Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I don't care what Hannity makes up. He has no credibility. The GOP wind machine making accusations so far hasn't translated to criminal charges that I know of. That's how good your evidence is, lol

You're ridiculous, M E M. Hannity is a commentator, but he has journalists and legal professionals on his show that cite the facts. Hannity doesn't "make up" stuff, he comments on the facts. And ofen exposes where the liberal media DID make up the facts. I was watching CNN's 12 noon show yesterday, and while Fox was talking about the unresolved election, CNN was selectively ignoring it, and obsessing endlessly in unconfirmed rumors about John Kelly, Kirstjen Nielssen and Wilbur Ross allegedly leaving. Which in Kelly's case they've been obsessing over for 2 years. Where are the "facts" in that reporting. I'm increasingly disgusted with CNN and MSNBC because so much of what they "report" is just opinion bashing Trump, or unconfirmed rumors likewise discussed to make Trump look bad, based on absolutely no facts.

When I watch Hannity or any other Fox program, I see actual facts and statistics, and even hear liberal counter-perspective, that 10 or 20% of the time I agree with. I miss Alan Colmes and Kirsten Powers. Other liberals I respect on Fox are pulitzer-winning former New York Times writer Judith Miller, and Marie Harf.

Another story the liberal media is completely ignoring or at best distorting is the "caravans" of illegals headed for our border up through Mexico, many of whom are criminals and gang members, who have violently broken down gates and beaten up Mexican police who gotin their way, and 60 to 80% of the girls in these groups are sexually abused. This is an army of invaders, marching under foreign flags toward our border, but CNN and the other liberal media act like anyone is just "Mean" or "racist" for not wanting to let these people in, and selectively don't cover the crimes of these people in their home countries, or more committed on their way here.

You tell me, between Fox and CNN, which is the "made up" news?

I understand why you like Hannity but he lost credibility a long time ago. When Trump met Putin for example, Hannity spun it like the good old propagandist that he is. And you posted about the great commentary. The thing is our President in front of the world chose Putin's word over our intelligence agencies. Hannity was trying to spin it as a really great meeting but it wasn't flying for enough republicans. Trump the next day claimed he used a wrong word. Hannity is for the crowd that "knows" the other side is evil. Life is to short for garbage like that imho.

Fair play!