Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
Hey, you can't talk about God's Chosen President™ that way! Save that slanderous nonsense for the COMMUNIST MUSLIM CULTURAL MARXIST MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE GLOBALIST AND WORST OF ALL NONWHITE BARACK OBAMA!!!

That's too mean and slanderous to be funny.
I never made an issue of Obama's race. And if I and other Republicans did have a problem with Obama's race, we wouldn't be so enthusiastic about black Republicans like Herman Cain, Dr Ben Carson, former Rep. Allen West (who I voted for twice in my local district), and South Carolina Senator Tim Scott (who is, by the way the only black Senator, there are no Democrat black senators).

The problem with Barack Obama is not his skin color, it is his Cultural Marxism, anti-colonialism, Liberation Theology and insurrectionist hatred of the United States, and the same poisonous ideology in those who surround him, that is very well documented in his own writings, speeches, and actions, as well as those of his inner circle and administration. Likewise Bill and Hillary Clinton, and the inner circle surrounding them, and in their own self-incriminating words. Any one of whom you can easily look up.
That is just a fact.

I (and other Republicans you slander) don't have more disdain for the Obamas than for the Clintons or other Marxist radicals. It is the same contempt for all of them.

It is their ideology and goals, not their skin color, that is offensive.