sleeping kitties and dogs cuddling).

With humor, it speaks a lot of truth.

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brutally Kamphausened
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brutally Kamphausened
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And remember when Democrats all said they wouldn't support Pelosi as leader before the election? They're all voting for Pelosi as speaker after the election.
THE DEMOCRAT WAY: lie, say whatever it takes to get elected, then pursue your true agenda, the opposite of what you camaigned on, after winning. There's a reason none of the liberal media networks covered Project Veritas' exposures of Bredeson, Heitkamp, Sinema, McCaskill and Gillum. But most of those candidates lost anyway. But wider exposure of the universal practice of Democrat deception probably would have resulted in other Democrats losing. But since they weren't, they got to deceive the public and get elected.

Pelosi was asked by a liberal reporter what she thought her chances are of being re-elected Speaker. With a cynical griun she said "100%".
So much for that oppossition!

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