Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Since it appears the Russia/Trump thing isn't going away probably past time for a thread dedicated to it. The latest news is that Trump tried to influence a FBI investigation. How do we feel about that?

Roughly a year later, it has been revealed that:

1) Rosenstein wrote a report that called for James Comey to be fired to restore public and internal confidence in the FBI. Trump fired Comey on Rosenstein's recommendation not out of any corruption, or for Trump to hide any dealings he had with the Russians.

2) Comey leaked confidential FBI information through a college professor friend that set up the circumstances to call for a special investigation. And Deep State brethren Rosenstein (again at the center) was the one who appointed Meuller as special investigator. Who appointed 9 attorneys who were all huge donors to the DNC, Obama and Hillary, and therefore clearly not neutral investigators.

3) Andrew McCabe (and wife whose campaign was funded $700,000 by Terry MacAuliffe, a Hillary operative), Bruce Ohr (whose wife worked for Fusion GPS and gave McCabe Russian information from Fusion GPS), the 9 lawyers on the Meuller commission, including Jeannie Rhee who previously worked for the Clinton Foundation suppressing/obstructing FOIA requests for Clinton Foundation donation records. Top FBI investigators Peter Strzok and Lisa Page who exchanged messages about how much they loathe Trump, how much Trump needed to be stopped, and how they needed to put in place an "insurance plan" and "secret society" to either prevent Trump from being elected, or make sure Trump was crippled politically and thus prevented from acting as president. Loretta Lynch who met Bill Clinton on an airplane secretly, days before Loretta Lynch exonerated Hillary of criminal charges. Comey usurped his authority to similarly exonerate Hillary, something he had no authority as FBI director to do. Comey and other FBI officials also gave amnesty to Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, in exchange for nothing. AND authorized the destruction of evidence that would have convicted them and Hillary.
>>>ALL<<<< of these manifest corruption at the highest level, and what amounts to a "Deep State" political coup to remove president Trump, by whatever corrupt means available. ALL these DOJ and FBI should have recused themselves for their lack of impartiality, ALL should face criminal charges for not doing so, and at the very least be removed from their jobs.

3) The FISA request that began this whole "Russian collusion" false narrative was based entirely on a "Russia dossier" that was known by Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe and other higher-ups at the DOJ and FBI to be fraudulent and unreliable, AND YET THEY PUSHED IT ANYWAY on a FISA judge for a surveillance request, to do illegal surveillance on Carter Page, General Flynn and others in the Trump campaign. And post election, STILL did FISA surveillance on the incoming Trump administration.
It was done as opposition research to share confidential Trump campaign information with the Hillary campaign, and to manufacture a fake case against Trump officials. In Flynn's case, to threaten his son with imprisonment, and despite that there was no Russia collusion on his part or Trump's, to manufacture perjury charges against Flynn to leverage Flynn to support the false narrative of "Russian collusion" on Trump's part. TO THIS DAY, A YEAR LATER, THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO PROOF THAT TRUMP OR HIS CAMPAIGN/INCOMING ADMINISTRATION DID ANYTHING WRONG.
But ironically, there is clear proof that Hillary Clinton, the Obama administration, and FBI/DOJ officials >>>>DID<<<< collude with the Russians through Christopher Steele/FusionGPS/an insulating law firm/the Hillary Clinton campaign. In nothing less than a coup of slander, based entirely on Steele's "Russia dossier". Which Deep State officials in DOJ and FBI falsely represented as legitimate, and falsely represented as verified by an independent 2nd source. THAT last one alone should throw out all the FISA surveillance as "fruit of the poisonous tree", and result in charges for the FBI and DOJ officials who pushed it for malicious prosecution based on false evidence.

How do "we" feel about THAT ?

Almost another year later, with Jeff Sessions resigning as Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein is still assistant A G, despite that he drafted some of the illegal FISA warrants used to illegally spy on Trump officials. Rosenstein is both supervisor of the Meuller probe, a witness to what occurred leading up to it, and an unindicted defendant for his part in knowingly falsifying the FISA request to do surveillance on Trump officials, with "Russia Dossier" information he knew at the time to be unreliable, and to be directly funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign.

And by the way, all this hysteria to investigate Trump for allegedly scheming with the Russians is being investigated on complete specualtion, not a shred of evidence.
While siimultaneously there are mountains of evidence that Hillary Clinton and her campaign ACTUALLY DID both get information directly from Russian officials, and PAID the Russians for the information in her "Russia Dossier".
And the FBI and DOJ officials (Comey and Rosenstein) likewise knew where that information came from and fraudulently used Russia-provided information to submit their FISA warrants. Yet none of that is being investigated or indicted.

What really scares me is that knowing all this, a majority of Democrats would still elect Hillary Clinton, and try to sweep all this under a rug. But still, despite no evidence, believe the demonstrably false conspiracy theory that Trump collaborated with the Russians to rig the 2016 election.
Just incredible.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.