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Another populist show on Fox that almost no one watches, I think has good commentary on the midterm election. The Next Revolution, 11-11-2018https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOFT8e66hmUAnd on Maxine Waters' corrupt history. I can't believe this woman, who almost singlehandedly stoked the L.A. riots after the Rodney King verdict, is still permitted to stay in politics and move up the ranks. In a party of race-baiting demagogues, sshe is the absolute worst of them.
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Do some reading and the lag is in mail in ballots and provisional ballots. I'm guessing it's not going to change the results in Florida but we'll see where the vote totals are after the counting is done in razor thin election. Love seeing Trump lose his shit vs the initial sad spin the fat piece of shit always spews. If the votes were following a legitimate legal "path of custody" I'd believe that. But witnesses who attemtped to videotape it saw a truck appear in the dead of night with no legal escort from the Sheriff's office to assure the votes were not tampered with. and thugs told those videotaping they were violating security by videotaping it. It appeared to be a rental truck and not a legitimate state election vehicle (i.e., Democrat vote tampering, delivering fraudulent votes to be counted in the thousands). Add to that the multiple rigged previous elections in the Broward and Palm Beach country supervisor of elections office. Or at best, highly questionable and muddied by incompetence. But I lean toward rigged, since the "incompetence" always favors the Democrat side. Add to that the lawyer representing the Democrats is the same lawyer who helped Al Franken cheat to win in Minnesota. Where Coleman had beaten Franken by several hundred votes, and Dems just whipped votes out of thin air to hand the election to Franken. I'll pass on all the partisan accusations and stick to following the evidence and the law. Our pile of crap President is calling for the legal process to end in Florida and just declare the republicans winners. The state law clearly calls for a machine recount when the margins are this close. They than go to hand counts iat a certain margin. That is the law.
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As Hannity pointed out, the supervisor of elections in Broward County, Brenda Snipes, has irreversibly corrupted the ballots, mixing legitimate and corrupted votes. And there iss a consistent pattern of this kind of corruption in Broward in virtualy every election since 2002. Governor Desantis and Senator Rick Scott were the clear winners 6 days ago on election day. Then 100,000 votes just magically appeared out of nowhere, with no legal chain of custody (i.e., fake manufactured ballots to corrupt the election in favor of the Democrats) were poured in to change the result. Rep. Rick Gaetz was outside the Broward elections office when a truck pulled up unloading boxes of ballots. Armed thugs prevented him from even filming the unloading of ballots. He is a U.S. Representative! They didn't want it filmed because it was not legitimate. Hannity tonight showed the footage taken of the thugs guarding the truck before Gaetz and his associates were forced to leave. If what the armed thugs were doing was legitimate, they wouldn't fear footage that could incriminate them.
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I don't care what Hannity makes up. He has no credibility. The GOP wind machine making accusations so far hasn't translated to criminal charges that I know of. That's how good your evidence is, lol
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I don't care what Hannity makes up. He has no credibility. The GOP wind machine making accusations so far hasn't translated to criminal charges that I know of. That's how good your evidence is, lol You're ridiculous, M E M. Hannity is a commentator, but he has journalists and legal professionals on his show that cite the facts. Hannity doesn't "make up" stuff, he comments on the facts. And ofen exposes where the liberal media DID make up the facts. I was watching CNN's 12 noon show yesterday, and while Fox was talking about the unresolved election, CNN was selectively ignoring it, and obsessing endlessly in unconfirmed rumors about John Kelly, Kirstjen Nielssen and Wilbur Ross allegedly leaving. Which in Kelly's case they've been obsessing over for 2 years. Where are the "facts" in that reporting. I'm increasingly disgusted with CNN and MSNBC because so much of what they "report" is just opinion bashing Trump, or unconfirmed rumors likewise discussed to make Trump look bad, based on absolutely no facts. When I watch Hannity or any other Fox program, I see actual facts and statistics, and even hear liberal counter-perspective, that 10 or 20% of the time I agree with. I miss Alan Colmes and Kirsten Powers. Other liberals I respect on Fox are pulitzer-winning former New York Times writer Judith Miller, and Marie Harf. Another story the liberal media is completely ignoring or at best distorting is the "caravans" of illegals headed for our border up through Mexico, many of whom are criminals and gang members, who have violently broken down gates and beaten up Mexican police who gotin their way, and 60 to 80% of the girls in these groups are sexually abused. This is an army of invaders, marching under foreign flags toward our border, but CNN and the other liberal media act like anyone is just "Mean" or "racist" for not wanting to let these people in, and selectively don't cover the crimes of these people in their home countries, or more committed on their way here. You tell me, between Fox and CNN, which is the "made up" news?
- from Do Racists have lower IQ's...
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Man, it just doesn't end: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida_Commissioner_of_Agriculture_election,_2018Hidden from coverage by the larger news of Rick Scott and Ron Destantis being cheated by the Supervissor of Elections, this story has largely been hidden from even Florida residents. Republican candidate for Agriculture Commissioner Matt Caldwell won on election night 8 days ago and went to sleep. When he woke up, the elections commissioner had "found" 77,000 votes and decclared his Democrat opponent the winner. He is legally challenging this, saying that at most there could have only been 40,000 possible votes. Isn't it interesting how every time votes magically appear after the election, they always favor the Democrat, and turn the tide to make the Democrat win. Just the wildest of coincidences. Every single time. I'M hearing increasing concern that Democrats are perfecting their deception tactics to manipulate an even larger orchestrated ballot-stuffing to turn elections in 2020.
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More "made up" news for you, M E M: Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC said that it's ridiculous to say Broward supervisor of elections is a Democrat operative, that she was appointed by Jeb Bush and is actually a Republican. In truth Brenda Snipes is a Democrat, a former teacher (NEA) and administrator in black inner-city Broward schools. And after being appointed by Jeb Bush in 2003 to fill a supervisor of elections vacancy, she was repeatedly re-elected, running as a Democrat. If Andrea Mitchell had done 5 minutes of homework, she would have known that. But then, for Democrats and the liberal media, facts don't matter, it's all about narrative. Whatever lying narrative will allow them to win.
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WHO IS BROWARD COUNTY ELECTIONS SUPERVISOR BRENDA SNIPES (Washington Examiner) The Broward County election official's career has been controversial from the outset - much like the office itself, whose previous occupant was escorted out of her office and removed from her job in 2003, three years after the notorious 2000 presidential election recount that took 37 days to be resolved by the U.S. supreme court.
Miriam Oliphant, the first black person to be elected to the post, served from January 2001 to November 2003, when [Florida governor Jeb]Bush suspended her for "grave neglect, mismanagement and incompetence" during the 2002 Democratic gubernatorial primary. She threatened to sue Bush but never did.
In 2018 alone, Snipes, originally from Talladega, Alabama, has had quite a year. A judge ruled in May that she violated state and federal laws by destroying ballots from a 2016 congressional race 10 months earlier than federal elections law requires.
The elections office was required to maintain all ballots in federal elections for 22 months, but Snipes ordered the destruction of those ballots after only 12 months. She claimed negligence, calling it a "mistake," and blamed it on her staff, who she said "have the responsibility of giving me information that's correct." In August, the office was admonished for illegally opening mail-in ballots, which Republicans are claiming as evidence of bias.
Those aren't the only instances of mishaps under Snipes' leadership. There have been consistent problems with long lines, missing ballot referendums, and voter counts since Snipes took the helm in 2003.
Under her watch, a medical marijuana referendum was left off a small number of ballots mailed out to voters, 1,000 uncounted ballots were discovered a week after the election in 2012, and roughly 58,000 mail-in ballots were not delivered to voters in 2004. In the 2016 primary, her office posted election results 30 minutes before polls closed.
Snipes currently faces a lawsuit from Florida Gov. Rick Scott that claims she violated public records laws by not providing the public regular updates about the voting tallies as the recounts continue. Florida state law requires that her office must provide regular tally updates every 45 minutes. Snipes has failed to give those regular updates, arguing that she is doing all she can to make sure that all votes are counted.
It looks like Snipes' days in office could well be numbered: she faces potential suspension or removal from office at the hands of [departing Florida governor] Scott or [Florida governor-elect] Ron DeSantis, the Republican candidate who remains favorite to become governor.
The incoming Florida state Senate President Bill Galvano has already said that if Snipes is suspended, he will have the body investigate and prepare to remove Snipes from office.
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I don't care what Hannity makes up. He has no credibility. The GOP wind machine making accusations so far hasn't translated to criminal charges that I know of. That's how good your evidence is, lol You're ridiculous, M E M. Hannity is a commentator, but he has journalists and legal professionals on his show that cite the facts. Hannity doesn't "make up" stuff, he comments on the facts. And ofen exposes where the liberal media DID make up the facts. I was watching CNN's 12 noon show yesterday, and while Fox was talking about the unresolved election, CNN was selectively ignoring it, and obsessing endlessly in unconfirmed rumors about John Kelly, Kirstjen Nielssen and Wilbur Ross allegedly leaving. Which in Kelly's case they've been obsessing over for 2 years. Where are the "facts" in that reporting. I'm increasingly disgusted with CNN and MSNBC because so much of what they "report" is just opinion bashing Trump, or unconfirmed rumors likewise discussed to make Trump look bad, based on absolutely no facts. When I watch Hannity or any other Fox program, I see actual facts and statistics, and even hear liberal counter-perspective, that 10 or 20% of the time I agree with. I miss Alan Colmes and Kirsten Powers. Other liberals I respect on Fox are pulitzer-winning former New York Times writer Judith Miller, and Marie Harf. Another story the liberal media is completely ignoring or at best distorting is the "caravans" of illegals headed for our border up through Mexico, many of whom are criminals and gang members, who have violently broken down gates and beaten up Mexican police who gotin their way, and 60 to 80% of the girls in these groups are sexually abused. This is an army of invaders, marching under foreign flags toward our border, but CNN and the other liberal media act like anyone is just "Mean" or "racist" for not wanting to let these people in, and selectively don't cover the crimes of these people in their home countries, or more committed on their way here. You tell me, between Fox and CNN, which is the "made up" news? I understand why you like Hannity but he lost credibility a long time ago. When Trump met Putin for example, Hannity spun it like the good old propagandist that he is. And you posted about the great commentary. The thing is our President in front of the world chose Putin's word over our intelligence agencies. Hannity was trying to spin it as a really great meeting but it wasn't flying for enough republicans. Trump the next day claimed he used a wrong word. Hannity is for the crowd that "knows" the other side is evil. Life is to short for garbage like that imho.
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You're such a partisan liar, M E M. Trump at the time made an inartful choice of words, but ultimately said Putin sounded sincere in his denials. Trump didn't say he believed Putin over his own intelligence, as you and the liberal 92% anti-Trump media projected way beyond what Trump actually said.
As I pointed out, George W. Bush said similar things, such as he looked into Putin's eyes and saw someone he could trust and deal with. And in the case of lying cultural marxist America-destroying Obama, in a videotaped conference with Medvedev when Obama thought no one was listening, said "This is my last election, I can be much more flexible after the election." MEDEVEV [Eagerly!]: "I will transmit this information to Vladimir!"
There is nothing Trump said that comes ANYWHERE NEAR that level of deceit, treason and Putin-hugging than that.
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It makes me laugh that the "Surrender America" party of the Democrats can accuse Trump or anyone else of "collusion" or treason.
Since at least the Pentagon Papers, since the V V A W era of John Kerry throwing his medals over the fence and accusing U.S. soldiers of atrocities and war crimes, since Michael Moore and others calling the beheaders of the Iraqi resistance (led by imported Al Qaida leadership) "freedom fighters", since Senator Dick Durbin (D-MI) comparing U.S. soldiers in Iraq to Nazi storm troopers, since House Democrats in the years of George W. Bush trying to de-fund U.S. troops in Iraq, to force them to withdraw from Iraq.... THESE are the Democrats accusing Donald Trump and his administration of "collusion" or treason?!? Really?
"Collusion"? "Back channel negotiations" ?
That's not even getting into Obama telling Medvedev on a live mike that he "can be much more flexible after the election" (i.e., after he has deceived the American voters regarding his true anti-American goals and treasonous policy). MEDVEDEV: "I will transmit this information to Vladimir." Well done, Comrade Obama.
And without getting into Obama's utterly flaccid response to Russia's aggression in Crimea, Russia's ongoing invasion of eastern Ukraine, or Russia's aggression and support of genocide in Syria, including their firing on U.S. allies in there like the Kurds.
Or Obama's treasonous back-channel negotiations with Iran, that will enable Iran to get nuclear weapons within 10 years, and ICBM missiles to carry them as well. That never should have been negotiated, and when the infuriating Iran deal was announced, and THE EXACT SAME DAY was met by chants by a large crowd of "Death to America" with the Ayatollah at the podium, responding "Yes, death to America. Of course." Obama should have shredded that agreement the same day. Instead Obama gave them a generous reward for terrorism, while providing the weapons of destruction to kill us to a government with a ravenous bloodlust to use those weapons on us.
All in addition to the aforementioned 4 different DOCUMENTED and prosecutable kinds of treason that Hillary Clinton and her staff have engaged in, much of it involving Russia.
It is infuriating that the Democrats (with full assistance of the liberal media) can bombard Trump's administration day after day with wild speculation based on absolutely no evidence, and yet simultaneously ignore the Himalayan mountains of treason on the Democrat side, without the slightest shame or integrity.
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You're such a partisan liar, M E M. Trump at the time made an inartful choice of words, but ultimately said Putin sounded sincere in his denials. Trump didn't say he believed Putin over his own intelligence, as you and the liberal 92% anti-Trump media projected way beyond what Trump actually said.
The exact quote, "My people came to me, Dan Coats came to me and some others, they said they think it's Russia. I have President Putin; he just said it's not Russia. I will say this: I don't see any reason why it would be." That wasn't the only disturbing thing he said either but ithis was the most disturbing. Afterwards he went on Hannity and they both thought he did a wonderful job. Later on when Trump started taking heavy criticism from his own party he alleged that he meant to use a different word. I don't really believe that given the context of what else he said next to Putin but my point was Hannity was being a cheerleader prior to Trump's claim that it was a gaffe. That is just a more recent example why I don't have time for Hannity. It's fine if you like what he says but I don't have time for those types from either side.
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It's still tea-leaf-reading, M E M. Trump said that Putin strongly denied that Russia was responsible, not that he believed him, not that he believed Putin over his own intelligence agencies.
And Obama's remarks to Medvedev that "This is my last election, I can be much more flexible after the election" is much more clearly treasonous, and deceitful to the American people. Again an example of the Democrat way: say anything to voters to get elected, and then once you've fooled them, pursue a secret and opposite agenda once elected.
- from Do Racists have lower IQ's...
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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We know who Putin preferred WB.
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Because Hillary attacked him and posed a greater chance of war with Russia.
I think Putin is regretting now that Trump was elected, because Trump is pushing back much harder at Russia (and China, and North Korea, and Iran, and Al Qaida, and ISIS) than Hillary EVER would.
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Of course you think that. You also thought that meeting with Putin went well.
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I didn't think the meeting went perfectly, it could have gone better. But I think Trump was more successful than the media portrayed it. On that trip, Trump got European allies to pay their fair share of NATO, and exposed Gerhard Schroeder as a lobbyist for Russian oil and gas, enriching himself while treasonously undermining Germany's national security, making his country dependent on Russian oil.
The liberal media selectively ignored this and portrayed Trump as a buffoon. Just as Trump's entire presidency has been far more successful than liberal media propaganda portrays. There is absolutely no doubt the media are aligned against Trump, just as they were against W. Bush. Just as they were against Mitt Romney, John McCain, Bob Dole, Dan Quayle, Bush Sr Gerald Ford and Richard Nixon, all before they did aything wrong.
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So my point in bringing it up was just to cite an example of why Hannity isn't worth my time. The "media" didn't portray Trump as a buffoon, that was there for everyone to see. Hannity was trying to spin it as something that went really well. The reality is there were enough conservatives who put country before party that were not willing to go with the partisan spin that the meeting went wonderfully and the media was conspiring to once again make Trump look bad. Even if you want to believe Trump misspoke, Hannity was giving Trump an A+ before he came out later saying he meant to say something completely the opposite of what he said.
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There are plenty of buffonish gaffes by Obama, Hillary, Bill Clinton, Biden and other Democrats that the media selectively omits coverage of. The media exaggerates Trump's gaffes, and buries and hides his achievements.
Even in the example of Trump in Germany and with Putin that you cite as an example of Trump's being "exposed as a buffoon" I pointed out that the media merely portrayed it that way, as if one clumsy sentence was the sum total of what occurred there. I corrected the record, that Trump accomplished a great deal that the liberal Newspeak media will never give him credit for.
Hannity and Rush Limbaugh are actually equal time, in their montages of Demcorat gaffes that you would never see on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS or PBS. Many times I've posted articles here of things that were reported in British media that were not reported in the U.S. [liberal] media. Although BBC, The Guardian, and so forth are likewise liberal media. Not Democrat, perhaps, but certainly anti-American, particularly on the Iraq war and other U.S. military issues.
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Hannity was fine with what Trump said before he claimed he made a gaffe though. You can bitch all you want that the media isn't serving as a propaganda arm for Trump but at least they have some journalistic codes of behavior. I watch Wallace's show on Fox for example and while it's slanted for Trump even they have their standards. I missed today's show but it sounds like Wallace took a firm stance with the President and his whole the media is the enemy of the people garbage. Watching him gush over Putin and hearing Hannity call it wonderful, solid pass for me WB.
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The liberal media (at least 80% of the media, and measured as high as 92% anti-Trump in a recent Harvard study) have been caught almost weekly purposely getting the story wrong and having to announce retractions, and even fire producers and reporters for their bias, in their eagerness to slander Trump under the guise of objective "news".
I think Mike Wallace on Sunday hit Trump with some pretty hard-hitting questions. I don't think you can honestly portray that as "Trump-biased". You can pull up the Fox News Sunday program for yesterday (11-18-2018) it was half the hour, and the panel's commentary wasn't what I'd call a Hallelujah/Amen chorus for Trump either. And Trump's comments were overtures toward diplomacy with Putin, not "gushing" or saying he believes everything Putin says. No different from W. Bush saying he looked into his soul, or Obama/Hillary haanding the Russians a re-set button. At least in Trump's case he didn't give away the farm, such as giving away defense missiles protecting Poland and Czech Republic in secret deals with the Russians, without even telling the Czech and Polish governments he did this. Or Obama's failed "line in the sand" in Syria. Or Obama's bowing to the Saudi king. Or Obama's freeing the "board of directors" of Al Qaida in exchange for piece of shit Bo Bergdahl. Or giving the Iranians billions in cash so they can use it to sponsor terrorism, AND also a deal that would have allowed the Iranians to get nukes in 10 years, with the missiles to reach Europe and the U.S. Not to mention the invasion Crimea, and of Eastern Ukraine, the explosion of ISIS across Iraq's borders and 40 other nations, in the face of which Obama just let it haappen and gasve no pushback. Trump reverse these all in his first year!
Trump's nice-sounding words of diplomacy, promising hostile governments nothing. Vs. Obama's open treason, betraying our national security, and betraying ally nations. Neither Trump or Republicans like myself have nothing to apologize for. Your side on the other hand...
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Back on point:
Andrew Gillum finally conceded a second time to Ron Desantis as Florida governor on Friday (while still implying the election was illegitimate/racist because he didn't win).
Stacey Abrams finally conceded to Brian Kemp as Georgia governor (while still implying the election was illegitimate/racist because she didn't win).
Bill Nelson finally conceded to Rick Scott as the new Florida Senator (after trying every dirty trick in the book, implying votes were not counted, and even trying to enter inadmissible votes by illegal immigrants in his attempt to win. )
In all cases, Democrats burn legitimacy and public trust in the system down on their way out, as a way to stoke their base. After themselves trying every dirty trick in the book to win these elections by fraudulent means and highly incendiary race demagoguery. Then they have the audacity to allege their Republican opposition are the ones who are deceitful and rigging the system!
Icing on the cake, Brenda Snipes resigned today as Broward County supervisor of elections, effective January 2nd. Abrams, Gillum, and Nelson need look no further than Snipes to see illegitimate manipulation of voter ballotss.. Which they all are perfectly okay with, because she was rigging it in favor of their team. Another classic Democrat trait, use every vile deceit possible, then accuse your Republican opposition of being deceitful.
- from Do Racists have lower IQ's...
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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The liberal media (at least 80% of the media, and measured as high as 92% anti-Trump in a recent Harvard study) have been caught almost weekly purposely getting the story wrong and having to announce retractions, and even fire producers and reporters for their bias, in their eagerness to slander Trump under the guise of objective "news".
I think Mike Wallace on Sunday hit Trump with some pretty hard-hitting questions. I don't think you can honestly portray that as "Trump-biased". You can pull up the Fox News Sunday program for yesterday (11-18-2018) it was half the hour, and the panel's commentary wasn't what I'd call a Hallelujah/Amen chorus for Trump either. And Trump's comments were overtures toward diplomacy with Putin, not "gushing" or saying he believes everything Putin says. No different from W. Bush saying he looked into his soul, or Obama/Hillary haanding the Russians a re-set button. At least in Trump's case he didn't give away the farm, such as giving away defense missiles protecting Poland and Czech Republic in secret deals with the Russians, without even telling the Czech and Polish governments he did this. Or Obama's failed "line in the sand" in Syria. Or Obama's bowing to the Saudi king. Or Obama's freeing the "board of directors" of Al Qaida in exchange for piece of shit Bo Bergdahl. Or giving the Iranians billions in cash so they can use it to sponsor terrorism, AND also a deal that would have allowed the Iranians to get nukes in 10 years, with the missiles to reach Europe and the U.S. Not to mention the invasion Crimea, and of Eastern Ukraine, the explosion of ISIS across Iraq's borders and 40 other nations, in the face of which Obama just let it haappen and gasve no pushback. Trump reverse these all in his first year!
Trump's nice-sounding words of diplomacy, promising hostile governments nothing. Vs. Obama's open treason, betraying our national security, and betraying ally nations. Neither Trump or Republicans like myself have nothing to apologize for. Your side on the other hand...
Don't worry WB, I wouldn't expect anything but absolute loyalty to Trump from you. Spin for a truly shitty President while spewing endless accusations for everybody else.. And yes I differentiate Mike Wallace's bias from Hannity's propaganda.
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One last Republican victory. The Mississippi runoff senate election last night again went against the liberal narrative of being a close race (despite CNN and other liberal media's best effort to smear Republican Cindy Hyde-Smith, attempting to racialize a non-racial remark. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Senate_special_election_in_Mississippi,_2018Against the liberal narrative, and of CNN and other liberal networks acting as an extension of the DNC press office, Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith won handily, roughly 54% to 46%. And her bomb-throwing Democrat rival I'm especially pleased to see hurled into the dumpster of history, as he was another black demagogue (like Florida governor candidate Andrew Gillum, like Georgia governor candidate Stacy Abrams, like evil SOB, woman-beater and black muslim pal of Louis Farrakhan, Rep. Keith Ellison). With Barack Obama, he was elected in 2008, it was his non-threatening moderate image he was elected on, as a "post racial president" whose election would prove the nation had moved beyond racism and racial politics. Elected even by a majority of white voters for this reason. High hopes destroyed when the Saul Alinsky-trained demagogue instead governed as a radical, and with frequent racially divisive (Alinsky tactics) rhetoric, that actually splintered and racially divided America rather than healing it. I'm so glad that the worst of these demagogues who would gone on to be the next generation of Obama-type race baiters, were all defeated. I hope that mad-dogs like Kamala Harris, and Maxine Waters (who supplied a lot of the racial kerosine that stoked the Rodney King verdict L.A riots in 1992, testimony to how insane the voters in her district are) receive similar treatment in future elections. Unfortunately, the Democrats have plenty more leftist maniacs warming up for Nov 2020. The Bolshevik party they have become have not learned their lesson.
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It's a pretty red state and the reporting I saw still kept the republican favored to win. She said some dumb things. That's not the media's fault.
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That seems to be a recurring Democrat talking point when the Democrat loses, to say that the Republican won by a smaller margin. Which of course ignores the damage of exceptionally vicious Democrat lying propaganda, and the unprecedented additional millions Democrats have poured into these campaign races to attempt to unseat these Republicans, such as Beto O'Rourke's $100 million war chest (the most expensive in Senate campaign history!) to defeat Ted Cruz. And Cruz still won. In many cases, despite Republicans being outspent, being carpet-bombed with negative ads, despite corrupt elections supervisors, and despite race cards being whipped out of nowhere every whichway, the Republican still won! Shades of Donald Trump in 2016. I'm not even sure I can agree that Cindy Hyde-Smith said anything wrong. I forget the exact remark, but speakign of a supporter, she said something to the effect that "I'd even go with you to a hanging!" The inteneded meaning being, a hanging is a very undesireable event to go to, but I like you so much, I'd even go with you there. Any racial context has to be read into it. What Bill and Hillary Clinton said about "preserving our southern heritage", and Hillary's close association and praise for former KKK member Senator Robert Byrd. And Bill Clinton starting his career as the protege of a Democrat racist governor. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/245914-the-clintons-and-race-a-timelineIn light of all that not even getting any coverage from the liberal media, nit-picking and selective outrage about an anbiguous at best remark by Cindy Hyde-Smith seems rather vindictive and petty. It reminds me of balck race-baiter Andrew Gillum straining to pull the race card on now-governor Ron Desantis (R-FL), where Ron Desantis simply said the economy in Florida has been going well for 10 years of pro-growth Republican rule under Jeb Bush and then Rick Scott, and that "I don't think we want to monkey around with that." Which Gillum portrayed as a veiled racist remark of Gillum being black and a monkey. I can't even beieve black voters would buy that reach, on a very common non-racial phrase. Likewise Cindy Hyde-Smith, it was an interpretation in both cases that neither Hyde-Smith or Desantis could in advance have ever imagined possible.
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Also, debunking Stacey Abrams' race-baiting in the Georgia governor's race, it turns out that Georgia election turnout was 57% on Nov 2018, up 7% over the previous 50% in the previous election, and that black voter turnout was actually up 10% in the Nov 2018 election! https://dailycaller.com/2018/11/20/brian-kemp-stacey-abrams-voter-suppression/
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Do you really see Mississippi or Texas for that matter as something other than a red state? That would be like me trying to make California not blue. I do see some states becoming more competitive though for one or the other party.
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Do you really see Mississippi or Texas for that matter as something other than a red state? That would be like me trying to make California not blue. I do see some states becoming more competitive though for one or the other party. What's your point? Trump seized several previously reliable-Democrat states. Democrats have won (or lost at a higher ratio) traditionally Republican states. So what? It's a wash, and it cuts both ways. Regardless, the Democrats are infuriatingly corrupt, and it's scary how people who vote Democrat can openly endorse that level of undeniable corruption: - IRS weaponization/Lois Lerner.
- Weaponization of the DOJ and FBI against Trump, and to sabotage investigation of Bill and Hillary
- blatant treason in the "Russia Dossier" for which the Hillary campaign paid $2 million, and got disinformation on Trump directly from Russian officials.
- the Clinton Foundation's pay-to-play selling of State Department access in exchange for hundreds of millions in foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation.
- rigging the DNC primary for Hillary Clinton, and against Bernie Sanders, for which Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and Donna Brazile were both forced to resign.
- the Hillary Clinton campaign immediately hired Debbie Wasserma-Schultz after, and Wasserman-Schultz, despite being unquestionably guilty, and unethica, was immediately re-elected as a U.S. Representative for her Florida district.
Seriously, what does it take for you fucking morons to withdraw your support?!?
- from Do Racists have lower IQ's...
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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And even worse, you corrupt people would still vote again for Hillary Clinton over Trump, despite everything that has been exposed in the last 2 years.
How corrupt are you?
That was rhetorical. You are shamelessly and very corrupt, obviously. The Bolshevik party.
- from Do Racists have lower IQ's...
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Do you really see Mississippi or Texas for that matter as something other than a red state? That would be like me trying to make California not blue. I do see some states becoming more competitive though for one or the other party. What's your point? Trump seized several previously reliable-Democrat states. Democrats have won (or lost at a higher ratio) traditionally Republican states. So what? It's a wash, and it cuts both ways. .... Well my point is that some states like California or Mississippi do more than lean one way. The GOP winning something in Mississippi really isn't a big triumph like a democrat winning in California. I'm also not paying much attention to your hysterical partisan rants WB, it's just not worth the time
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It is verifiably true, your side is incredibly corrupt. The names Bill and Hillary Clinton, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Donna Brazile, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, the Clinton Foundation, James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page,are all synonymous with deceit and lawless abuse of power. The entire Mueller investigation (11 of the 16 lawyers being large Democrat donors and party loyalists), on and on, are incredibly corrupt. That is just a fact. And everyone knows that the only thing keeping them out of jail is their corrupt friends in high places.
If you were a sane person and not a liberal partisan, it would terrify you that these people weaponize the IRS to audit their enemies, and use FBI, DOJ and the FISA court to illegally obtain warrants to spy on and frame Trump officials, and shake them down with the threat of essentialy life sentences for crimes they didn't commit, destroying innocent people's lives just to get their political opposition by any lawless abuse of power they can deceitfully pull off.
And you endorse this lawlessness. Whatever deceit or criminal act allows them to gain power. The Bolshevik party.
- from Do Racists have lower IQ's...
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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In Wisconsin, we're talking about a Democrat attorney general who abused his power to stage a midnight raid on Scott Walker's campaign manager, then seized his campaign computer files and printed documents and handed them over to Walker's Democrat political opposition, to help the Dems win the election. Then this evil SOB attorney general put a gag order on Walker's campaign manager, so that he couldn't even publicly discuss or protest this abuse of power. Do the Democrats in Wisconssin need to have their power reigned in? Oh, fuck yeah!
- from Do Racists have lower IQ's...
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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I don't think the people who voted in larger numbers for a change would agree. Hope they remember this in 2020 and clean out the rest.
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I don't think the people who voted in larger numbers for a change would agree. Hope they remember this in 2020 and clean out the rest. You mean the change they voted for when they expanded Trump's Senate majority from 51 senators to 53 senators? In sharp contrast to how most presidents lose seats? Your notion that they voted "in larger numbers for change" doesn't gel with that. Despite the Democrat Bolsheviks corruptly trying to rig elections nationwide, some of them successfully. For example in California, every single closely contested district magically found the votes to turn Democrat. Every single one. And attempted in Florida and Georgia.
- from Do Racists have lower IQ's...
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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More of the people in Wisconsin voted for democrats though so what does that have to do with the senate? What the GOP is doing in WI is undemocratic any way you want to try to spin it. The GOP lost but instead of trying to compete for votes it's changing the rules to insulate it from the will of the people.
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