I guess we look at people from the other party differently WB.
I look at the Democrat leadership as the deceitful cultural marxist demagogue liars that they are. Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack and Michelle Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Joseph Biden, Kirsten Gillibrans, Cory Booker, Kamalah Harris, Keith Ellison, Dick Durbin on down. And in the last election Kyrsten Sinema, Claire McCaskill, Andrew Gillum, Tracey Abrams, Phil Bredeson, Bill Nelson, all exposed as liars and demagogues who will say absolutely anything, splinter the nation, just to win an election, or when losing, poison the well for the next election out of pure spite. Or more likely, Alinsky tactics. But either way, dividing the nation.
And then they have the audacity to demogogue Trump as the divider. Trump, who's actually trying to negotiate actual solutions that have been stalemated for decades! The same way they demagogued Reagan, Bush Sr, George W., McCain and Romney before him. The last two about as moderate and non-polarizing as any Democrat could ask for from the opposing party. But demonized as "right wing" anyway. Whereas your Democrat party has turned far-left and radicalized, and adopted the scorched-earth tactics of the Bolsheviks.
I wish I could say that grassroots Democrats can't be swept in the same radical category. But that they know all the incredible abuses of power by Hillary Clinton (using FBI, DOJ and fraudelently obtained FISA warrants to spy on, offer bait, frame and shake down the Trump administration) and they would still select Hillary as president, and would eagerly allow their party to lynch Trump by whatever unlawful means, they are lawless human cattle who endanger our Democracy. It absolutely terrifies me these maniacs could EVER regain power, and yet inevitably at some point they will.
I'd hoped that the current Democrat leadership would suffer a humiliating across-the-board defeat on Nov 6th, that would make the Democrats abandon the maniacs, but they actually achieved a partial narrow victory mixed with some narrow losses, that if anything has emboldened them going into 2020. And I fear what damage they can do, when the cattle that vote Democrat have no regard for their party leadership's abuses of the law and federal power, and give them a rubber stamp to do whatever they want.
We've already seen the weaponization of the IRS in 2010-2013 with no punishment or consequences, which emboldened them to weaponize the DOJ and FBI and FISA court in 2016. Emboldened by this further abuse and getting away with it, I wouldn't be surprised if Republicans were forbidden to work and put in concentration camps if your party won. Your party has abandoned any semblance of law, and what terrifies me is that not one Democrat I've spoken to has said this is the train to crazytown and this is where I get off. They're all aboard.